Boost Your Career or Job Search - Apply for Free Online Courses

Digital Career Boost offers an opportunity to update your digital skills. Choose the self-study courses that best suit your field from the course selection.

Apply for the training here!

Boost your career or job search - upgrade your skills easily with online courses

	1) Get employed by learning important new digital skills in your field 2) Easily accessible courses for professionals 3) Certification proves your new skills in job applications – it's important! 4) Learn at your own pace – the entire course is online 5) 100% free education

The free Digital Career Boost training includes quick courses tailored for professionals in various fields of knowledge work and office work. Study online at your own pace and upgrade your skills for a new career!

Who is the training suitable for?

For example:

  • Experienced professionals – when some time has passed since your studies
  • Those in need of a career update due to industry changes
  • Those in need of updating their digital skills
  • Job seekers over 50 years old in various fields

Course selection

Choose your desired courses from a wide range of options. Our course selection includes both advanced and beginner-level courses. Through these courses, you can update your skills and learn the latest digital skills valued by employers. Our courses are categorized under five main topics and designed for professionals in various fields. You can find a complete listing of all courses in the application form.

	The training includes courses on the following topics:	1) Office programs - New tools, efficient usage, and updating skills	2) Making AI easy - New tools for knowledge workers to excel in job search	3) Programming - Updating skills for old-school wizards of code	4) Data analysis - Tools beneficial for knowledge workers in various fields	5) Marketing & graphics - Digital marketing, 3D animation, and more.	The training is suitable for professionals in the following fields, among others:	1) Financial management	2) Secretaries and assistants	3) IT industry	4) Marketing industry	5) Library industry	6) Other office workers

Employers value additional education

Certificates are provided for completed courses

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences provides an official certificate for the courses you complete. It is crucial to demonstrate that you are continuously learning in the job market. When you have the latest skills alongside your extensive work experience, it gives you an advantage in the job market.

If you request a certificate, you will receive three credits for each course you complete. Before requesting a certificate, if you are unemployed, make sure to verify with the employment office how credits affect unemployment benefits.

Secure your spot in the training – apply now!

The course places are filled in the order of registration. Once we confirm your spot in the training, you can study the courses you desire at your own pace. Filling out the application form does not commit you to anything. You will also find a listing of all courses from the application. Secure your spot now and fill the application!

Apply now

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The background of Digital Career Boost


Digital Career Boost is a brand name for project activities executed by the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, funded by the The Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment (SECLE - or Jotpa in Finnish). Our goal is to promote the development of the skills of working-age people and the availability of a skilled labor in ICT. The service center's operations are directed by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Courses offered here are part of SECLE programs "Uusille digiurille" and "Digital springboard 4AI".

Contact information

Project manager:
Pekko Lindblom – Stakeholder relations, Public-private partnerships, Pekko.Lindblom [at] (Pekko[dot]Lindblom[at]metropolia[dot]fi), +358 50 473 3152

Linnea Lukkanen - registrations and advice, Linnea.Luukkanen [at] (Linnea[dot]Luukkanen[at]metropolia[dot]fi), + 358 50 5995106