As a learner at Metropolia
The pedagogical principles highlight a workplace-oriented and learner-centred approach and community spirit. Learners are seen as dynamic actors that process and produce information purposefully. The teacher's role is to enable and guide learning. Learning takes place in interaction with the environment and other people. Phenomena are examined and solved through reflection, together with others and independently. Phenomenon-based teaching and learning tackle real-life phenomena in working life or society. To process such phenomena, a combination of theoretical and practical skills across scientific disciplines and fields of study is required.
Experts in the working life of the future
Competence acquired at Metropolia will enable graduates to work as an expert and developer. They will be able to encounter, process and solve working life and social problems in unforeseen situations, in a person-centred manner and by utilising technology and digitalisation. Learning takes place in modern and innovative learning environments in collaboration with working life and applied research, development and innovation. Flexible learning solutions enable learning in workplaces and projects. Teaching, learning and RDI activities together with working life form a learning ecosystem, with the learner at the core.
The learner-centred approach is based on the learner's prior learning and experiences. Through these, the learner will interpret and analyse its views and experiences, forming new insights about the phenomenon at hand. A key role is played by the student's learning goals, and supporting the student's motivation in guidance and teaching. The goal is for the student to achieve professional growth and to form a professional identity.
Continuous development and evaluation
The realisation of pedagogical principles and the quality of teaching is developed under the principles of an iterative method (PDCA). Involving the students and stakeholders in the pedagogical development, such as through various feedback practices and interactive feedback culture, is an important part of developing educational quality.