Become an Expert in Digital Business Transformation
Business Informatics is a Master’s degree programme for business and engineering professionals who want to deepen their strategic and managerial skills via better use of business information systems.
The Programme equips participants to address the challenges of digitalization and digital transformation in business and work life. The student will become an analyzer and a competent user of business information for decision-making, business operations, and business development.
The student will apply his/her knowledge in business modelling, will learn how to collect, interpret and analyze data, and craft answers to business critical questions. The students will also learn how to apply business development methods to drive business growth and innovation.
Via either face-to-face or online studies, you choose
Our Programme has 2 concurrent study groups: online and face-to-face, and you can choose your mode of studies. Our students enjoy a multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary, tied-to-business environment and sharing expertise by the participants who are full-time working professionals.
Classes take various forms. The courses are implemented via both online and contact teaching, class discussions, team work, self-study, business simulations, workshops, and seminars. Students are instructed by staff and experts with business and academic experience.
Enjoy a Multi-Disciplinary Approach
The study group includes the students from two backgrounds studying together: from Business and Engineering. Business students will study toward a degree of Master of Business Administration (90 credits, for 2 years), while engineers will study toward a Master of Engineering degree (60 credits, for 1.5 year).
The difference is due to the length of eligible Bachelor degrees of the applicants which are 210 ECTS for business professionals and 240 ECTS for engineering professionals.
We take students with business and similar previous education to the Business stream; and engineering and technology previous education to the Engineering stream. Both streams study together, just make sure you apply correctly.
Master's degree programme in Business Informatics (Master of Business Administration) will help to deepen your business skills in close ties with your work life. Your studies currently include
- Advanced professional studies, 55 ECTS including:
- Business Strategy and Modelling, 15 ECTS
- Business Analysis and Development, 20 ECTS
- Business Growth and Innovation, 20 ECTS
- Elective studies, 5 ECTS
- Master’s Thesis, 30 ECTS.
Thus, the Programme has a strong emphasis on sharpening general management skills for managers of technology-driven companies for the Digital age.
Check the curriculum course description from Study Guide.
Graduate in Two Years, or Faster!
Master's degree programme in Business Informatics is organized to combine Master’s studies with a full-time job. Contact sessions are arranged every 2nd Friday (from 9.00 to 16.00) and occasionally on other evenings.
To become a Master of Business Administration, our students have the study right to study with us for 2 years. However, they can also graduate faster! All courses and the thesis can be done in 3 semesters (in 1,5 years). Our BI Curriculum allows for that. For fee-paying students, it will mean that, if they finish in 1,5 years, they will pay for this period only. In case they want to study longer, they will pay more.
Master's Degree Programme in Business Informatics will help to deepen your business skills in close ties with your work life. Your studies currently include:
- Advanced professional studies, 30 ECTS including:
- Business Strategy and Modelling, 15 ECTS (3 courses)
- Business Analysis and Development, 15 ECTS (2 courses from a set of choices)
- Master’s Thesis, 30 ECTS.
Thus, the Programme has a strong emphasis on improving general management skills for managers of technology-driven companies for the Digital age.
Read the curriculum and course description from Study Guide.
Graduate in 1,5 year - or faster!
Master's degree programme in Business Informatics is organized to combine Master’s studies with a full-time job. Contact sessions are arranged every 2nd Friday (from 9.00 to 16.00) and occasionally on other evenings.
To become a Master in Engineering, our students have the study rights to study with us for 1,5 years. However, they can also graduate faster! All courses and the thesis can be done in 2 semesters (in 1 year). Our BI Curriculum allows for that. For fee-paying students, it will mean that, if they finish in 1 year, they will pay for this period only. In case they want to study longer, they will pay more.
Gain a New Expertise via a Master’s Project
You will plan and implement a Master’s thesis (an R&D project for a real company), typically your own place of work. A Master’s Thesis will combine your innovative development work with academic research (30 ECTS).
Research focus for Master's theses (final projects) in this Programme typically concentrate on: digital transformation, business transformation; use of data analytics and business information systems for business purposes; doing and modelling businesses for the digital age; digitization and improvement of operations and internal organizational processes; digitization and improvement of customer experience, services and product designs, and channels; use of business intelligence and marketing research, and other related topics.
For completing a Master’s thesis, the students get support and guidance form the school in the form of
- a practical, easy-to-follow 7-GATE approach to doing a Master’s thesis
- starting from first weeks in the Programme, working in a guided Master’s thesis process
- individual support from instructors; instruction on the R&D methods and problem-solving skills for excelling in your project
- participants’ own education, motivation and hard work make the necessary element of success.
Scholarships and tuition fees
Annual tuition fee for non-EU/EEA applicants
- 11 000 € for those, whose right of study starts before 1 August 2024
- 11 500 € for those, whose right of study starts after 31 July 2024.
This fee applies only to non-EU/EEA degree students.
Student's and Alumni's experiences
Experiences of Business professionals
Experiences of Engineering professionals
Media about Master's studies
Master's degrees in applied sciences tied to higher income - Yle News 27.8.2019
For the time being, business studies are held at Metropolia's Myyrmäki campus, but it is likely that the reorganization of the premises, which will start in 2026, will lead to the possibility of moving the studies to the Myllypuro campus.
Ask Head of Degree Programme about the content of studies
Ask Study Coordinator about study plan or Master's level studies
Send your question to Nea Kivekäs mbsmasters [at] (mbsmasters[at]metropolia[dot]fi).
