What is it like to study Industrial Management?
What is Industrial Management
Industrial Management Master's degree program is a 1-year program that allows to study alongside a full-time job. The average student in the program is a 30-40+ years old engineer or team leader, who wants to make a career leap from engineering toward management positions.
Our graduates gain a degree of a 'Master of Engineering' in Industrial Management (level 7 of EQF, European Qualification Framework, corresponding to diplomi-insinööri).
Industrial Management Master's degree program started in 2006 as a forerunner of Metropolia's Master's level education. The program has been developed in collaboration with leading industrial companies and is updated annually. You can choose between specialization Management of Industrial Services or Data Driven Business.
Our warm welcome to join a wide network of peers studying Industrial Management - from the leading industrial companies such as Kone, Outotec, Konecranes, Metso, Valmet, Schneider Electric, GE, ABB, Ericsson, Telia, Elisa, Enfo, and many others, including public organizations and peers representing various SMEs.
How you will study
The courses are conducted via contact teaching, self-study, team work, class discussions, business simulations, workshops and seminars. The studies are integrated into real-life business projects that allow you to study part-time while working.
At the very heart of your studies will be the Master’s Thesis, a business development project conducted in a grounded evidence based manner, typically addressing a real-life business challenge of your employer organization.
Our agile learning mode offers you support whilst you are on the move:
- Interactive lectures, expert workshops & class discussions
- Face-to-face consultancy with experienced faculty members, and opportunity for individual advice, development and help
- Multichannel learning with a variety of modes, with course materials available online
- No examinations, instead practical assignments and discussion leader sessions
- Active peer community of learners.
You will be instructed by experienced staff and experts from both business and academia. See below who your instructors will be.
Please note that teaching is mainly contact teaching on campus.
Studies are offered at the Metropolia Karamalmi campus in Espoo.
Content of Industrial Management Master's Program
The degree consists of Professional Studies (30 ECTS credits) and Master’s thesis project (30 ECTS credits). Studies consist of lectures, hands-on working with selected tools, workshops, assignments, and projects as well as independent studying.
The program is divided into two fields of specialization which is the students freely choose from: Management of Industrial Services, and Data Driven Business.
Common professional studies lay the foundation on which the specialization is built on.
Choosing a field of specialization
The program is divided into two fields of specialization: Management of Industrial Services and Data Driven Business. Students can freely choose between specializations. A field of specialization is started only if enough students choose the option.
Management of Industrial Services
In today’s business environment services are not limited only to pure service organizations, instead all types of organizations must be able to create a sustainable competitive advantage in order succeed in its business. If the customers’ internal value creating processes are understood a company can develop a total integrated offering which serves their customers’ value creating processes and suits to the competitive situation of most companies today. Companies may still be considering a step to a service focus in their business or they already have an offering comprising services, and in both cases, there is a need for competent developers, who can take the initiative to create new services or develop existing ones further.
Data Driven Business
The amount of data is sky-rocketing but the number individuals, who can interpret the data is growing at a much lower pace. The companies should base their decision making on data instead of a hunch or feeling. Today’s businesses call for professionals who can combine financial data, process data and data external to the company in the development of the competitive advantages. Especially, being able to capture skills in modern analysis methods and tools makes a difference.
Structure of studies
The degree consists of Professional Studies (30 ECTS credits) completed in the autumn and spring semester. The autumn semester is dedicated for Professional Studies and the spring semester is reserved for the Master´s thesis (30 ECTS credits). Support from student’s employer and integration with her/his work contributes to the learning experience.
Student has the right to complete the studies in accordance with the curriculum for the degree in question and with the approved personal study plan. Metropolia organizes the Master's degree studies and study guidance in such a way that the student can aim to complete the studies in one academic year. However, normally students achieve their degree in 1,5 years since the students are responsible for acquiring the partner organization for their thesis development work themselves.
