Bachelor of Social Services in Early Childhood Education, top-up degree

The Bachelor of Social Services in Early Childhood Education
210 ECTS
2 years - 2 years 6 months, based on recognition of prior learning
Mode of studies
Tuition fees might apply


Job opportunities and working as a Bachelor of Social Services in Early Childhood Education

In this top - up degree, students carry out studies related to Social Services as well as studies in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care. The student has a possibility to obtain a qualification to work as a Bachelor of Social Services in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care in Finland (Varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomi).

With a Bachelor of Social Services degree, one is qualified to work with diverse client groups alongside children in early childhood care. Provision of services and client work is seen through a social pedagogical framework. The work may consist of supporting clients in their home or community settings, co-ordination of services, or supportive guidance and assistance. One may work with people of all ages.

Job opportunities for a Bachelor of Social Services:

  • Early childhood education and care
  • Child welfare
  • Family work
  • Guidance and education in youth work
  • Social counselling in schools
  • Work with adults
  • Community work
  • Work with the elderly
  • Work with people with disabilities
  • Work with people with substance abuse issues
  • Work with people with mental health issues
  • Preventive work against violence
  • Multicultural work and work among diverse people

Bachelors of Social Services have also the opportunity to work as self-employed professionals and service providers.


The Bachelor of Social Services in Early Childhood Education curriculum is based on a social pedagogical framework, focusing on empowering citizens, preventing marginalization, and promoting inclusion and social pluralism.

In early childhood education and care studies, one will gain the needed knowledge and pedagogical skills in order to work in early childhood education and care settings. One will have the understanding of social pedagogical frame to support children and families in their growth and holistic development and foster their well-being in diverse and inclusive environments.

The curriculum of the degree programme is based on the following competences of the Bachelor of Social Services (pdf, in Finnish only):

  1. Ethical competence in the social work field
  2. Competences in social work with clients
  3. Competences in social service systems
  4. Critical and inclusive civic competences
  5. Research, development and innovation skills

The degree consists of

The degree consists of 210 ECTS credits and requires about 2 - 2,5 years intensive studying to complete, depending on one's prior education in the field of Social Work. (Please see more detailed criteria on the webpage). Completing the degree requires full-time studying.

The course offering has been planned to enable students to include 30 ECTS credits per term + summer studies 15 credits. At the beginning of the studies, students make a personal study plan with the tutor teacher. Students with previous competencies can apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL).

  • theory courses
  • internships
  • language studies / elective studies
  • thesis

Language of the studies and language awareness

Tuition is offered in English with opportunities to gain real-world Finnish as part of internships and theory courses. Finnish language will be built into the courses as the student progresses through the curriculum. Therefore, as part of the studies, graduates have a possibility to gain Finnish skills. Those who already master Finnish at a native level, will have the opportunity to develop their language mentoring skills.

In addition to the language courses offered by the degree, students are asked actively to study the Finnish language independently. To learn more of the language, language courses are offered by a variety of institutions.

To be employed in Finland into the social services and early childhood education and care, professionals generally need to have a sufficiently good level of Finnish language skills.

Studying with us

Learning methods may include individual learning, group work and project learning. Faculty members of the degree programme are pedagogically qualified teachers who have experience in teaching in English with a language aware approach. Teaching is mainly Campus-based, but to be able to study with us, one needs to have a working laptop and access to internet.

Teaching methods include for example:

  • lectures
  • discussions
  • group work
  • learning assignments
  • projects
  • workshops
  • e-learning
  • independent studies
  • Internships

There are job placements/internships during the studies. Job placements will be conducted in early childhood education and care settings.

Prior to any internships, it is the student's responsibility to obtain and prove a criminal record extract as a prerequisite for admission to the internship. At the beginning of the studies, students will be guided to apply their criminal record extract from Finnish authorities.

If one moves to study in Finland from other countries, one needs to obtain an authenticated criminal record extract from the authorities in one’s country of origin. This should be as up to date as possible, issued less than 6 months ago at the beginning of the studies.

Scholarships and tuition fees

Annual tuition fee for non-EU/EEA applicants 11 000 €.

This fee applies only to non-EU/EEA degree students.

Read more on tuition fees and scholarships

Ask more about the Bachelor of Social Services degree programme from the Head of the Degree Programme

Student study & guidance counsellor


  • Application period
    1.8.2024 at 08:00 - 2.8.2024 at 15:00
    Start of studies
    spring 2025
    • Day-time studies

    The Separate Application for International Degree Programmes is aimed at those applying with a foreign qualification for an education leading to a higher education degree in English.

    Application period for studies starting in spring 2025 starts on 1 August 2024 08:00 am (local time in Finland). Please note that the application period varies for different degree programmes. Check the individual application closing dates for each degree programme.

    Application instructions have been published on

More information

For more information on the application process please contact

Metropolia's Student and Admission Services:
+358 40 712 5100
admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

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