Master's programmes at Metropolia - Subscribe to our newsletter
You will receive information 1–3 times a year about our Master's degree programmes, application schedules, and studying with us.
- Application period-Start of studiesautumn 2025
- Business
- Technology
Instructions for applying
In the spring 2025 Joint Application to higher education, you can apply to degree programmes that start in the autumn of 2025. The application period starts on the 8 January 2025 at 8 am and ends on the 22 January 2025 at 3 pm (local time in Finland).
All the information needed to apply can be found on the national portal. At you can find descriptions of degree programmes, application criteria, application instructions, application forms and much more.
Application fee
From January 2025 onwards there is going to be an application fee of 100 euros. The application fee is collected for applicants from countries outside EU/EEA seeking education leading to a degree in higher education. The Finnish National Agency of Education will collect the application fee in connection with filling in the Studyinfo application form. The application fees are introduced for applications starting 1 January 2025 and onwards, when applying for degree programmes beginning on or after 1 August 2025. There is no application fee for Finnish or EU citizens.
More about application fee in
Questions about application fees? Contact applicationfee [at] (applicationfee[at]oph[dot]fi)The application fee does not guarantee that you will be offered admission to studies.
Pre-Assignment for Master's Degree in Business Informatics, Master of Engineering 2025
This Pre-Assignment consists of two parts (Part 1 and Part 2) worth a maximum of 100 points in total. In order to pass, a minimum of 60 points is required (minimum 30 points for Part 1 and minimum 30 points for Part 2). You must submit both parts and answer all the questions. In both parts, your assignment should relate to BI. Based on the results, best performing applicants will participate in the selection interview to the Programme. You need to have both previous knowledge and experience in the fields related to digitalization and/or business informatics in order to be selected to the Programme. The time to submit your Pre-assignment is between 8-22 January at 03:00 PM UTC+2 into your account. No late submissions will be considered.
The Master’s Degree Programme in Business Informatics consists of 60 ECTS. The Programme is full-time. The studies are organized in a way that enables the student to complete the Programme in 1 year (on average) while also working alongside the studies. The contact study days are held every second Friday 9-16 pm. It makes about 10-11 contact days every half a year. The rest are individual meetings with supervisors, self-study, working on course papers and assignments, and readings. When in class, the Programme relies on collaborative learning, participation in learning activities, and discussions. This mode of study requires the ability to effectively manage own schedules, contribute in group, and deliver course assignments on time. Next academic year starts on 22/29th August 2025.
In your Part 1, please discuss and deliver the following contents:
- Your CV. It should include both your educational and professional background. (The information given earlier in the online application is for the purposes of verifying that the applicant meets the general eligibility requirements.)
- Why are you interested in earning a Master of Engineerging Degree in Business Informatics? Explain what already connects you to and motivates in the selection of BI studies.
- What kind of competencies do you already have (any evidence/proof of these?) and which you want to develop; and how are you going to utilize this education in your career? Describe what strengths and capabilities you will bring to this co-learning environment.
- Think about your future studies and priorities in life (work, family, hobbies, rest time, etc). Reflect on your future study plans, especially if you aim to complete your studies faster than in 1,5 years. Here is a link to the curriculum:
(Answers to question 2 should take 1 page, and to questions 3 and 4 no more than another 1 page, i.e. altogether no more than 2 pages for Part 1, with 1,5 space, Arial 11). - In addition to the written report, create a short video (3-5 minutes) where you discuss your answers to the questions above live. Please do it in your own words, no reading from paper nor from screen is allowed. Create a simple video e.g. with a smartphone or laptop in which you speak and your face is shown clearly and voice heard clearly for the whole duration of the video. Select a quiet location, no other people should be there. Upload your video along with your written report. Acceptable file formats: mp4 (preferable), wmv, avi, flv or mov. If you video is too big, do it again with another app/tool. PART 1 is graded based on both written report and the video.
In Part 2, you will need to develop a R&D plan for your future (real or imaginary) project. The project must be planned in such a way that: a) it is done for a real partner organization which you have access to; b) it is realistic and doable for 1 person to do over 1 year along his/her full-time work; c) it is an R&D project with the stress on organizational development in the areas related to BI that you, yourself, could be able to do. The most convenient way to approach this task is to imagine that you plan for your Master’s thesis project. In this case, the partner organization is typically an employer/ internship/ collaborator company of the student. In the Master´s thesis, the student plans and implements an improvement/ development/ change project to benefit the partner organization. You can use e.g. your current or previous employer as the basis for this exercise. (Note that the topic proposed here is not binding, but it aims to showcase your best ability to plan an improvement/ development / change project to benefit your organization). Address the following points clearly:
- Description of the project context, problem & goal
- Describe your partner organization for your improvement/development/change project.
- Describe the related problem that would suit as a project topic.
- What would be the goal of this project?
- Who in the partner organization would decide on the implementation of such a project? Why would they be interested in supporting it?
- Discuss the suitability of this problem from: a) the partner organization’s perspective, b) your own perspective (to be completed in 1 year, by a student).
- Description of the project plan
Create a step-by-step plan for your project. Describe how you would investigate, develop, test and implement your proposed improvement/ development/ change solution in practice.
- articulate the problem (and its relevance to your organization) and the goal of your project
- point to the consequences of the identified problem to your organization
- tell what steps (in your opinion) have to be taken in order to solve the problem
- describe the practical outcome of your project (the improvement, or development, or change, or solution) for your organization
- suggest how to measure the success of your project and the success of your own work.
