Open University of Applied Sciences

The Open University of Applied Sciences offers a possibility to study something new and inspiring, enhance your professional know-how in working life and apply to a degree program via Open UAS path studies.

Welcome as a student in Metropolia's Open University of Applied Sciences!

Open UAS Courses

Learn more! Choose a course or more from the supply of culture, business, technology or social and health care.

Diplomas of Higher Education and study modules

Deepen or update your skills to meet the needs of working life!

Open UAS Path studies

Find your own path to a bachelor's or master’s degree student!

Open UAS NonStop studies

Study flexibly according to your own schedule in the Open UAS online studies of Information and Communication Technology.

Finnish language studies

Develop your Finnish language skills! Choose the studies that suit you from our wide selection.

For Ukrainian refugees

Metropolia offers courses, study modules and path studies of the Open UAS free of charge for people fleeing from Ukraine.

For Alumni

Open UAS offers all studies free of charge for four semester after graduation for alumni.

Guidance for planning your career and studies

Would you like to discuss career opportunities or possibilities for developing your skills with a career coach? Book a free personal career guidance appointment in our booking system. In case you cannot find a suitable slot right now, we are opening new slots every week on Monday.

Read more about the career guidance at Metropolia Open University of Applied Sciences and find out, how this service can be useful to you.

Important before enrollment

Before enrollment, please familiarize yourself carefully with subjects below.

Foreign student note!

Depending on citizenship, foreign students (i.e. students without citizenship of Finland) may need a visa or a residence permit for Open UAS Studies in Finland. Admission of the permit can however be difficult for Open UAS studies as the studies do not lead to a degree. For further information, please visit the website of the International House Helsinki.

Metropolia does not provide foreign students any certificates about Open UAS studies for the application of visa/residence permit.

The studies in Open UAS often contain contact lessons and require attendance in Metropolia UAS (Helsinki, Finland). Studies also require sufficient study and language skills.

Degree students of Metropolia UAS cannot study in Metropolia Open UAS.


Metropolia's Open UAS range of studies can be found and enrolled in an enrollment system. Please also read instructions below for using the system.

Enroll to Open UAS studies in enrollment system.

The students are usually selected in the order of enrollment. In addition, some paths may have a qualifying selection procedure.

Metropolia's degree students can not participate in Metropolia’s open UAS studies.

Application for a Degree Student

The Application on the Basis of Metropolia’s Open UAS Studies is aimed at those who have completed open UAS studies (path studies or individual courses) at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences.

Check the application instructions for the Application on the Basis of Metropolia's Open UAS Studies

Check out the curricula for degree programmes in the study guide.

3UAS studies

3UAS studies are organized in co-operation with Haaga Helia, Laurea and Metropolia UAS. 3AMK offer free-of-charge studies from which some are also available for open uas students. Enrollment is open for following courses in 3UAS website:

3AMK logo

Contact Information

avoinamk [at] (avoinamk[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
tel. +358 40 712 5100

Please see customer service opening times on student services website.

You can also book an appointment in student & admission services online reservation portal .

Questions related to the performance of studies can be addressed to the course teacher. Questions related to the path studies and study modules can be addressed to the person stated in the information of the studies.