Collaborate with us

Metropolia is an interdisciplinary and innovative higher education institution and thus a suitable partner for companies and other actors in solving a wide range of challenges. We have experts from the fields of culture, business, social and health care as well as technology. Collaboration with us often leads to new innovations that are piloted together.

For companies and organisations

Metropolia offers a wide range of services for businesses and organisations.

Services for businesses and organisations

We offer expert services, research, development and innovation services, as well as company-specific training and coaching and specialist services in various fields. Campus facilities are also available for rent.

Global Education Services

Metropolia's Global Education Services is your reliable partner in education export and international trade. We operate internationally in education export mainly in the following fields of study: Business, Culture, Health Care and Social Services, and Technology.

Donation to arts, research and higher education learning

You can give your time, skills and other support for our common future. Join us and let's do good together.

For international partners

Metropolia UAS is a member of more than 20 international networks and organisations. Metropolia is also the main coordinator of the European U!REKA university alliance, which consists of 30 partners.

International networks

Metropolia is a member of more than 20 international networks and organisations that monitor European and international developments in various fields. A comprehensive network of partner universities is constantly living and evolving.

U!REKA European university alliance

Metropolia is the main coordinator of the U!REKA alliance of 30 partners. U!REKA aims to meet the EU's Climate Neutral and Smart Cities objective.

For national partners

Metropolia is the lead university in several socially significant cooperation projects. We also work together with Haaga-Helia and Laurea in 3AMK, which aims to integrate and employ international students in the metropolitan area. Metropolia's Talent Boost activities include career services for international talents, integrating Finnish into teaching and increasing business cooperation.

Socially responsible Metropolia

Metropolia is the lead university in several socially significant cooperation projects.


3AMK is a strategic alliance of Metropolia, Haaga-Helia and Laurea. The strategic objective of the alliance for the 2025-2028 contract period is to support the integration and employment of international students in the metropolitan area.

Talent boost programme

The aim of the National Talent Boost Programme is to promote Finland's attractiveness in the study and labour market for international talent. Metropolia's Talent Boost activities include career services for highly qualified international talents, integration of the Finnish language into teaching and increasing business cooperation. Metropolia offers SIMHE services to identify immigrants' skills and to guide them to appropriate education and career paths. This will be developed in close cooperation with the national and regional Talent Boost network.