You may also think what kind of data and other evidence (interviews, data from systems, internal documents, etc.) you would need to gather in order to investigate/understand the problem? What kind of methods/tools would you need? How would you develop your solution to this problem? How do you plan to test, implement and evaluate it? (Answers to PART 2 should take no more than 3 pages, with 1,5 space, Arial 11).
How to write & upload your pre-assignment to your online application at
Both Parts 1 and 2 assess the applicant’s own ability to think and write analytically and relate to own work experience and the area of the Programme. Both Parts A and B also assess the applicant´s own ability to write clear, coherent English, necessary for assignments and thesis (e.g. do not write in bullet points, create a flow of text; address all tasks clearly; do not repeat the instruction questions in your text; do not use others’ ideas and sources in your work without proper referencing since all submitted pre-assignments will be subject to plagiarism and AI-detection control). The use of any artificial intelligence applications (such as ChatGPT or similar) is not allowed.
Upload your assignment to your application in within the deadline, on 8-22 January, 3 pm at 03:00 PM UTC+2. Please note the limitation of 1.0 GB per file there. You can have access to your account either via the link you received in the e-mail confirming the arrival of your application or, if you have a Finnish ID number, via My Studyinfo-service (use of the service requires authentication with a Finnish bank ID, mobile certificate or certificate card). We recommend to upload your assignment in advance to avoid any technical issues. Late submissions will not be considered.
Finally, since the BI Programme has both business and engineering students, make sure that you have applied correctly! Applicants with business background should apply to MBA, while engineers to MEng. Later, in some cases, internal transfers are possible for engineers to the business side. However, at the time of the application, we strongly recommend you to apply according to your previous education.
We look forward to your brave, creative, relevant Assignment and seeing you our student!
Kind regards, BI Programme business-informatics-masters [at] (business-informatics-masters[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Pre-Assignment for Master's Degree in Business Informatics, Master of Business Administration 2025
This Pre-Assignment consists of two parts (Part 1 and Part 2) worth a maximum of 100 points in total. In order to pass, a minimum of 60 points is required (minimum 30 points for Part 1 and minimum 30 points for Part 2). You must submit both parts and answer all the questions. In both parts, your assignment should relate to BI. Based on the results, best performing applicants will participate in the selection interview to the Programme. You need to have both previous knowledge and experience in the fields related to digitalization and/or business informatics in order to be selected to the Programme. The time to submit your Pre-assignment is between 8-22 January at 03:00 PM UTC+2 into your account. No late submissions will be considered.
The Master’s Degree Programme in Business Informatics consists of 90 ECTS. The Programme is full-time. The studies are organized in a way that enables the student to complete the Programme in 1,5 years (on average) while also working alongside the studies. The contact study days are held every second Friday 9-16 pm. It makes about 10-11 contact days every half a year. The rest are individual meetings with supervisors, self-study, working on course papers and assignments, and readings. When in class, the Programme relies on collaborative learning, participation in learning activities, and discussions. This mode of study requires the ability to effectively manage own schedules, contribute in group, and deliver course assignments on time. Next academic year starts on 22/29th August 2025.
In your Part 1, please discuss and deliver the following contents:
- Your CV. It should include both your educational and professional background. (The information given earlier in the online application is for the purposes of verifying that the applicant meets the general eligibility requirements.)
- Why are you interested in earning a Master of Business Administration Degree in Business Informatics? Explain what already connects you to and motivates in the selection of BI studies.
- What kind of competencies do you already have (any evidence/proof of these?) and which you want to develop; and how are you going to utilize this education in your career? Describe what strengths and capabilities you will bring to this co-learning environment.
- Think about your future studies and priorities in life (work, family, hobbies, rest time, etc). Reflect on your future study plans, especially if you aim to complete your studies faster than in 2 years. Here is a link to the curriculum:
(Answers to question 2 should take 1 page, and to questions 3 and 4 no more than another 1 page, i.e. altogether no more than 2 pages for Part 1, with 1,5 space, Arial 11). - In addition to the written report, create a short video (3-5 minutes) where you discuss your answers to the questions above live. Please do it in your own words, no reading from paper nor from screen is allowed. Create a simple video e.g. with a smartphone or laptop in which you speak and your face is shown clearly and voice heard clearly for the whole duration of the video. Select a quiet location, no other people should be there. Upload your video along with your written report. Acceptable file formats: mp4 (preferable), wmv, avi, flv or mov. If you video is too big, do it again with another app/tool. PART 1 is graded based on both the written report and video.
In Part 2, you will need to develop a R&D plan for your future (real or imaginary) project. The project must be planned in such a way that: a) it is done for a real partner organization which you have access to; b) it is realistic and doable for 1 person to do over 1 year along his/her full-time work; c) it is an R&D project with the stress on organizational development in the areas related to BI that you, yourself, could be able to do. The most convenient way to approach this task is to imagine that you plan for your Master’s thesis project. In this case, the partner organization is typically an employer/ internship/ collaborator company of the student. In the Master´s thesis, the student plans and implements an improvement/ development/ change project to benefit the partner organization. You can use e.g. your current or previous employer as the basis for this exercise. (Note that the topic proposed here is not binding, but it aims to showcase your best ability to plan an improvement/ development / change project to benefit your organization). Address the following points clearly:
- Description of the project context, problem & goal
- Describe your partner organization for your improvement/development/change project.
- Describe the related problem that would suit as a project topic.
