What is the basis of the language policy?
The new language guidelines are based on language-aware thinking, which means taking into consideration matters related to workplace language use, language learning, and language choice.
Why do we need language policies?
In addition to Finnish degree programmes, Metropolia also offers degree programmes in the English language and in a bilingual format (English and Finnish). Students in the English-language degree programmes come from a variety of linguistic backgrounds. To settle in Finland and find employment in their field, they require support in learning Finnish.
Additionally, Metropolia has an increasing number of international employees who benefit from multilingual, flexible language practices that support language learning at work and encourage Finnish speakers to work in multiple languages. The community around a language learner is essential in enabling them to take up the language at work, in their studies and on work placements.
What is the aim of the language guidelines?
The goal of the language guidelines is to support the university of applies sciences (UAS) community, students and staff in their everyday multilingual encounters and language learning in an accepting environment that welcomes errors as part of the learning process. Metropolia's objective with the guidelines is to promote the use of parallel languages, eliminate linguistic barriers, and encourage language learning.
Furthermore, the goal is to foster a sense of appreciation for diversity and multilingualism within the UAS community.