The osteopathic approach to the temporo-mandibular joint

In this course we will concentrate on the foundations of the temporo-mandibular joint embryology, anatomy, and physiology, learn about the development of the stomatognathic system as a functional unit and its osteopathic evaluation and treatment.

2 days


  • Foundations of TMJ embryology, anatomy, and physiology
  • The development of the stomatognathic system as a functional unit for the body mechanics, mastication, deglutition, phonation, and breathing
  • The tongue function in sucking and swallowing, as a moulding force for the oral cavity, dental positioning, and orofacial balance
  • The dysfunctional swallowing presentation, how to detect it in kids and adults and how to assess its systemic influence on the body.
  • Osteopathic evaluation and treatment of the tongue, including the Garliner’s myofunctional method for tongue functional rehabilitation.
  • Craniometric considerations in the interactions between head position, breathing and swallowing, including the impact on the Primary Respiratory Mechanism (PRM)
  • Relations between cranial conformation, dental class, tongue shape and PRM
  • Occlusal functional diagnosis according to the Planas method
  • Osteopathic evaluation of cranio-cervico-mandibular disorders osteopathic evaluation
  • 3D testing of the TMJ mobility with corresponding osteopathic articular and capsulo-ligamentous balancing techniques
  • Osteopathic evaluation and treatment of the myotendinous and fascial structures of the TMJ
  • Osteopathic evaluation and treatment of the hyoid bone, supra- and infrahyoid muscles

Lectures and guided practices. The course is taught in English.


Paolo Tozzi

Paolo Tozzi, Master Science in Osteopathy at the Dresda University (Germany); Doctorat en Osteopathie and Posturologie at the International Association Jean Monnet, amongst the European University Foundation of Bruxelles (Belgium); Bachelor Science Honours Degree in Osteopathy, D.O., at the European School of Osteopathy, Maidstone (UK); Degree in Physiotherapy at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome (Italy); Master Level Reiki Diplome, at the Sri Papaji Centre, Rome (Italy).

Head of Academics of the ASOMI College of Sciences in Malta; Honorary Tutor in College of Human and Health Sciences for the Swansea University; former Treasurer of the Osteopathic European Academic Network (OsEAN); former Viceprincipal of the School of Osteopathy CROMON of Rome; former Vicepresident of the Italian Association of Posturologists (A.I.R.O.P.).

Member of the Fascia Science and Clinical Applications Advisory Board of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies; Reviewer for Handspring Publishing (UK); Former reviewer for the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine.

Lecturer of biomechanics and manual therapy in different universities in Rome; Lecturer of various post-graduate courses on osteopathic subjects in Italy, Europe and overseas; Speaker in various national and international congresses of osteopathic medicine and manual therapy (included the International Fascia Research Congress); Author of various articles on fascia and fascia research; Expert on Osteopathy applied to domestic and exotic animals.



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