- What would be the goal of this project?
- Who in the partner organization would decide on the implementation of such a project? Why would they be interested in supporting it?
- Discuss the suitability of this problem from: a) the partner organization’s perspective, b) your own perspective (to be completed in 1 year, by a student).
- Description of the project plan
Create a step-by-step plan for your project. Describe how you would investigate, develop, test and implement your proposed improvement/ development/ change solution in practice.
- articulate the problem (and its relevance to your organization) and the goal of your project
- point to the consequences of the identified problem to your organization
- tell what steps (in your opinion) have to be taken in order to solve the problem
- describe the practical outcome of your project (the improvement, or development, or change, or solution) for your organization
- suggest how to measure the success of your project and the success of your own work.
You may also think what kind of data and other evidence (interviews, data from systems, internal documents, etc.) you would need to gather in order to investigate/understand the problem? What kind of methods/tools would you need? How would you develop your solution to this problem? How do you plan to test, implement and evaluate it? (Answers to PART 2 should take no more than 3 pages, with 1,5 space, Arial 11).
How to write & upload your pre-assignment to your online application at
Both Parts 1 and 2 assess the applicant’s own ability to think and write analytically and relate to own work experience and the area of the Programme. Both Parts A and B also assess the applicant´s own ability to write clear, coherent English, necessary for assignments and thesis (e.g. do not write in bullet points, create a flow of text; address all tasks clearly; do not repeat the instruction questions in your text; do not use others’ ideas and sources in your work without proper referencing since all submitted pre-assignments will be subject to plagiarism and AI-detection control). The use of any artificial intelligence applications (such as ChatGPT or similar) is not allowed.
Upload your assignment to your application in within the deadline, on 8-22nd January, 3 pm at 03:00 PM UTC+2. Please note the limitation of 1.0 GB per file there. You can have access to your account either via the link you received in the e-mail confirming the arrival of your application or, if you have a Finnish ID number, via My Studyinfo-service (use of the service requires authentication with a Finnish bank ID, mobile certificate or certificate card). We recommend to upload your assignment in advance to avoid any technical issues. Late submissions will not be considered.
Finally, since the BI Programme has both business and engineering students, make sure that you have applied correctly! Applicants with business background should apply to MBA, while engineers to MEng. Later, in some cases, internal transfers are possible for engineers to the business side. However, at the time of the application, we strongly recommend you to apply according to your previous education.
We look forward to your brave, creative, relevant Assignment and seeing you our student!
Kind regards, BI Programme business-informatics-masters [at] (business-informatics-masters[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
In order to be considered for the student selection, you must fill in the joint application form at during the application period 8 January - 22 January 2025. The pre-assignment must be submitted as an attachment to the electronic joint application form during the application period, by 22 January 2025 3:00 p.m. the latest (local time in Finland).
File formats according to the assignment.Pre-assignments for spring 2025 Joint Application 1 will be published by the beginning of the application period.
In order to be considered for student selection, you must pass the degree programme's own entrance examination as described in Entrance exam invitations are sent approximately one week before the entrance exam by email to the email address provided by the applicant on the application form.
- Application period-Start of studiesspring 2025Apply now!
- Business
- Technology
The Application on the Basis of Metropolia’s Open UAS Studies is aimed at those who have completed open UAS studies at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. Studies are considered to be Metropolia's if they are entered in the Metropolia's study register, and open studies if they have not been completed with the right to study for the degree-leading education.
Application period: 1 November 2024 at 8:00 am - 30 April 2025, all times refer to local time in Finland
Application instructions: published at
Useful links
More information
For more information on the application process please contact
Metropolia's Student and Admission Services:
+358 40 712 5100
admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Starting studies
How to start your studies in Metropolia
Welcome to study for a degree at Metropolia!
Congratulations! You have been admitted to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and we are delighted to have you as a new member of our vibrant community of more than 16 000 students!
You have made an excellent choice - Metropolia offers you unique multidisciplinary opportunities throughout your studies with its strong connections to working life and active role in innovations built around socially significant phenomena.
We are happy to have you with us and help you with any questions you might have. Welcome to Metropolia!
The below information applies to students who have been accepted to study for a full degree at Metropolia. Make sure to complete all the steps in order to secure your study place.
Confirming a place of study requires certain formalities to be completed by the deadline. More detailed instructions below:
Non-EU/EEA students need a student residence permit. You can begin the student residence permit application online at Remember that you must personally visit a Finnish embassy or consulate as part of this process. Start your residence permit process as soon as possible, carefully following the immigration authorities' instructions and regulations, so that you can receive your permit in good time before your studies begin! You can find detailed information and advice on the residence permit requirements and procedures on the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) website.
Note that participating online programmes does not entitle you receiving residence permit. See more about the topic in Finnish Immigration Service websites.
All Metropolia's students who do not have a Finnish personal identity code, have to apply for it before their arrival or register at the local registry office after their arrival to Finland to apply for one.
Students who have to apply for residence permit (i.e. non-EU/non-EEA citizens) before their arrival to Finland should ask to be registered in the Finnish Population Information System when they apply for their first residence permit. This way they will receive a Finnish personal identity code at the same time as they are issued with the permit. More information on this for residence permit applicants
Other students have to apply for the personal identity code from the local registry office of the city where you are living in.
More information on Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV).
More information on registration to the Finnish Population Information System
After you have received the personal identification code, remember to inform it to the Student and Admission Services.