Professional Studies (30 ECTS)
Common professional studies for all students: 15 ECTS
- Strategy, Management and Leadership
- Performance Management
- Business Process Development
Specialisation studies: 10 ECTS
Management of Industrial Services
- Customer Oriented Service Business
- Supply Chain Management
Data Driven Business
- Business Data Analysis and Visualization
- Supporting Business Processes with ERP Systems (SAP)
Elective Studies: select 5 ECTS
- Technical Sales
- Working in International Contexts
- From other specialisation
- …
Final project
The student concentrates on working individually and carries out a Master’s thesis project (30 ECTS). The project deepens his/her knowledge of his/her professional expertise. The student learns to utilize applied research methods, evaluate his/her own expertise and complements those fields of expertise in an appropriate manner.
During carrying out the Master’s thesis project the student applies the data search methods relevant to his/her own field of study, adapts previously acquired information with new information and applies to solve a real-world business problem. He/she will learn to perceive details when part of a larger context.
Career opportunities
After graduating with a Master of Engineering Degree in Information Technology, you may work in advanced specialist tasks in international engineering surroundings of ICT and medical technology industries.
The program gives a broad view on latest developments in ICT and medical technology fields and gives competences to various advanced specialist tasks such as:
- Project Manager
- Product Manager
- Sales Manager, Export Manager
- Business Development Manager
- Head of Unit
Our intercultural program is conducted in English to allow improvement of your communication skills. The students of the program come from various countries and it offers a great opportunity to network with people with different backgrounds.
Instructors and frequent contributors
Dr. Thomas Rohweder, Principal Lecturer, instructs in Strategic Management, Leadership, and International Operations.
Doctorate from Aalto University of Economics, Department of Management and International Business.
Dr. Rohweder has accumulated roughly 30 years of experience in the Finnish paper making industry, most of which he has acted in various general managerial positions, e.g. heading business divisions, daughter companies, profit units. During his career he has lived as an expatriate in the United States and the Netherlands.
His core competences are strategic planning, management systems and people leadership, in a global business context.
Complementary to his university role, Dr. Rohweder is an active senior management coach.
Dr. James Collins, Senior lecturer, instructs in ‘International operations’ and R&D skills.
Dr. Collins spent over 20 years in the shipping industry - as mariner and in ship operations, a shipbroker and coal trader, and a marine insurance underwriter - before taking up academic research and teaching. His doctoral studies examined leadership in the UK public sector. In addition to research skills & methods, his teaching and research interests are broadly captured by the topic of ‘people in organizations’.
Scholarships and tuition fees
The tuition fees concern students who are not citizens of EU/EEA countries. Students pay annual tuition fees based on their study right. The payment obligation concerns all the academic terms during which a student is registered as attending.
Annual tuition fee
- 11 000 € for those, whose right of study starts before 1 August 2024
- 11 500 € for those, whose right of study starts after 31 July 2024.
This fee applies only to non-EU/EEA degree students.
Ask Head of Degree Programme about the content of studies
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You will receive information 1–3 times a year about our Master's degree programmes, application schedules, and studying with us.
- Application period-Start of studiesautumn 2025
- Technology
Instructions for applying
In the spring 2025 Joint Application to higher education, you can apply to degree programmes that start in the autumn of 2025. The application period starts on the 8 January 2025 at 8 am and ends on the 22 January 2025 at 3 pm (local time in Finland).
All the information needed to apply can be found on the national portal. At you can find descriptions of degree programmes, application criteria, application instructions, application forms and much more.
Application fee
From January 2025 onwards there is going to be an application fee of 100 euros. The application fee is collected for applicants from countries outside EU/EEA seeking education leading to a degree in higher education. The Finnish National Agency of Education will collect the application fee in connection with filling in the Studyinfo application form. The application fees are introduced for applications starting 1 January 2025 and onwards, when applying for degree programmes beginning on or after 1 August 2025. There is no application fee for Finnish or EU citizens.
More about application fee in
Questions about application fees? Contact applicationfee [at] (applicationfee[at]oph[dot]fi)The application fee does not guarantee that you will be offered admission to studies.
The pre-assignment consists of two parts (A and B) and is evaluated on a pass/fail scale. Note that both A and B parts of the assignment are mandatory and missing any of them will result fail for the pre-assignment. Note also that the pre-assignment needs to be written in English.
