Clinical Reasoning and Person-Centred Osteopathic Care

Matching Clinical Experience, Evidence and Patient’s Needs in Practice

Clinical reasoning is a critical process that involves the systematic gathering and analysis of information to make informed clinical decisions. This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills required to excel in clinical reasoning and provide person-centred osteopathic care.


In this course we will explore how clinical reasoning plays a pivotal role in delivering effective patient care.


Our registration form is in Finnish. If you have any questions regarding the registration form and difficulties filling it out, please contact our lecturer Sandra Rinne, sandra.rinne [at] (sandra[dot]rinne[at]metropolia[dot]fi) / tel. +358 40 159 1759.

Target Audience

This course is suitable for aspiring osteopathic practitioners, osteopaths, and students
interested in delivering person-centred, evidence-based osteopathic care.

Content and Objectives

  • Develop Proficiency in Clinical Reasoning
    Learn to gather comprehensive patient histories
    Acquire skills in performing thorough physical examinations
    Practice differential diagnosis and problem-solving in clinical scenarios
    Apply evidence-based medicine principles to inform clinical decision-making
  • Foster Effective Communication and Patient-Centered Care
    Develop strong interpersonal and communication skills to build trust with patients
    Understand the importance of informed consent and shared decision-making
    Explore cultural competence and its role in providing person-centered care
  • Implement Osteopathic Techniques
    Learn and practice a variety of osteopathic techniques, including soft tissue
    manipulation and joint mobilization from a person-centred perspective
    Understand when and how to apply these techniques based on clinical reasoning
  • Embrace a Holistic Approach to Patient Care
    Explore the biopsychosocial model of healthcare
    Recognize the impact of psychosocial factors on health and disease
    Develop strategies for addressing the mind-body connection in patient care
  • Clinical Application and Case Studies
    Engage in practical case studies and hands-on clinical experiences
    Apply clinical reasoning skills to real-world patient scenarios
    Receive feedback and guidance from experienced instructors

Delivery Method

This course will consist of a combination of lectures, hands-on practical sessions, group
discussions and case studies.


With a previous background as physiotherapist, Lluís graduated in osteopathy in 2005 at the Escola d'Osteopatía de Barcelona (EOB) in a joint program with the European School of Osteopathy (ESO). Since then, he has been mainly working as an osteopath at his private clinic and at a hospital based in Palma de Mallorca (Spain).

Lluís has a lot of experience in sport medicine, has been working with the Spanish Olympic Sailing Team at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and is still the consultant for that Team. In 2015 became CEO of Registro de Osteópatas de España (ROE) and has been the Spanish head-representative at the CEN Technical Committee that produced the European Standard EN 16686:2015 ”Osteopathic Healthcare Provision”.

Since 2020 he’s an active member of the Osteopathy Europe Board, where he’s also involved at the Research and Communication Committees.

Besides his clinical and organisational roles, he’s also and international lecturer with a clear focus on clinical reasoning, evidence-based osteopathy and person-centred care and recently finished his Masters in Healthcare (Osteopathy) at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland).


By the end of this course

participants will be well-equipped to provide person-centred osteopathic care while employing sound clinical reasoning skills and will be prepared to make informed clinical decisions, tailor treatments to individual patient needs, and uphold the principles of osteopathy in their professional practice.



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