Futureproof RDI partnership

Salla Sipari, Nea Vänskä, Sari Helenius

Futureproof RDI Partnership

RDI Partnership − Driving Impact for a Sustainable Future

The solutions that shape our future are being made today. The most impactful solutions are built on the integration of RDI activities − research, development and innovation − and collective learning. Through phenomenon-based RDI ecosystems, significant positive change can be created, promoting sustainable development. Future impact arises from the combined efforts of various stakeholders, actors, and RDI processes and their outcomes. Crucial to this concept is the diverse collaboration founded on impactful partnerships.

RDI partnership have been systematically developed over a multi-phase, research-based process at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and its networks. An impactful RDI partnership contains open, reciprocal, and collaborative learning aimed at advancing a good and sustainable future by producing innovative solutions. This forms a comprehensive RDI partnership with collective learning that influence the future.

Framework for Participatory RDI Partnership

Participatory RDI partnership is an orientation to an RDI operational culture. It describes the relationship and approach to understanding and implementing RDI collaboration. Participatory RDI partnership can be utilised and applied in various approaches, settings, and methods that require and benefit from collaboration. The RDI operational culture is shaped through collaboration and in relation to the operating environment.

Participatory RDI partnership – Evaluation

The purpose of the evaluation is to develop collaboration in participatory RDI partnerships. The evaluation guides the description of the implementation of the core elements of participatory RDI partnership. Based on these descriptions, factors contributing to success and those requiring reinforcement are identified. The evaluation results can be used to promote the use of best practices and to plan necessary changes in the development of collaboration. Through evaluation, stakeholders have the opportunity to influence the development of collaboration and strengthen their commitment to it.

Participatory RDI Partnership Model

The Participatory RDI Partnership Model (Figure 5) describes partnership-based collaboration in the interconnected and interactive phases of the RDI process. The model is applicable to various RDI projects and activities.

Results and Impacts of Participatory RDI Partnership

The results and impacts of developing a participatory RDI partnership operating culture have been diverse. Their utilisation has spread widely, creating future-oriented impact across multiple dimensions (Figure 6).

Development of Participatory RDI Partnership

The participatory RDI partnership was co-developed in a multidisciplinary manner at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and within its national and international networks between 2021 and 2024. The research-based development process was multifaceted and included the identification and definition of best practices and tools from both literature and the everyday activities of RDI experts.

Future paths with RDI partnerships

Participatory RDI partnership development and conceptualisation have provided a new perspective on the future. The multifaceted and multi-phase development has unveiled the factors necessary for future-oriented, sustainable change-promoting, and impactful RDI partnership. Partnerships and shared aspirations do not emerge on their own nor do they sustain without attractive, authentic and continuously evolving collaboration. Collaboration requires time, space, and effort but yields empowerment of individuals and communities, collective expertise, and transformative learning – and this is where the potential of collaboration lies in bringing about significant and meaningful change.


This publication has emerged from the results of multi-phase and multi-perspective co-development efforts and joint endeavours to build partnership-based, inclusive and futureproof RDI activities at Metropolia and its networks. There have been several collaborative partners in the development, and we warmly thank all participants:

  • Hytke project team
  • Members of the steering group
  • Metropolia's RDI Director and Directors of innovation hubs
  • University of Eastern Finland: Research group for sustainable well-being and The House of Effectiveness
  • Demos Helsinki
  • Pilot projects and participants
  • Collaborative projects and developer partners in RDI networks

© Metropolia University of Applied Sciences 2024

Authors: Salla Sipari, Nea Vänskä, Sari Helenius
Technical implementation: Jussi Linkola
Illustration: Tanja Kallio, Muotografia
Publisher: Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Publications of Metropolia UAS
TAITO-series 143
Helsinki 2024

ISBN 978-952-328-435-7
ISSN 2669-8021

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license excluding its images.

This publication was part of a project developing participatory RDI (research, development and innovation) partnership culture and activities for sustainable well-being in Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (UAS) and RDI networks. Metropolia UAS received RDI profiling funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture (2021-2024).​