Discover the possibilities of studying at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and delve into the exciting fields represented here. With the Open University courses, you can now experience university studies in business, arts, health, and technology.
Engage with our informative webinars, where student ambassadors will provide in-depth insights into the programs and answer any questions you may have. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity to gain firsthand knowledge of your field of interest and pave the way for your future academic journey.
Services for secondary school students
For whom: Secondary school students
Price: Free of charge
Content: The courses offer a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with the degrees in social and health care, technology, business administration and culture according to your choice. The scope of the courses is 1-5 credits.
With our courses, you can gain confidence in your education choice, stay updated on trends in various fields, and uncover your strengths. You could collaborate with your school advisor to explore the option to integrate your Open University studies into your upper secondary degree. Furthermore, if you successfully apply and enroll as a degree student at Metropolia UAS, you can transfer your Open University studies to count towards your university degree.
Kurssit suomen kielellä
- Osaamisen kehittäminen ja itsensä johtaminen, 1 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Tulevaisuuden työelämätaidot, 1 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
Työelämä 2030, 1 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
Työnhaku ja urasuunnittelu, 1 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Elämyksiä elävästä musiikista, 1 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
Palvelumuotoilun sprint, 2 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Kansantaloustieteen perusteet, 5 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Liiketalouden kurkistuskurssi, 2 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Sijoitustoiminnan perusteet, 5 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
Sosiaali- ja terveysala
- Ensiapu ja yleinen turvallisuus, 2 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Geronomiksi Metropoliasta! - kurkistus tutkintoon, 1 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Mitä sosionomi tekee? 5 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Tavoitteellinen urasuunnittelu, 1 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
Tieto-ja viestintätekniikka
- Excel 365 -peruskäyttö, 3 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Python-ohjelmointi, 3 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- SQL ja relaatiotietokannat, 5 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Tietoturvallisuuden perusteet, 6 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
- Vue.js perusteet, 3 op. Ilmoittaudu opintojaksolle ilmoittautumisjärjestelmässä
Courses in English
- Live Music Experiences, 1 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
Service Design Sprint, 2 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- Economics and Business Administration Sneak Peek Course, 2 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- Instagram as a marketing tool, 5 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- How to become a youtuber? 5 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- TikTok as a Marketing Tool, 5 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- Game Business, 5 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- Game Industry Introduction, 5 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
Information and Communication technology
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals, 3 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- Windows PowerShell, 5 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- IT Services - Sales and Marketing, 5 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- Software Testing Automation using Robot Framework, 3 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
- Scrum basics, 3 ECTS. Register for the studies in the registration system
For whom: Secondary students. The path studies are intended for students of Metropolia's cooperative educational institutions. Studies are always agreed in advance with your own educational institution.
Content: The path studies give secondary school students the opportunity to familiarize themselves with university of applied sciences studies and deepen their knowledge in the study field. Studying is diverse and flexible: in classroom and online teaching, which includes practical exercises and group work. The scope, content and implementation of the pathway studies varies depending on the degree programme. In bachelor's degrees, the scope of path studies is generally 30-60 credits.
After completion of the path studies: With the studies completed in the open UAS path, you can apply for a Metropolia degree student in the separate application “Application on the Basis of Metropolia’s Open UAS Studies”. If you have been admitted a study right as a degree student, your path studies will be accepted as part of your degree studies and you will continue your studies smoothly with the group. Please note, however, that completing path studies does not automatically guarantee admission as a degree student in a separate application.
Available path studies: currently offered only in Finnish
Tieto-ja viestintätekniikan väyläopinnot (60 op)
Merkonomin väyläopinnot (30 op)
Sairaanhoitotyön tutkinto-ohjelman väyläopinnot (30 op)
Ajoneuvo- ja konetekniikan väyläopinnot (30 op)
Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikan väyläopinnot (30 op)
Sosiaalialan ammatilliset väyläopinnot (30 op)
Additional information: jatkuvaoppiminen [at] (jatkuvaoppiminen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Studia is an event filled with educational institutes, exhibition stands for alternatives for different studying and career opportunities and presentations on the presenting stages. Next Studia will be arranged in November 2024.
Additional information on the event´s website
Guidance Generalia lectures give you information and tips to support you in planning and boosting your study and career path in Finland. The lectures are open to everybody.
The Guidance Generalia are provided by Metropolia SIMHE services. SIMHE services are specialised in higher education and international professionals and talents in the Finnish labour market.
Additional information on Guidance Generalia lectures website
Admission Services
Are you going to apply for a degree or to other Metropolia’s courses?
Explore our application times and application instructions through this link.
We are happy to tell you and your class all about Metropolia’s education selection and services. The presentation can be held remotely, at your school or in Metropolia’s campus.
Student and Admission Services are designed to help students with everyday study-related matters. Student and Admission Services have four offices located on different campuses.
Please visit the Student and Admission Services page to get information on the opening hours and contacts.
Are going to apply for a degree or another Metropolia’s courses? Through this link you can find information on the applying periods and instructions.
Open University of Applied Sciences
The Open University of Applied Sciences offers a possibility to study something new and inspiring, enhance your professional know-how and apply to a degree program via Open UAS path studies. Choose from our diverse range of courses, available for both fee-based and free of charge options.
Student Ambassadors Oheneba and Emiliia tell about their studies in Metropolia
Students' experiences of studying at Metropolia
Read what our students say about studying at Metropolia
Contact us
Do you have questions? Please contact us via email at jatkuvaoppiminen [at] (jatkuvaoppiminen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)