Social Services, Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor of Social Services
210 ECTS
3.5 years
Mode of studies
Tuition fees might apply


What is it like to study Social Services?

See our student Chrish's experience of studying Social Services in Metropolia.

Job opportunities and working as a Bachelor of Social Services

As a Bachelor of Social Services, you are qualified to work with various client groups. Provision of services and client work is seen through a social pedagogical framework. The work may consist of supporting clients in their home or community settings, co-ordination of services, or supportive guidance and assistance. You may work with people of all ages.

Job opportunities for Bachelor of Social Services:

  • Early childhood education and care
  • Child welfare
  • Family work
  • Guidance and education in youth work
  • Social counselling in schools
  • Work with adults
  • Community work
  • Work with the elderly
  • Work with people with disabilities
  • Work with people with substance abuse issues
  • Work with people with mental health issues
  • Preventive work against violence
  • Multicultural work and work among diverse people

Bachelor of Social Services have also the opportunity to work as self-employed professionals and service providers.

By choosing certain studies that are related to early childhood education, the student has a possibility to obtain a qualification to work as a Bachelor of Social Services in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care (Varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomi).

The Curriculum

The curriculum, based on a social pedagogical framework, focuses on empowering citizens, preventing marginalization, and promoting inclusion and social pluralism. Working as a Bachelor of Social Services requires multi-disciplinary education, collaborative skills, and an ability to examine and develop oneself and one's field.

As the student moves through the degree programme, they will take part in thematic learning processes such as: expanding knowledge of Social Pedagogy, collaboration with working life partners and investigative development within social services.

The curriculum of the degree programme is based on the following competences of the Bachelor of Social Services (Sosiaalialan AMK -verkosto 2023):

  1. Ethical competence in the social work field (Sosiaalialan eettinen osaaminen)
  2. Competences in social work with clients (Sosiaalialan asiakastyön osaaminen)
  3. Competences in social service systems (Sosiaalialan palvelujärjestelmäosaaminen)
  4. Critical and inclusive civic competences (Kriittinen ja osallisuutta edistävä yhteiskuntaosaaminen)
  5. Research, development and innovation skills (Tutkimuksellinen kehittämis- ja innovaatio-osaaminen)

See Social Services curriculum in Studyguide

Language of the studies and language awareness

Tuition is offered in English with opportunities to gain real-world Finnish as part of internships and theory courses. Finnish language will be built into the courses as the student progresses through the curriculum. Therefore, as part of the studies, graduates have a possibility to gain Finnish skills at least to a level B1 in the Finnish language in order to facilitate their employment in the Helsinki region.

Those who already master Finnish at a native level, will have the opportunity to develop their language mentoring skills.

To be employed in Finland into the social work field, professionals generally need to have a sufficiently good level of Finnish language skills.

Studying with us

The students are studying in a multicultural group. The learning methods may include individual learning, group work and project learning. As a student, one can participate in international activities in various ways at different stages of the studies.

Faculty members of the degree programme are pedagogically qualified teachers who have experience teaching in English with a language aware approach. The English tuition degree programme at Metropolia is one of the most skilled in Finland. The degree programme annually invites guest lecturers to enrich the programme. Teaching is mainly Campus-based, but to be able to study with us, one needs to have a working laptop and access to internet.

Teaching methods include for example:

  • lectures
  • discussions
  • group work
  • learning assignments
  • projects
  • workshops
  • e-learning
  • independent studies
  • internships

There are job placements or internships three to four times during the studies. Job placements are in various working environments in the field of social services.

Prior to any internships, it is the student's responsibility to obtain and prove a criminal record extract as a prerequisite for admission to the internship. In the beginning of the studies, students will be guided to apply their criminal record extract from Finnish authorities.

If one moves to study in Finland from other countries, one needs to obtain an authenticated criminal record extract from the authorities in one’s country of origin. This should be as up to date as possible, less than 6 months old at the beginning of the studies.

International Activities

As a student of the degree programme one will have many opportunities to join in international activities.

The degree programme is in partnership with a number of universities and institutions of higher education in many European countries, Africa, Asia and the USA. Activities include student and staff exchanges, international projects and intensive week programmes.

A majority of the degree programme students participate in some exchange programme and complete either the second or third placement in another country.

Scholarships and tuition fees

Annual tuition fee for non-EU/EEA applicants 11 000 €.

This fee applies only to non-EU/EEA degree students.

Read more on tuition fees and scholarships

Want to know more about the Bachelor of Social Services degree programme?


  • Application period
    1.5.2024 at 08:00 - 15.5.2024 at 15:00
    Start of studies
    Syksy 2024
    • Day-time studies

    The transfer application is aimed at all students enrolled in studies leading to a Finnish higher education degree and:

    • who wish to transfer their study rights from one Finnish higher education institution to Metropolia so that the degree title remains the same or changes

    • who wish to transfer their study rights within Metropolia from one degree programme to another, so that the degree title changes.

    Students transferring within Metropolia in such a way that the degree title remains the same, are not considered as "transfer students" and have their own separate application procedure available on Metropolia intranet (OMA). Please note that it is not possible to transfer from abroad.

    Students applying for a transfer should note that their maximum study period or the period for which they are entitled to receive student financial aid will not be extended due to the transfer. The maximum study period is calculated from the date on which the student accepted the study place in the previous higher education institution.

