The Application on the Basis of Finnish Higher Education Studies is aimed at those who have completed higher education studies in Finland. Studies are taken into account regardless of whether they have been completed as open studies or in education leading to a degree, or whether the right to study is valid or has expired.
Application for studies starting in the spring term 2025
Application period: begins on 1st of November 2024 at 8:00 am, ending date depends on the degree programme. All times refer to the local time in Finland.
Application instructions: published at
Degree programmes: please find below preliminary information on the English-language degree programmes offered in the application process in question (note: the list of the degree programmes may change until the beginning of the application period)
Bachelor's degrees
European Business Administration
International Business and Logistics
Master's degrees
You can find application instructions for degree programmes in Finnish by changing the language of the site to Finnish and choosing Haku Metropolian avoimen AMK:n opintojen perusteella.
Important additional instructions for the application process
When you have been selected as a student
Other applying possibilities
More information
More information on the application process
For more information on the application process please contact Metropolia's Student and Admission Services.
More information concerning the entrance examination and studies
In questions regarding the content of the entrance examination or studies, please contact the representative of the degree programme in question. Degree programme representatives and their contact details can be found on Metropolia's web site in connection with the degree programme descriptions: