International Business and Logistics path studies

Basic information

Duration / Date(s)
Academic year 2024-2025
Study places
Price / Tuition fee
300 €

What are path studies?

Path studies are an alternative route to becoming a degree student. You will study the first-year studies together with the degree program group. After completion of path studies with good grades, you are welcome to apply to become a degree student through a separate application process. Please note that completing the path studies does not automatically guarantee admission as a degree student in a separate application process.

To whom path studies are suitable?

Path studies are right for you, if

  • your goal is a study right in a degree programme,
  • you want to take advantage of the intermediate year by studying purposefully,
  • you are ready for full-time studies and/or
  • you want to try to study at the University of Applied Sciences.

Content of International Business and Logistics path studies

The International Business and Logistics (IBL) programme offers practically oriented business administration studies with a special focus on operations of international trade, supply chain management and marketing. It responds to the needs of future business leaders developing their strategic knowledge and practical skills required in the management of people, material and information flows.

The International Business and Logistics path studies consist of 60 credits of basic business studies. The path studies are carried out together with our degree students, from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Language Skills

A minimum of B2 level English language skills are highly recommended in English language degree programmes. University of Applied Sciences studies require sufficient language skills and students are independently responsible of having such skills.

You can use the Dialang language test as a self-assessment tool to evaluate if your skills are sufficient to University of Applied Sciences level. The test includes the following sections of different fields of language skills: reading, listening, writing, vocabulary, and grammar.

Study Skills

Open UAS students are required to have the same university-level study skills as the Degree Students. Students themselves are responsible for having these skills. These skills include e.g. information searching skills and preparedness to write an essay answer. Usually, a secondary-level education (high school, vocational school) gives a good base for university-level studies.


300 €


Enroll for the International Business and Logistics path studies in Metropolia Open UAS enrollment system.

Enrollment is done by clicking "Add to basket". You can enroll or accept a place from only one path. Enrollment is open from 5th August at 10:00 am until 6th August 2024 at 23:59 pm. All eligible applicants will be invited to an interview on Friday 9th or Monday 12th of August between 9.30-17. Interviews are conducted over Zoom, 30 min per applicant.

Before enrollment, please read the Open UAS terms of payment and cancellation.

Contact information

Open UAS (payments, cancellations etc.): avoinamk [at] (avoinamk[at]metropolia[dot]fi), tel. 040 712 5100 (Mon-Thu at 10-12, Wed at 12-14)

Study Coordinator Ann-Sofie Shevlane (content and implementation of path studies): ann-sofie.shevlane [at] (ann-sofie[dot]shevlane[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

How to start path studies at Metropolia

Welcome to study path studies at Metropolia!

Read below all the common instructions for Metropolia's path students as well as the instructions for your own group.

How to start IBL path studies

Welcome to study International Business and Logistics path studies at Metropolia!

Your program code is LXC24S1.

You can find your group's curriculum at Study Guide.