  • Application period
    1.5.2024 at 08:00 - 31.5.2024 at 15:00
    Start of studies
    syksy 2024
    • Day-time studies

    The Application on the Basis of Metropolia’s Open UAS Studies is aimed at those who have completed open UAS studies at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Studies are considered to be Metropolia's if they are entered in the Metropolia's study register, and open studies if they have not been completed with the right to study for the degree-leading education.

    Application period: 1 May 2024 at 8:00 am - 31 May 2024, all times refer to local time in Finland

    Application instructions: published at

  • Application period
    1.5.2024 at 08:00 - 15.5.2024 at 15:00
    • Day-time studies

    The Application on the Basis of Finnish Higher Education Studies is aimed at those who have completed higher education studies in Finland. Studies are taken into account regardless of whether they have been completed as open studies or in education leading to a degree, or whether the right to study is valid or has expired.

    Application period: 1 May 2024 8:00 am - 15 May 2024, all times refer to local time in Finland

    Application instructions: published at

More information

For more information on the application process please contact

Metropolia's Student and Admission Services:
+358 40 712 5100
admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Starting studies

How to start your studies in Metropolia

Welcome to study for a degree at Metropolia!

Congratulations! You have been admitted to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and we are delighted to have you as a new member of our vibrant community of more than 16 000 students!

You have made an excellent choice - Metropolia offers you unique multidisciplinary opportunities throughout your studies with its strong connections to working life and active role in innovations built around socially significant phenomena.

We are happy to have you with us and help you with any questions you might have. Welcome to Metropolia!

The below information applies to students who have been accepted to study for a full degree at Metropolia. Make sure to complete all the steps in order to secure your study place.

Greetings by Tutor Teachers and the Head of Degree 2024

New students in August 2024

Degree Programme in Social Services, group SXG24S1

Congratulations and welcome to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences!

The Semester will start on Thursday 22nd of August 2024 at 10.00 on Myllypuro campus (Myllypurontie 1, 00920 Helsinki), next to Myllypuro metro station. You will be studying in part of an international group, this will be great opportunity for all of us!

We encourage you to carefully read in advance the following instructions provided for students.

Getting prepared in practice:

  • While studying with us you need to have your own laptop with you from the first day on. Our IT teachers strongly recommend at least the following: Max 5 years old basic laptop with Windows 10 or Windows 11 operating system, or a max 5 years old Mac. Preferably, buy a computer with an operating system in English.

  • It is the student's responsibility to obtain and hand in a criminal record extract before the start of the Internship 1 in Spring 2025, as a prerequisite for admission to the internship. If you move to Finland from elsewhere to study, you must obtain the authenticated criminal record extract from the authorities in your country of origin. This should be as up to date as possible, less than 6 months old at the beginning of your studies. If you live in Finland, in the beginning of your studies you will be guided to apply criminal record extract from the Finnish authorities (Legal Register Centre).

Information on starting your studies:

  • Above this letter you will find detailed information about accepting the study place and understanding the process after that. Please read those instructions carefully.

  • From mid-May onwards, you can check the schedule of the autumn semester in Metropolia’s Schedule Machine (Lukkarikone): Your group ID is SXG24S1. Please note that the times are subject to change.

  • In August, before the start of your studies you will receive an email with arrival instructions, timetables for the first days, contact information to tutor teachers and other useful information. Your first course will be Orientation to Studies.

  • When you enter the campus for the first time, please bring along a card, such as a library card or gym card, which you can activate to serve as your access pass. All students need an access pass in order to move around on the campus. Due to information security reasons, please do not use a card with a chip (e.g. a bank or credit card).

  • On the first day, our tutor students will welcome you to the campus lobby to escort you to the right classroom. We look forward to seeing you in August!
  • We expect to see everyone present on the Campus in August. If there is a delay with your visa/arrival we will inform you about how to start your studies. The info will be given by e-mail, just before your studies start.
  • General instructions on starting your studies in Metropolia. Information about Myllypuro Campus.

If you are moving from abroad

  • It’s good to apply for a visa as soon as possible, should you need one. You will find further information in the links above.

  • It’s also useful to know that if you are not a citizen of EU or ETA countries, you will have to take the initiative to pay tuition fee before starting your studies (please note, an early bird fee applies to fast payments). You will find further information in the links above.

If you don’t know Finnish yet

If you don’t know Finnish yet, a special emphasis is laid on learning Finnish skills during your studies. You are going to need good Finnish skills, because all internships are conducted in Finnish working environments. The aim is that everyone graduating from the degree programme have had a chance to gain at least an intermediate level of Finnish, because this enables you to register as a Bachelor of Social Services and work in the social services field in Finland. Without Finnish skills it is challenging to find employment employed in Finland.

  • You can start familiarizing with Finnish language by taking for example an online course Superalkeet. The course will give you a taste of Finnish language and it can be studied at any point before August. Link to the course material:
  • You will need many kinds of Finnish phrases already in the beginning of your stay in Finland. Here you can find some useful phrases. Please start using them! Do not hesitate to try, it is good to learn to listen and to speak Finnish from the first day on. It will get easier every day!

On behalf of our team, a warm welcome!

Laura Holmi
Head of the Degree Programme, Senior Lecturer
laura.holmi [at] (laura[dot]holmi[at]metropolia[dot]fi)