
Everyone who has a higher education degree from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (or the previous institutions Evtek and Stadia) is a Metropolia alumni and a part of the over 60 000 alumni of our university community. They form a broad group of experts from different fields. As a representatives of the working life they are important stakeholders.

Get to know Metropolia’s alumni activities and let’s stay in touch

The goals of the alumni activities are to improve the success of the graduated alumni in the working life and also utilize their experiences and knowledge in the education and research. We want to support your career, help you improve your knowledge and co-operate with you also after you have graduated.

Through our alumni activities you can for example: take part in different events, expand your professional network, improve your own knowledge, stay up to date on Metropolia’s development, share your own know-how, recruit experts and have an impact on the development of the education.

On this page you can explore our alumni activities and services.

By updating your information on our alumni register, you make sure you get the alumni newsletter and stay up to date on Metropolia’s news, lifelong learning and events.

You can also stay connected to your university community and friends by joining our Metropolia LinkedIn alumni community. Come join us!

You are also very welcome to come talk to our students, act as mentor and take part in the education’s development advisory board. We gladly post stories about our alumni. If you are interested in sharing your own story, please contact us via email alumni [at] (alumni[at]metropolia[dot]fi).


Building career and networks – alumni event brought together the international professionals from five UAS’


The first Build Your Network, Build Your Career alumni event, organized collaboratively by universities of applied sciences in the Helsinki metropolitan area, gathered about 120 international alumni to network and gain career insights 7th November at the Helsinki City Hall. The event, hosted jointly by Arcada, Diakonia University of Applied Sciences, Haaga-Helia, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, and Metropolia, aimed to support international graduates in their employment, career planning, and networking. Organized in partnership with the City of Helsinki, the event brought together graduates from English-language degree programs to hear inspiring speakers and learn about various employment and career development services. The alumni participating from Metropolia represented social services and health care sectors.

After the speeches, the alumni were able to tour the pop-up points, which offered tips and support for career planning. The Build Your Network, Build Your Career alumni event was organised for the first time, but there seems to be demand for the event among alumni. Among alumni, the event was positively received.

Read more on Metropolia's website at this link

More information: alumni [at] (alumni[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Designer Jesse Ukkonen is Metropolia's Alum of the Year 2024

Jesse Ukkonen has been selected as Metropolia University of Applied Sciences’ Alum of the Year 2024 at the MetGO event at the Myyrmäki campus. Jesse graduated from Metropolia's Digital Design degree programme in 2017. Read more about Jesse's story.

The other distinguished finalists are Amin Hassan, Heidi Lihr and Meri Pekkanen.


More information: alumni [at] (alumni[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

The working life situation of Metropolia graduates 2019 is excellent

The 2024 career monitoring survey was held 10th October - 10th November 2024. More than three thousand of our alumni were contacted who graduated from their bachelor's and master's degrees in 2019. Thanks to everyone who answered!

The purpose of the annual survey is to find out the labor market situation of graduates from universities of applied sciences and their satisfaction with the completed degree. The survey is an excellent opportunity for Metropolia's alumni to influence the development of education and to give feedback on employment, career paths and the skills needed at work.

According to the survey, the employment situation of those who graduated with Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Metropolia in 2019 is excellent: five years after graduation, 92% of all Metropolia graduates were employed and 89% were very or fairly satisfied with the degree they completed and 89% were satisfied with their work career so far.

Higher education institutions use current working life information obtained from the career monitoring survey in the planning and development of education. Based on the career tracking questionnaire, working life information is also offered to those in the application phase, students and graduates for planning their own studies and career. Some of the questions are used as a measure of qualitative employment at universities of applied sciences in the funding model of universities of applied sciences.

Read more about the results of previous career monitoring surveys in the Education Administration's statistical service Vipunen.


Seminar - The national career tracking survey 19th March 2025


The national career tracking survey of universities of applied sciences is carried out annually for those who have graduated with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree five years earlier. The survey provides valuable information about the progression of alumni's careers and the skills needs in the working life. In the seminar, speeches will be heard, e.g. about what kind of competence the respondents consider important, and how the competence needs of working life can be anticipated. The survey results, the experts’ speeches and the alumni career stories help us to develop education so that it better meets the current and future demands of working life.


Sign up by March 15, 2025.

Read more on Metropolia's web site at this link

The answers of the Career Tracking survey have been analyzed from different perspectives in previous years as well. The results of the studies for the years 2019–2024 can be found here.
More information

Welcome to the Alumni Café 11th December 2024

Alumni Café banner

This autumn, Metropolia organises a monthly Alumni Café for alumni and students, where interesting topics are heard. The next Alumni Café will be organized by the School of Smart and Clean Solutions in cooperation with the School of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering 11th December 2024 at 9-10 am online.

The topic is Recycling - what and how households recycle and how recycling can affect not only the reuse of materials but also energy production and its self-sufficiency.

The speaker is Chili Laurila, Metropolia alumna and expert in energy and environmental technology.

Welcome to join us!

Join the event at this link

Read more about Alumni Café at this link
You can also read text articles published about Alumni Cafés here.

The alumni concert evening was held on 5.11.2024

Metropolia Big Band banner

Metropolia organized a concert event for its alumni on 5.11.2024 at the Arabia Campus.