Metropolia does not have housing services to offer. Thus, it is the student's responsibility to find an accommodation for the period of their studies. There is a lot of competition in affordable housing, so it is important to start searching for a room many months prior to arrival. More information on accommodation
All foreign students (who are not EU citizens or citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland) who come to Finland for the purposes of studying are required to have a health insurance, if the studies endure longer than three months.
More information on insurances
Student financial aid is for Finnish citizens. Foreign citizens are entitled to student financial aid if they live in Finland on a permanent basis for the purpose other than studying and they have registered as permanent residents in the Finnish population register system.
- Find out where your campus is located
- If you have a smart phone you can download the free HSL mobile app to get access to the public transportation Journey Planner and tickets (e.g. for travelling from the Helsinki-Vantaa airport to your apartment or from your apartment to the campus).
- If you have a smart phone you can download the Tuudo mobile app for free to get your digital student ID and student discounts (ID and discounts are available from the first day of the studies onwards)
- Information on student life and well-being, costs and finance, study environment etc.
When you start as a new student you need to activate your user account. Activation is possible when the right to study begins. For joint application, activation is possible from 1 August.
The purpose of the activation is that you personally accept the rules of the account usage policy and start using your account. Activate your user account primarily using Mobile Certificate and Netbank User ID. Please read first the instructions in IT Services wiki.
Tuudo is a mobile app with which you can use various Metropolia web services easily on your smart phone. With Tuudo you can get VR, HSL, Matkahuolto and Kela student discounts immediately. The benefits are free for all Metropolia students.
In Tuudo you can check Metropolia, Admission Services, and student union METKA announcements, your schedule, study attainments, and cafeteria menus.
Get Tuudo on your phone from the app store for free and start using it!
During your studies, your support of well-being and health is Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS). The specialist in student health care offers you general, mental and oral health services and supports the well-being of study communities.
Our services can be used by students completing a bachelor’s or master’s degree at a university or a university of applied sciences who have registered as attending for the semester.
Master the facts! Familiarize yourself with our services and user instructions on the address, and the Health information resource on the address You can also find information about appointments as well as current information about your service unit on the address
Start using Self! Self is the student’s own online service for health care issues at FSHS. In Self, you can manage appointment bookings, communicate via SelfChat and start a remote consultation. Log in to Self as a user immediately from the beginning of the semester and keep your contact details up to date for as long as you are a student. Read more:
The health care fee for students in higher education will be paid to Kela on your initiative (
If you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country or in Switzerland or the United Kingdom, you do not have to pay the healthcare fee. However, you can to use the FSHS’s services.
Already excited about starting your studies in Metropolia and meeting new people? On this page you will find welcome letters for each degree program.
Welcome letters are information packages prepared by your future tutors. They include, for example, important dates as well as information about studying, student benefits, or student life.
Create your own profile and sign up to JobTeaser portal now and stay up to date on job vacancies, training and upcoming recruitment events promoted especially to Metropolia students. There are hundreds of job opportunities available and a lot of information to support your career planning.
JobTeaser is a career portal where you can find lot of career information in one platform.
- Open jobs and traineeships
- Working life events
- Advice & guidance
- Employer profiles
Sign up and start exploring
Sign up to JobTeaser using your email address:
You can also download a Jobteaser application.
Welcome to study Master’s Programme in Business Informatics
(Updated on 8th April, 2024)
Dear Master’s student in Business Informatics,
Welcome to study! Please read this letter carefully & keep it close at hand. It informs you how you will study in your 1st semester at the Master´s Programme in Business Informatics at Metropolia University of Applies Sciences, and about your summer assignments and recommended readings. It also asks you to make a few registrations.
Online & face-to-face groups (please confirm your registration!) and the Opening Days
BI Master´s Programme has 2 concurrent groups, one online and one face-to-face. You will be registered to one or the other group for your 1st year. (We will try to accommodate your wishes, but we need to keep the groups even, so in some cases the BI Programme will make the final decision). The Schedule is organized in such a way that a face-to-face class will always come first, followed by the online class. Please plan your autumn time carefully! If you want to change the mode of your studies, you can do it before the new semester starts (for the whole semester).
In both groups, attendance is mandatory on the minimum level of 80% of all classes in each course. If you attend less, you will fail the course and will need to do this course again. When studying, in those rare cases when you are not able to join some particular class, we recommend you to join the other group (exceptionally, as a guest), rather than miss a class. But this should not interfere with the studies of other students, nor instructors, nor staff, so that your personal schedule will never affect nor cause any inconvenience to others. In simple words, act responsibly, plan, be independent, care for others. You will learn more about “The BI Code of Conduct” at the Opening day.
- Please apply for the place in the face-to-face group here (the Opening day is 22ndAugust, Thursday 12-17 pm). Registration to the f2f group
- Please apply for the place in the online group here (the Opening day is 29th August, Thursday 12-16 pm). Registration to the online group
You will start your Master’s studies on 22nd August (f2f group) and 29th August (online group), Thursday (exceptionally) immediately followed by your first study days on 23.8 (f2f) and 30.8 (online) Fridays, 9-16 pm in Myyrmäki campus, Vantaa. Thursdays 22.8 & 29.8 are the Opening days of the Programme. After that, your studies will (almost) always happen on every second Friday, 9-16 pm (8 times in autumn 2024). In spring 2025, you will also have a few additional evenings (2-3 Wednesday or Thursday evenings for thesis seminars at 16-20 pm, always online in the evening times). You will learn about your schedule-2025 as soon as you get your Metropolia´s access codes in August.