- The students selected to the degree programme need to have both academic knowledge and work experience in the field of ICT, automation, electronics or electrical engineering or other field of engineering. Please add your CV to the assignment, including both your educational and professional background. The information given to the electrical online application is used only to verify that the applicant meets the general eligibility requirements. If you have done any studies after your Bachelor studies, please include that information into your CV.
Studying in the Master’s programme requires that the student is capable of participating in the classes (applies only to Networking and Services study path) and doing independent homework. It is not mandatory to participate in all classes, but high participation is expected. Therefore, high motivation and support from the employer are essential for the applicant. Write an essay on yourself including:
- why you want to study in the Master’s degree programme
- your motivation and capability (e.g. English language skills) to take part in the programme
The length of the essay should be roughly one A4.
All eligible applicants, who have successfully completed both parts of the preliminary assignment, are invited to the entrance examination which takes place 14th April 2025 at 17.00. The venue is Metropolia campus in Myyrmäki (Leiritie 1, 01600 Vantaa Finland). The entrance examination is evaluated on a scale 0-100 points, lowest acceptable score 50 points. Student selections are made based on the results of the entrance examination.
Note: There is no need to do any preparations for the entrance exam. Just follow the instructions sent to you by email. The emails are sent to applicants once the eligibility requirements and pre-assignments have been checked, latest in week 14.
In order to be considered for the student selection, you must fill in the joint application form at during the application period 8 January - 22 January 2025. The pre-assignment must be submitted as an attachment to the electronic joint application form during the application period, by 22 January 2025 3:00 p.m. the latest (local time in Finland).
File formats according to the assignment.Pre-assignments for spring 2025 Joint Application 1 will be published by the beginning of the application period.
In order to be considered for student selection, you must pass the degree programme's own entrance examination as described in Entrance exam invitations are sent approximately one week before the entrance exam by email to the email address provided by the applicant on the application form.
- Application period-Start of studiesspring 2025Apply now!
- Technology
The Application on the Basis of Finnish Higher Education Studies is aimed at those who have completed higher education studies in Finland. Studies are taken into account regardless of whether they have been completed as open studies or in education leading to a degree, or whether the right to study is valid or has expired.
Application period: 1 November 2024 8:00 am - 30 April 2025, all times refer to local time in Finland
Application instructions: published at
This pre-assignment applies to the following application procedure:
- Application on the Basis of Finnish Higher Education Studies
Pre-assignment instructions
The pre-assignment consists of two parts (A and B) and each part is worth 50 points max. Note that both A and B parts of the assignment are mandatory and missing any of them will result 0 points for the pre-assignment. Note also that the pre-assignment needs to be written in English.
Part A:
The students selected to the degree programme need to have both academic knowledge and work experience in the field of ICT, automation, electronics or electrical engineering or other field of engineering. Please add your CV to the assignment, including both your educational and professional background. The information given to the electrical online application is used only to verify that the applicant meets the general eligibility requirements. If you have done any studies after your Bachelor studies, please include that information into your CV.
Studying in the Master’s programme requires that the student is capable of participating in the classes physically and doing independent homework. It is not mandatory to participate in all classes, but high participation is expected. Therefore, high motivation and support from the employer are essential for the applicant. Write an essay on yourself including:
- why you want to study in the Master’s degree programme
- your motivation and capability (e.g. English language skills) to take part in the programme
The length of the essay should be roughly one A4. Please place it at the beginning of your CV with a headline “Preliminary Assignment A”.
Part B:
In the B part you will need to develop a R&D plan for your future (real or imaginary) project. The project must be planned in such a way that: a) it is done for a real/partner organization; b) it is realistic and doable for 1 person to do over 1 year along his/her full-time work; c) it is an R&D project with the focus on organizational development in the areas related to the IM Programme that you, yourself, could be able to do. You can use e.g. your current or previous employer as the basis for your exercise.
Applicant is strongly reminded that the application process aims to evaluate the applicant’s qualifications, not the qualifications of ChatGPT or other large language model or alternative methods that provide information about the applicant’s abilities to use such tools but provide only weak indication of the applicants relevant skills for the election process. Please note, that if any part of the work is found to be created by previously mentioned methods the application will be rejected.
