Organisation and Strategy

Metropolia is a limited liability company owned by the municipalities of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area with the following holdings: Helsinki 42%, Espoo 27%, Vantaa 26%, Kirkkonummi 4% and Kauniainen 1%. The organization is directed by the Board of Directors, which is chaired by Ilona Lundström. Metropolia's President /CEO is Riitta Konkola.


At the core of Metropolia are ten schools, with their areas of expertise. The schools are responsible for the performance and quality of Metropolia's core functions, i.e. teaching, research, development and innovation, and business operations.

See all Directors of Schools in Metropolia PeopleFinder

Service Units

The core functions and other day-to-day operations of Metropolia are supported by numerous service units. Metropolia Global Education Services act as an insightful link between experts and companies in various fields.

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Email addresses firstname.lastname [at] (firstname[dot]lastname[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Management Group

Riitta Konkola

President, CEO

Riitta Konkola

Sanni Puuri
Tel. +358 50 565 1426

Simo Mustila

Deputy CEO

Simo Mustila
Tel. +358 44 220 3300

Anniina Hietaranta
Tel. +358 50 407 1567

Eeva Viitanen.

Director, Strategic Development

Eeva Viitanen
Tel. +358 40 046 5953

Ritva Suojärvi-Mäkinen
Tel. +358 40 554 2981

Anna-Maria Vilkuna

Director, Research and Development

Anna-Maria Vilkuna
Tel. +358 40 334 7929

Minna Holm
Tel. +358 9 7424 5007

Heidi Rontu

Vice President, Education

Heidi Rontu
Tel. +358 50 563 6230

Sanni Puuri
Tel. +358 50 565 1426

Director, People and Culture

Mikko Jäkälä
Tel. +358 40 688 6712

Ritva Suojärvi-Mäkinen
Tel. +358 40 554 2981

Liisa Salo

Head of Communications

Liisa Salo
Tel. +358 50 363 7048

Other management

Chief Information Officer

Kimmo Nikkanen
Tel. +358 40 560 8020

Minna Elomaa-Krapu

Innovation Director, Future proof health and wellbeing

Minna Elomaa-Krapu
Tel. +358 50 532 6331

Mona Roman

Research Director

Mona Roman
Tel. +358 40 555 1044

Email addresses firstname.surname [at] (firstname[dot]surname[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Merja Rehn
Image: Jiri Halttunen

Innovation Director, Clean and Sustainable Solutions

Merja Rehn
Tel. +358 50 500 3890

Anna-Stina Tähkävuori

Innovation Director, Smart and creative city

Anna-Stina Tähkävuori
Tel. +358 40 670 8525

The Board of Directors starting 15 May 2025

  • Chairperson Ilona Lundström, Helsinki
  • Marja-Leena Rinkineva, Helsinki
  • Satu Järvenkallas, Helsinki
  • Kalevi Ekman, Espoo
  • Harri Rinta-aho, Espoo
  • Katri Kalske, Vantaa
  • Matti Ruusula, Vantaa
  • Timo Junell, staff representative
  • Santeri Hietanen, student representative

Advisory councils

Each degree programme in Metropolia has an advisory council with representatives not only from the staff and the students but also from working life. In fact one of the tasks of advisory councils is to create and develop degree programmes' connections with working life.

The purpose of advisory councils is to

  • act as experts in the development of tasks and operations related to curricula, education and other matters concerning the degree programmes
  • create and develop degree programmes' connections with working life
  • give statements, if necessary, on matters concerning the degree programmes and their key staff appointments and acquisitions
  • make initiatives for the development of operations within the scope of the degree programmes.

The advisory councils can also be assigned with other tasks. Advisory councils serve for a term of three years.