Your Summer assignments and Recommended readings
Notice that, even before starting the school, we warmly encourage our students to begin their Master’s studies immediately after their acceptance. Feedback from our previous students clearly advises to start your studies right away, so that to make your academic journey smooth and rewarding. Our graduates also confirm that it is necessary to use the summer months for getting into the right mindset.
What are our objectives for your summer learning? There are two of them:
- We need you to be good at absorbing knowledge effectively from articles and books. This is why you are advised on how to read extensively and pick up key messages (read clever). Therefore, as your summer task, you will have several books and a few articles to read and absorb. Notice that asking questions (why?) is often more important than getting quick-fix answers to questions. Use your summer time to absorb the readings at own pace.
- We also need your time to think about and negotiate a good topic for your Master’s Thesis. This is why we ask you to think about possible options and discuss with your colleagues and manager(s). You will find this task under Summer task 5, below.
Use the summer time to absorb the articles and books at own pace, and - importantly - discuss your possible Master’s thesis topic. We are sure that accomplishing these tasks will help you to advance in your Master’s studies in the autumn!
Online courses that you can complete in the summer time (and thus start and finish your Master´s studies earlier!)
Importantly, our students often ask if there is any online course in the summer time to speed up the studies. This year we can recommend 3 options, especially targeted at the MBA students, studying towards a Master of Business Administration degree (they have a longer study period and more courses to do).
Therefore, we warmly advise you to find a good elective course for yourself and complete it even before the Opening of your studies. Note, you need to select only 1 such course, either:
- Option 1: ”Strategy, Management and Leadership”, 5 ECTS (relevant to the MBA students especially). Enrolment ends on 12th August, 23.45 pm latest. This is an elective course for MBA students. The course is an online intensive 2-week course completed in August 2024 (on 5 afternoons, 14.8, 16.8, 21.8, 23.8 and 28.8, at 17-20 pm). The course is focused on a deep dive into the three cornerstone topics for business leaders.
- Note especially Option 1! This is a course that was previously part of the mandatory BI Curriculum, and now it has “retired” to electives. Many of your pointed to this course as an attractive course in your applications to BI programme. (In place of this course, we will offer a more socialized “Digital Strategy” course in curriculum-2024). We warmly recommend to take “Strategy, Management and Leadership” as preparation for the more specialized “Digital Strategy” course especially for MBA students! (For engineering students, we will offer “Digital Strategy” as an elective course later in autumn 2024, so be ready to take ”Digital Strategy” as your elective. More information for engineers will come on the Opening day).
- Option 2: ”Corporate Social Responsibility L000CF93-3013”, 5 ECTS (relevant to the MBA students especially). Enrolment ends on 18th August, 23.45 pm latest. This is an elective course for MBA students in case you are interested in Corporate sustainability topics. The course is an online intensive 2-week course completed in August 2024 (on 5 afternoons, on 19-21.8 and 26-27.8, at 16-19 pm). The course includes lectures and group discussions, and is conducted by an industry practitioner.
- Option 3: ”Quantitative Research Methods”, 5 ECTS (relevant to the MBA students only). Enrolment starts in August and then continues non-stop. This is a mandatory course for MBA students for autumn 2024. The course is an online non-stop course that can be done at own pace. The course is part of BI Curriculum (mandatory).
- Additionally, Option 4: “Systemic Leadership and Coaching Competencies for Future Leaders”, 5 ECTS (relevant to the MBA students especially). Enrolment ends on 18th August, 23.45 pm latest. This is an elective course for MBA students in case you are interested in Leadership topics. The course is an online intensive 2-week course completed in September 2024 (on 2 mornings and 2 evening times). The course includes lectures, group discussions and reflective sessions. The course is focused on combining systemic leadership theories to practice and learning how to use different tools in organizations.
See more detailed information about MBS Master's Summer School offerings.
- Finally, Option 5: A set of three virtual courses, “Elements of AI” (2 cr, virtual, non-stop), “Building AI” (2 cr, virtual, non-stop) and “Ethics of AI” (2 cr, virtual, non-stop) provided by the University of Helsinki and Reactor. This offering is relevant to the MBA students mostly. Enrolment is round-the-year and non-stop, via the home page of the course: This is a set of short & easy online courses (2 credits each) that can become part of your Master´s studies, or they can be studied optionally, for widening your professional horizons. Upon completion of the course, obtain a course certificate with 2 cr for each course and inform the Programme about your completion. Note, it makes sense to complete all three courses together, so that to earn 6 ECTS in place of one elective course (min. 5 ECTS) in the BI Programme.
We look forward to an intellectually inspiring year with you! Our address is Leiritie 1, Vantaa, 00160, Myyrmäki campus (a 10-min. walk from Myyrmäki railway station).
A warm welcome to study in the Master’s Programme in Business Informatics! You will get another letter from us before the Opening day in mid-August. We look forward to meeting you at the Opening day!
Kind regards,
Zinaida Grabovskaia, PhL, Senior Lecturer
Head of BI Master’s Programme
+358 40 198 4008 (sms)
zinaida.grabovskaia [at] (zinaida[dot]grabovskaia[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Nea Kivekäs, Study Coordinator
mbsmasters [at] (mbsmasters[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Please note that owing to summer holidays there will be no answering to your emails between 28th June and 5th August.
Master's Degree Programme in Business Informatics, schedule for autumn 2024
NB! Changes are possible, dates will be confirmed in August.
