Language guidelines

Metropolia supports diversity and an equal and inclusive approach. The language guidelines reinforce equal treatment and an accepting language climate in Metropolia. Several members of the higher education community with different language backgrounds have contributed to the development of the guidelines.

What is the basis of the language policy?

The new language guidelines are based on language-aware thinking, which means taking into consideration matters related to workplace language use, language learning, and language choice.

Why do we need language policies?

In addition to Finnish degree programmes, Metropolia also offers degree programmes in the English language and in a bilingual format (English and Finnish). Students in the English-language degree programmes come from a variety of linguistic backgrounds. To settle in Finland and find employment in their field, they require support in learning Finnish.

Additionally, Metropolia has an increasing number of international employees who benefit from multilingual, flexible language practices that support language learning at work and encourage Finnish speakers to work in multiple languages. The community around a language learner is essential in enabling them to take up the language at work, in their studies and on work placements.

What is the aim of the language guidelines?

The goal of the language guidelines is to support the university of applies sciences (UAS) community, students and staff in their everyday multilingual encounters and language learning in an accepting environment that welcomes errors as part of the learning process. Metropolia's objective with the guidelines is to promote the use of parallel languages, eliminate linguistic barriers, and encourage language learning.

Furthermore, the goal is to foster a sense of appreciation for diversity and multilingualism within the UAS community.

Metropolia Language Policy: 10 principles

Henkilö käyttää tietokonetta, jonka ruudulla näkyy YK:n kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet.

1 Multilingualism

We support multilingualism, language learning and inclusiveness.

Kaksi henkilöä kahvilla Myllypuron kampuksen ruokalassa.

2 Participation

Wherever possible, we allow everyone to choose whether to participate in Finnish or English.

Kolme henkilöä keskustelee kävellessään Myllypuron kampuksen aulassa.

3 Flexibility

Finnish and English are flexibly used in parallel, so you don't need to speak both languages fluently to be able to work in a multilingual team.

Viisi henkilöä keskustelemassa kahdessa ryhmässä Myllypuron kampuksen terassilla.

4 Language skills

The language skills of students and staff are made visibleall languages are valued and all language skills are utilized.

Opettaja on kirjoittanut fläppitaululle Collaboration, Competence, Development ja Expertice.

5 Language learning

Language learning is encouraged and each person’s language learning preferences are discussed and taken into account.

Kolme henkilöä ottamassa ryhmäselfietä Myllypuron kampuksen tatamilla säkkituolin päällä.

6 Communication culture

We maintain a culture of communication which makes room for mistakes, linguistic imperfections and different ways of speaking Finnish and English.

Viisi henkilöä Make sense not war -seinäkirjoituksen edessä.

7 Community responsibility

The entire higher education community takes responsibility for language learning and provides opportunities for language learning and use.

Kaksi henkilöä keskustelee pöydän ääressä Myyrmäen kampuksella.

8 Clear language

We pay attention to clear language use and to ensuring that everyone is able to follow and participate in joint activities.

Opiskelijoita MetGO-tapahtumassa Arabian kampuksella.

9 Language preferences

Wherever possible, we take into account the language skills and preferences of participants when choosing the languages for particular events.

Neljä henkilöä keskustelee pareittain.

10 Open discussion

We cultivate language awareness and talk openly even about challenging issues and feelings that relate to language use.

Ask more about Language guidelines

Eveliina KorpelaSenior Lecturer Eveliina Korpela
+35840 641 8336
Eveliina.Korpela [at] (Eveliina[dot]Korpela[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

See Eveliina's profile in PeopleFinder

Hanna AhoSenior Lecturer Hanna Aho
+358 50 573 4968
Hanna.Aho3 [at] (Hanna[dot]Aho3[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

See Hanna's profile in PeopleFinder