We spent the evening together and enjoyed good food, after which we moved on to listen to Metropolia Big Band's Henry Mancini 100 years concert, where alumni were welcome.

We were delighted with the excellent music and meeting the alumni!

Are you looking for a professional?

Find a skilled professional with the help of JobTeaser

A teacher and a student discussing.

Find a skilled and motivated student for an internship, for a longer employment or to conduct a thesis. You can offer a student a subject for their thesis or utilize their know-how to improve your business with a cooperation project.

JobTeaser Portal can be used in job searching, career planning and student recruitment. Announce your open internship, job position or thesis offers through our JobTeaser recruitment portal!

Explore the recruitment opportunities and JobTeaser!

Services for the companies and individuals

A teacher and four students discussing.

We offer a wide range of services to individuals as well as companies and communities. Some of the services are provided as student work, some as expert services.

Explore the services.

Incubator Turbiini - Metropolia’s campus incubator

Three students discussing in Myllypuro campus cafeteria.

Turbiini is the Metropolia’s campus incubator. Turbiini offers mentoring, events, workspace and early stages incubator program for the students and alumni of the Metropolia.
Explore Turbiini.

The working life cooperation agreement

Three people walking on the campus corridor.

The aim of the cooperation agreement is to deepen and diversify the cooperation between a company and Metropolia and to make the operations goal-directed, easy and systematic:

  • cooperation with the students
  • shared Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities
  • solutions of lifelong learning for the company personnel
  • to make the cooperation visible

    Explore the cooperation agreements.

Open UAS study benefit for alumni

Alumni of Metropolia (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences higher education degree graduates) have the opportunity to study for free at Metropolia Open UAS for four semesters after graduating. Free studies must be completed within four full semesters. The free studies applies to all open studies during the validity of alumni benefit.

Enrollment takes place in the Open UAS enrollment system . If the studies are fee-based, when confirming your enrollment, you need to select "Order invoice" as the payment method.

After confirming your enrollment, please contact us by e-mail avoinamk [at] (avoinamk[at]metropolia[dot]fi), regardless of whether you have enrolled in fee-based or free studies. The e-mail must state that you are a Metropolia alum and which studies you are enrolled in.

Participation opportunities

To develop the education and research, the alumni bring their experience from the working life. The alumni can act as a guest speakers and mentors to share their knowledge and contacts for the students of the field

Sharing your knowledge

Teacher writing on the flip chart, students listening.

To develop the education and the research, the alumni bring their experience from the working life. The alumni can act as a guest speakers and mentors to share their knowledge and contacts for the students of the field.

As a mentor you spar with a student and learn simultaneously yourself.

Make a difference

Four people discussing on Myllypuro campus.

As a alumni you can lead peer groups and organize alumni events. Through the schools’ advisory boards and different alumni groups, you can take part in the development of the education, working life services and alumni activities.

You can also donate funds for an alumni scholarship for a gifted student, research or other possible functions. Read more about how you can make a donation.

Innovation projects

Group of students working together.

You can propose a subject for the multidisciplinary Minno innovation projects, suggest a collaboration project or take part in the innovation projects.

Read more about our Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) activities.

If you are interested in collaboration, please contact us via email alumni [at] (alumni[at]metropolia[dot]fi).


Two people looking at cell phone on the Helsinki railway station.

If you live and work abroad, you can share your experiences and be a local contact person for the other alumni and students. You can also host events and lead your own group. You can recruit international professionals abroad too.

Develop your skills

The future of working is lifelong learning. Metropolia offers many different continuing studies to support your career development. You can apply for a Master’s degree and take part in the continuing studies.

Guidance for planning your studies for successful working life

If you would like to discuss career opportunities or possibilities for developing your skills with a career coach, read more about our career guidance service and book a free personal career guidance appointment. The appointment will be held online and takes only 30 minutes of your time — a small but significant investment in your professional future!

Fadumo Ali

Healthcare entrepreneur Fadumo Ali is Metropolia's Alumna of the Year 2023

On the initiative of Metropolia's alumni team, the Alum of the Year has been selected by the management group based on suggestions made by the staff and the Board of Student Union. The Alum of the Year was announced on 12th October at the Alumni gala organized at the Myllypuro campus.

Alum of the Year was chosen at Metropolia for the first time this year from among four top candidates. The winning candidates were ABB Oy, Local Division Manager Kimmo Kalaja, Yleisradio Oy journalist, presenter and media expert Rosa Kettumäki, and Mummodisko ry founding member and chairman of the board Joni Tammisalo.

Read more about the Alumna of the Year (in Finnish).

Why Metropolia? Watch Metropolia Alumni interview videos! (The videos are in Finnish)

Emma Kimiläinen, racing car driver

Jepa Lambert, soul singer (Song of My Life)

Joni Tammisalo, Grannydisco ry

Kimmo Kalaja, ABB Ltd, Local Division Manager

Contact us

alumni [at] (alumni[at]metropolia[dot]fi) or

Nella Hiltunen
Specialist, Alumni Relations

Learning Networks and Services
+358 50 566 3108
nella.hiltunen [at] (nella[dot]hiltunen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)