Face-to-Face group:
- Orientation to Business Informatics studies, 22.8, Thursday at 12:00-17:00, followed by the first study day on Friday 23.8 at 9:00-16:00
- Tutoring session: Personal Study Plan, course enrollments, Master's Thesis Process, 8.11 at 13:00-16:00
- Research Methods and Skills, 23.8, 6.9, 4.10, and the 1st thesis seminar on 22.11 at 13:00-16:00, and 13.12 at 9:00-16:00
- Digital Strategy, 23.8, 20.9 at 9:00-12:00, and 8.11, 9.11 at 9:00-16:00 (notice 1 Saturday)
- Business Modelling and Competitive Environment in the Digital Era 6.9, 20.9, 4.10 at 13:00-16:00, 8.11 and 22.11 at 9:00-12:00
Online group:
- Orientation to Business Informatics studies, 29.8 at 12:00-16:00, followed by the first study day on Friday 30.8 at 9:00-16:00
- Tutoring session: Personal Study Plan, course enrollments, Master's Thesis Process, 15.11 at 13:00-16:00
- Research Methods and Skills, 30.8, 13.9, 11.10, and 1st thesis seminar on 29.11 at 13:00-16:00, and 13.12 at 9:00-16:00 (on campus, exceptionally)
- Digital Strategy, 30.8, 27.9 at 9:00-12:00, and 8.11, 9.11 at 9:00-16:00 (notice 1 Saturday)
- Business Modelling and Competitive Environment in the Digital Era, 13.9, 27.9, 11.10 at 13:00-16:00, and on 15.11 and 29.11 at 9:00-12:00
Summer Task 1
(UPDATED 5.8.2024 due to new library arrivals)
Summer reading
Course: “Digital Strategy”, 5 cr (your first completed course, with the final event on 1-2 November 2024, Friday-Saturday; all students present).
Start by reading and absorbing three mandatory books and one article for your course in autumn 2024:
BOOK 1: “The digital transformation canvas: develop and implement your digital strategy”, by Peter M.K. (Pearson 2024; appx. 170 pages). Metropolia library has 2 paper copies and access to e-book from here:
BOOK 2: “The digital transformation roadmap: rebuild your organization for continuous change”, by Rogers D.L. (Columbia University Press 2023; appx. 280 pages). Metropolia library has 4 paper copies and access to e-book from here:
BOOK 3: “Optimizing digital strategy”, by Bones C., Hammerslay J., and Shaw J. (Kogan Page 2018; appx. 200 pages). Metropolia library has 2 paper copies and access to e-book from here:
ARTICLE (RECOMMENDED): PwC (in partnership with Microsoft) (2017). How Finland is Embracing Digital Transformation – Digital Challenges and Successes Showcased. (48 pages). Available here as a pdf-file.
The general teaching approach on the course will be to blend up-to-date digital transformation aspects and digital strategy via lectures, discussions and team work, with the final big event on 1-2 November 2024, focused on real-life practices in organizations.
Students will benefit from reading materials from other courses, especially the “Business Modelling” course.
HOW TO GET ACCESS to e-books from Metropolia library (requires a user account!):
For getting access to e-books from Metropolia library, students will need to activate their student´s user accounts first. If you have Finnish online banking credentials, you can do it independently starting from 1st August, see instructions here:
International students have a choice (1) to either come physically to the Student Services in Myyrmäki campus (Leiritie 1, Vantaa, open since 12.8 every Monday-Wednesday at 10-12 am, and additionally on the Opening Day 22.8, Thursday, at 10-12 am), or (2) ask for sending the activation info via secure email from studentservices [at] (studentservices[at]metropolia[dot]fi).
For getting access to e-books after you have activated your user account, open your user account first (for example, via and then you can reach out to the book.
Summer Task 2
Summer reading
Course: “Business Modeling and Competitive Environment in the Digital Era”, 5 cr
Read and absorb these “must-read” books and articles for your course in autumn 2024.
BOOK 1: Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010, or any later editions). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Wiley.
See also & videos by Osterwalder in YouTube.
Osterwalder together with Yves Pigneur & Tim Clark created the concept of the Business Model Canvas (BMC), which has taken the world of strategic management and business modelling by the storm during the last ten years. (Borrow from a library or buy own copy). This book will be your textbook for the course. You also will find the BMG useful in your other courses. The book will be available as a book and e-book from Metropolia library, once you enroll and get your access to Metropolia’s learning platform OMA. (Note, you will be able to activate your personal student account since mid August via either your Finnish banking codes, or by obtaining a password from Metropolia´s Admissions office).
ARTICLE 1: Blank, S. & Euchner, J. (2018). The Genesis and Future of Lean Startup: An Interview with Steve Blank. Research Technology Management, Vol. 61, Iss.5, pp.15-21. Available from: (This is a 6-page long article on applying ‘The Lean Startup’ Method across the corporate contexts).
ARTICLE 2: Iansiti, M. & Lakhani, K.R. (2020). Competing in the Age of AI: How machine intelligence changes the rules of business. Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 2020. Available from: (This is an article and and audio record (25 mins) discussing how AI will impact the business competitive environment and organisations´ competitiveness).
ARTICLE 3 (in Metropolia online library): Porter, M. (2008). Five Competitive Forces That Shape the Strategy. Harvard Business Review. 2008, Vol.86 (1), p.78-137. Available from: (This is a 17-page article on applying Porter’s five forces model across industries).
