Guidance Generalia webinars for immigrants

Guidance Generalia webinars give you information and tips to support your study and career path in Finland. Webinars are open to anyone interested in the topic.

The Guidance Generalia webinars are provided by Metropolia SIMHE services. SIMHE services are specialised in higher education and international professionals and talents in the Finnish labour market.

Upcoming Guidance Generalia webinars

Topics and themes of Guidance Generalia webinars

In Guidance Generalia webinars, you will get information and tips on:

  • how to apply to higher education in Finland
  • options to study in Finland
  • planning your career in Finland
  • developing your job searching skills for Finnish job market

The topics vary in each webinar. You can also suggest a topic for future sessions by sending an e-mail to simhe [at] (simhe[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Practicalities and instructions

  • Cost: free of charge
  • Sign up in advance: register via the registration link of the webinar in question
  • Duration: 1-2h depending on the webinar
  • Language: Finnish or English
  • Speakers: SIMHE Career Coaches specialised in the topics, sometimes also visiting speakers
  • Location: online, the link will be sent to registered participants before the event
  • Materials: the sessions are not recorded, but registered participants will receive the presentation material by e-mail after the webinar. By taking part you may ask questions and hear answers.

Upcoming Guidance Generalia webinars in 2024

We reserve the right to make changes to the time and content.

Boost Your Job Search in Finland - webinar series autumn 2024

The Guidance Generalia webinars held in 2022-2024

  • Mon 29 January 2024 at 14.30-16.30 in Finnish: Hakeminen korkeakoulujen yhteishauissa suomenkielisiin tutkintoihin
  • Thu 30 November 2023 at 3 pm, Thursday 21 September at 9 am and Thursday 26 October at 1 pm in Finnish and in Ukrainian (due to EDUFI funding): Are you interested in employment in Finland?
  • Mon 6 February 2023 at 14.00-16.00 in Finnish: Korkeakoulujen kevään toinen yhteishaku, hakeminen syksyllä 2023 alkaviin tutkintoihin
  • Mon 9 November 2022 at 14.00-16.00 in English: Apply to Finland´s higher education programmes in English!
  • Wed 24 August 2022 at 15.30-17.30 in English: TOKASA Nursing, Bachelor's Degree - Aimed at Immigrants and In Finnish: Haku suomalaisten korkeakoulujen tutkinto-opiskelijaksi syksyn 2022 yhteishaussa & Metropolian korkeakouluopintoihin valmentava koulutus maahanmuuttajille
  • Mon 13 June 2022 at 13.00-14.30 in Finnish: Täydentävät opinnot ja vaihtoehtoiset reitit korkeakouluopiskelijaksi Suomessa
  • Mon 4 April 2022 at 13.00-14.30 in English: Lessons learnt while building a new career in Finland. Guest speaker: John Cozzi, Head of Content, Sympa
  • Mon 28 Feb 2022 at 13.00-15.00 in Finnish: Vinkkejä yhteishakuun: hae korkeakouluun syksyllä 2022 alkaviin opintoihin!
  • Mon 31 Jan 2022 at 13.00-14.00 in Finnish: Järjestöistä työkokemusta: hae yhteiskuntaorientaation kouluttajaksi!

Explore our other services

Services to immigrants

What kind of services and what opportunities do international professionals and future talents have with us? We help you find your study and career path in Finland.

Career Guidance for immigrants

A one-to-one discussion with a Career Coach helps you to map your competences and identify suitable study and career paths in Finland.

Recognition of competence

How can you get started with recognising your key competences? Metropolia also provides recognition of competence by a professional in selected fields of study and for limited target groups.

Higher education preparatory programme for immigrants

Do you wish to study for a degree in Finnish in a university of applied sciences? Metropolia provides studies to prepare you for this. The courses are taught in Finnish.

Study opportunities and developing competence

Are you interested to study Finnish or to develop your field-specific competence? Metropolia offers you a wide range of options from individual courses to tailored programmes and full degrees.

Tips for information search

Useful tips and links for immigrants on career planning in Finland e.g. professional qualifications, studies, employment, entrepreneurship and learning Finnish.