Upload your pre-assignment to your online application at Studyinfo as instructed in the application instructions for that application period.
Note that if you are selected to the program, you may change your Master’s thesis topic, the topic introduced here is by no means binding.
The pre-assignment must be attached to the application form at the time of submitting the application.
- Application period-Start of studiesspring 2025Apply now!
- Technology
The Application on the Basis of Metropolia’s Open UAS Studies is aimed at those who have completed open UAS studies at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Studies are considered to be Metropolia's if they are entered in the Metropolia's study register, and open studies if they have not been completed with the right to study for the degree-leading education.
Application period: 1 November 2024 at 8:00 am - 30 April 2025, all times refer to local time in Finland
Application instructions: published at
- Application period-Start of studiesautumn 2025Apply now!
- Technology
The Separate Application for International Degree Programmes is aimed at those applying on the basis of GMAT/GRE test, SAT test, the Edunation Pathway Diploma or a top-up degree for an education leading to a higher education degree in English. Application period for studies starting in autumn 2025 starts on 31 December 2024 08:00 am (local time in Finland).
Application instructions have been published on Check the individual selection methods for each degree programme in .
Useful links
More information
For more information on the application process please contact
Metropolia's Student and Admission Services:
+358 40 712 5100
admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Starting studies
How to start your studies in Metropolia
Welcome to study for a degree at Metropolia!
Congratulations! You have been admitted to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and we are delighted to have you as a new member of our vibrant community of more than 16 000 students!
You have made an excellent choice - Metropolia offers you unique multidisciplinary opportunities throughout your studies with its strong connections to working life and active role in innovations built around socially significant phenomena.
We are happy to have you with us and help you with any questions you might have. Welcome to Metropolia!
The below information applies to students who have been accepted to study for a full degree at Metropolia. Make sure to complete all the steps in order to secure your study place.
Confirming a place of study requires certain formalities to be completed by the deadline. More detailed instructions below:
Non-EU/EEA students need a student residence permit. You can begin the student residence permit application online at Remember that you must personally visit a Finnish embassy or consulate as part of this process. Start your residence permit process as soon as possible, carefully following the immigration authorities' instructions and regulations, so that you can receive your permit in good time before your studies begin! You can find detailed information and advice on the residence permit requirements and procedures on the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) website.
Note that participating online programmes does not entitle you receiving residence permit. See more about the topic in Finnish Immigration Service websites.
All Metropolia's students who do not have a Finnish personal identity code, have to apply for it before their arrival or register at the local registry office after their arrival to Finland to apply for one.
Students who have to apply for residence permit (i.e. non-EU/non-EEA citizens) before their arrival to Finland should ask to be registered in the Finnish Population Information System when they apply for their first residence permit. This way they will receive a Finnish personal identity code at the same time as they are issued with the permit. More information on this for residence permit applicants
Other students have to apply for the personal identity code from the local registry office of the city where you are living in.
More information on Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV).
More information on registration to the Finnish Population Information System
After you have received the personal identification code, remember to inform it to the Student and Admission Services.
Metropolia does not have housing services to offer. Thus, it is the student's responsibility to find an accommodation for the period of their studies. There is a lot of competition in affordable housing, so it is important to start searching for a room many months prior to arrival. More information on accommodation
All foreign students (who are not EU citizens or citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland) who come to Finland for the purposes of studying are required to have a health insurance, if the studies endure longer than three months.
More information on insurances
Student financial aid is for Finnish citizens. Foreign citizens are entitled to student financial aid if they live in Finland on a permanent basis for the purpose other than studying and they have registered as permanent residents in the Finnish population register system.
- Find out where your campus is located
- If you have a smart phone you can download the free HSL mobile app to get access to the public transportation Journey Planner and tickets (e.g. for travelling from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport to your apartment or from your apartment to the campus).
- If you have a smart phone you can download the Tuudo mobile app for free to get your digital student ID and student discounts (ID and discounts are available from the first day of the studies onwards)
- Information on student life and well-being, costs and finance, study environment etc.
When you start as a new student you need to activate your user account. Activation is possible when the right to study begins. For joint application, activation is possible from 1 August.