ARTICLE 4 (in Metropolia online library): Baloutsos, S.; Karagiannaki, A., & Mourtos, I. Business Model Generation for Industry 4.0: A “Lean Startup” Approach. The International Technology Management Review 2020, Vol.9 (1), p.34-4. Available from: (This is an 11-page article on applying Business Model Canvas & Lean Startup Methods for Industry 4.0).
BOOK 2: (in Metropolia paper-book library): Ries, E. (2011). The lean startup: How today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. New York, Crown, cop. See info here:
BOOK 3 (in Metropolia paper-book library): Porter, M. (2008). On Completion. Harvard Business School Publishing. See info here:
AUDIO BOOK 4 (in Metropolia online library): Iansiti, M. & Lakhani, K.R. (2020). Competing in the Age of AI. Available from: (Length 9.5 hours)
TIPS for extensive reading: How to read fast
Klein, P. (2010). How to Read an Academic Article: Blog.
The information about the library opening hours & a telephone number to contact them can be found here. We welcome you to plan a visit to the library starting from 19th August, Monday. The staff will be happy to help you on Mondays-Thursdays, at 10-17 pm (“staff present of-site”). You can get your library card, borrow paper books, and get access to the online library collection starting from this date. Plan your visit in such a way as to come during the “staff working hours” (rather than the self-service hours) for the first time. Please check the opening hours before coming:
Before you visit to the Library, we warmly recommend you to activate your student account at Metropolia UAS using your Finnish banking codes starting from mid August. Those international students who do not have Finnish banking codes can activate their student account by getting a password after visiting the Admissions and Student Services, or by asking your password via email from them. The contact information of the Admissions and Student Services can be found here.
The Metropolia library is open to everyone. After activating your student account, you will get access also to our big online library collection!
Summer Task 3
Summer reading
Course: "Applied Strategic Management and Analysis”, 5 ECTS (in January-March 2025)
Read and absorb this book; prepare for the Business game.
Rice, Anthony (2011 or any later editions). Accounts Demystified: The Astonishingly Simple Guide to Accounting. Pearson Education. (Also available as e-book from Metropolia library upon you getting access as a student in August 2024: )
Specifications for Pre-assignment:
- read extensively and absorb the book, take notes when reading (of terms and important topics) related to financial performance of a company.
- notice, you will apply the knowledge gained from the book for competing in a Business game conducted in teams.
Where to get the book from
- Metropolia Library (on paper): in Myyrmäki library after getting your Metropolia account and password (10 copies). You are welcome to get your library card and book it from any of Metropolia’s campuses. Check Library info and locations
- Additionally, the book is also available in Haaga-Helia AMK’s library (5 copies) and in Laurea AMK (2 copies). Metropolia, Haaga-Helia and Laurea have a joint 3AMK library system, so you can borrow books from all these libraries with the same library card.
- As e-book from Metropolia online library (upon you getting access as a student in August 2024: )
- Finally, we warmly recommend to buy your own copy. The book is available from Akateeminen Kirjakauppa -webstore and also from
Summer Task 4 (mandatory)
Master’s Thesis: Search for a topic
Course: ‘Research Methods and Skills’, 5 ECTS (in September-November 2024)
Think about and discuss at work your possible Master’s thesis topic
This task is done individually. Due date for initial ideas by September 22nd, Friday.
Tips for a Master’s topic search:
- reflect on an actual business need/challenge(s) that your company is now facing
- you are recommended to hold preliminary discussions on potential Master’s topic(s) with your team, superiors or management
- make a list of possible topics that both the company and you yourself would be interested to investigate in your Master’s project
- please name your file with the list of topics as: Surname- Fist name-BI-Possible Master’s topics.docx. Upload into your course by 1st October 2024.
- This list will make the first step in thinking about your Master’s topic. This discussion will continue after the first instructions in class.
- continue after the first instructions in class.
These questions might guide you in search for a possible Master’s topic:
- The (business) issue is ………….. (statement about the problem).
- This is important because …. (the impact of this issue / “cost” of the problem / what happens if not fixed).
- Given this, the objective of this study is… (to develop/improve/propose/change what?).
- The output of the study will be… (how do you see a possible solution; give an example).
- This solution will help (the company/unit/society) because… (link back to number 2, contribution).
To find an engaging topic, it is important to start thinking on it in advance! No delivery needed right after the summer, but an initial idea by 1st October and a good, realistic, approved suggestion for a Master’s topic by 1st November 2024.
For an example of a Master’s topic, you can take a brief look at the thesis example below:
- Thesis by Hans Kanerva (2021): Data Management Plan for the SGTS Nordic & Baltic PC Factory. Theseus.
- Thesis by Elena Kosonen (2020): Dynamic pricing of airline ancillaries: co-creating a machine learning model to price ancillaries in the case company. Theseus.
- Thesis by Debora Guimaraes de Sousa (2022): Using Machine Learning to Predict On-Time Delivery. Theseus.
- Thesis by Teemu Riekkinen (2022): Integration of Planning Processes: Linking Business Planning and Sales Forecasting in a Case Company. Theseus.
- Thesis by Kimmo Kalaja (2022): Sales Management Tool for ABB Oy. Theseus.
- Thesis by Anastasia Voropaeva (2022): Developing a Framework for Enhanced Data Pipeline Quality Management System. Theseus.
This early discussion at work will help you to identify an interesting and relevant Master’s topic. We wish you a nice and rewarding summer learning 2024!