You will gain access to an online course platform where all materials are immediately available, allowing you to study at your own pace. You can start the training right after accessing the course platform. The estimated completion time for mandatory modules is 135 hours, including watching course videos, exploring additional materials, and completing assignments. The course platform will be accessible for one year from your first login.
The course contains 14 modules with video and text materials and assignments. To complete the course (5 ects), an approved performance from each module is required. Each assignment and the course are evaluated on a pass/fail basis.
The modules cover the following content:
- reflection on one's own pedagogical path
- values, virtues and strengths
- positive pedagogy, and supporting the strengths of the learner
- teacher ethics and emotional skills
- observation
- competencies and work field
- encountering learners of different ages and diversities
- tools of music teaching
- planning teaching
- basic knowledge of teaching one's own instrument.