Information Technology, Bachelor's Degree, on-line studies

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  • Application on the Basis of Finnish Higher Education Studies (application period 1 November 2024-30 April 2025) 01.11.2024 - 30.04.2025
Bachelor of Engineering
240 ects credits
4 years
Mode of studies
Tuition fees might apply


To whom are online studies for?

Online studies in Information Technology are for you, if

  • you have completed a minimum of 180 ECTS credits of studies in university of applied sciences (UAS) and/or in university in Finland
  • studies have been completed in English language
  • your studies are from the field of information technology, or closely IT-related engineering field
  • you could have completed applicable studies as an open university/UAS and/or as a degree student in higher education in Finland
  • you study right could have expired already, or you may have a valid study right in higher education in Finland at the time of application.
  • PLEASE NOTE! If you have already completed Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Information Technology, please contact study counsellor before you apply

Transfer students from Finnish higher education institutions

If you are already studying in Finnish higher education as a degree student, you may apply to become a transfer student, if

  • you have completed a minimum of 150 ECTS credits
  • your weighed grade average is at least 3,5
  • your current degree studies can be accepted and transferred in IT degree
  • you will continue your studies as online degree student
  • you have standard study time available after the transfer

Please read application criteria below in section: applying.

Content of the Degree and Studies

To complete the remaining 60 ECTS, you first need apply to become a degree student in Information Technology degree (see applying). You may start your degree studies as soon as you have been accepted to Degree Programme in Information Technology.

The extent of the Information Technology degree is 240 ECTS credits.

Core Requirement Studies 40 ECTS
Module consists of basic studies in information technology, engineering mathematics and engineering physics. The extent of studies to be completed is based on the previous studies and their compatibility to the degree and its learning outcomes. Head of Degree makes the decision on accepted studies/competences.

Professional Studies 115 ECTS
Module consists of advanced studies in various areas in Information Technology. Previously completed studies and acquired competences are viewed as a whole, based on the compatibility to the degree and its learning outcomes. Head of Degree makes the decision on accepted studies/competences. Student’s own career objectives and areas of interests can be taken into account in making Individual Study Plan (ISP).

Language and Communication Studies 15 ECTS
Language and Communication Studies follow the requirements of English-taught Bachelor of Engineering Degree Programme and are based on the language of schooling education. The amount of language and communication studies to be completed depends on the previous studies that can be recognized as part of the degree. Head of Degree makes the decision on accepted studies/competences.

Innovation Project 10 ECTS
Field-related work experience that has been acquired prior to or during degree studies, can be accepted as project studies. Head of Degree makes the decision on accepted studies/competences.

Elective Studies 15 ECTS
Student can include previous studies that are completed in higher education into Elective Studies. Head of Degree makes the decision on accepted studies/competences.

Work Placement 30 ECTS
Field-related work experience that has been acquired prior to or during degree studies, can be accepted as Work Placement. Head of Degree makes the decision on accepted studies/competences.

Bachelor’s Thesis 15 ECTS
All Bachelor of Engineering Degrees include a Bachelor’s Thesis that is completed in the end of studies.

Individual Study Plan (ISP)

You will be compiled an individual study plan together with the degree programme guidance personnel in the beginning of your studies. ISP is based on your previous studies and gives you knowledge on the studies you still need to complete. The remaining extent of studies depends on how much of your previous studies can be accepted as part of the degree studies. Head of Degree makes the decision on accepted studies/competences.

It is possible to take into consideration your career aspirations in making Individual Study Plan should these be in line with the degree learning outcomes and course offerings.

How studies are implemented

Studies are implemented as online studies, so you may study irrespective of time and place. Studying online requires self-guidance, good time-management skills and ability to plan your studies accordingly as you will complete all studies as self-study. Studies require a use of your own computer.

Study certificate

  • Metropolia Student and Admission Services are responsible for study-related documents (study certificates).
  • If you need a study certificate, please contact to: studentservices [at] (studentservices[at]metropolia[dot]fi) or visit any Metropolia Student and Admission service offices

Scholarships and tuition fees

Annual tuition fee

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  • Application period
    Start of studies
    spring 2025
    Apply now!
    • Online studies

    The Application on the Basis of Finnish Higher Education Studies is aimed at those who have completed higher education studies in Finland. Studies are taken into account regardless of whether they have been completed as open studies or in education leading to a degree, or whether the right to study is valid or has expired.

    Application period: 1 November 2024 8:00 am - 30 April 2025, all times refer to local time in Finland

    Application instructions: published at

More information

For more information on the application process please contact

Metropolia's Student and Admission Services:
+358 40 712 5100
admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Starting studies

How to start your studies in Metropolia

Welcome to study for a degree at Metropolia!

Congratulations! You have been admitted to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and we are delighted to have you as a new member of our vibrant community of more than 16 000 students!

You have made an excellent choice - Metropolia offers you unique multidisciplinary opportunities throughout your studies with its strong connections to working life and active role in innovations built around socially significant phenomena.

We are happy to have you with us and help you with any questions you might have. Welcome to Metropolia!

The below information applies to students who have been accepted to study for a full degree at Metropolia. Make sure to complete all the steps in order to secure your study place.

Starting studies as a degree student - Individual study plan

  • We will tailor an individual learning path to ensure the smooth progress of your studies.
  • The content of your individual study path is decided by head of the ICT department, Janne Salonen.
  • Individual study plan takes place when right to study has started and Metropolia Student and Admission services has added student into Metropolia OMA system.

When you have a role as a degree student, Information Technology degree coordinator will contact to you by email and gives you instructions in following matters

  • How to activate Metropolia user account
  • When and how your individual study plan will be made
  • Link to study guide and instructions to Metropolia systems
  • How to transfer your prior studies to your new Information Technology degree student role.
  • Curricula