The purpose of the activation is that you personally accept the rules of the account usage policy and start using your account. Activate your user account primarily using Mobile Certificate and Netbank User ID. Please read first the instructions in IT Services wiki.
Tuudo is a mobile app with which you can use various Metropolia web services easily on your smart phone. With Tuudo you can get VR, HSL, Matkahuolto and Kela student discounts immediately. The benefits are free for all Metropolia students.
In Tuudo you can check Metropolia, Admission Services, and student union METKA announcements, your schedule, study attainments, and cafeteria menus.
Get Tuudo on your phone from the app store for free and start using it!
During your studies, your support of well-being and health is Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS). The specialist in student health care offers you general, mental and oral health services and supports the well-being of study communities.
Our services can be used by students completing a bachelor’s or master’s degree at a university or a university of applied sciences who have registered as attending for the semester.
Master the facts! Familiarize yourself with our services and user instructions on the address, and the Health information resource on the address You can also find information about appointments as well as current information about your service unit on the address
Start using Self! Self is the student’s own online service for health care issues at FSHS. In Self, you can manage appointment bookings, communicate via SelfChat and start a remote consultation. Log in to Self as a user immediately from the beginning of the semester and keep your contact details up to date for as long as you are a student. Read more:
The health care fee for students in higher education will be paid to Kela on your initiative (
If you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country or in Switzerland or the United Kingdom, you do not have to pay the healthcare fee. However, you can to use the FSHS’s services.
Already excited about starting your studies in Metropolia and meeting new people? On this page you will find welcome letters for each degree program.
Welcome letters are information packages prepared by your future tutors. They include, for example, important dates as well as information about studying, student benefits, or student life.
Create your own profile and sign up to JobTeaser portal now and stay up to date on job vacancies, training and upcoming recruitment events promoted especially to Metropolia students. There are hundreds of job opportunities available and a lot of information to support your career planning.
JobTeaser is a career portal where you can find lot of career information in one platform.
- Open jobs and traineeships
- Working life events
- Advice & guidance
- Employer profiles
Sign up and start exploring
Sign up to JobTeaser using your email address:
You can also download a Jobteaser application.
Starting Industrial Management Master's studies
Welcome to study to the Master's Degree Programme in Industrial Management!
First day programme
The opening day will take place on Thursday 5th September 2024 at 13:00 – 16:00 at Metropolia Karamalmi campus.
The studies will also start the same week.
It is highly recommended for all to come to hear introductions, tour buildings and facilities etc.
In order to be able to use Metropolia’s IT services (email, OMA…) you have to activate your Metropolia user account. Activating the account is also vital to get access to learning materials etc., and to make communication possible. See the user accounts instructions above and activate your user account beforehand.
The primary procedure of activation is based on a Finnish netbank user ID or Mobile Certificate. If you don’t have these, please contact Sami Sainio, sami.sainio [at] (sami[dot]sainio[at]metropolia[dot]fi).
The autumn term includes 6 courses (30 credits) and preparation for Master's Thesis
- You will study for 3,5 months
- Each Friday and Saturday 9-4 pm on Karamalmi Campus.
The spring term includes the work on your Master's Thesis (30 credits)
- You will study on 2-3 Fridays on Karamalmi Campus each month (for Research Clinics and Writing workshops)
- Final Seminar in April
- Graduation in May
Schedules: use group id T1524S6 in your search. Schedules for autumn will be published in May 2024.
If you are not familiar with financial aspects of business, it is recommended that you will review for example Accounts Demystified by Anthony Rice, or similar concerning financial accounting in advance.
If you have any questions related to admission the contact point is the Admission Services (admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)). After you are admitted the contact point for official matters is the Student Services (studentservices [at] (studentservices[at]metropolia[dot]fi)). Normally the degree programme / teachers can’t help in official matters. Please be careful with deadlines and all the instructions you get, in the summertime special arrangements are not likely to be done. Check the opening hours and contact information of Student and Admission Services.
Once again: Congratulations - Have a nice summer and looking forward to see you in September!
Head of Industrial Management Master's Programme
Sami Sainio
sami.sainio [at] (sami[dot]sainio[at]metropolia[dot]fi)