Information Technology online path studies

Basic information

180 ects
Price / Tuition fee
579 €

Are you interested in Information Technology ? Do you want to start your studies flexibly online and apply later, to become a degree student? This non-stop 180 credits path is for you, if

  • you want to complete your studies flexibly, at your own pace by studying online
  • you have been thinking a new career in field of Information Technology


Path studies include 180 credits of Information Technology studies. You will study general studies like Engineering Mathematics and Physics as well as plenty of Information Technology field related courses like:

  • Unix/Linux (Basics and Advanced)
  • Engineering Physics 1
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Introduction to Scala
  • Basics of Computer Security
  • Microsoft Azure Fundamentals
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • IT Service Management
  • Project Management
  • Economics
  • Routing and Switching
  • Advanced Usage of Office Programs
  • Finnish for Foreigners 1
  • Finnish for Foreigners 2
  • Windows PowerShell
  • Expressions and Equations
  • Python Programming
  • Basic Network Analyzing with Wireshark
  • Data Analysis with Python
  • TOEFL® Practice Online
  • Responsive Web Design
  • CISSP: Certified Information System Security Professional
  • SQL and Relational Databases
  • Google Cloud Computing Fundamentals
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Data Visualization
  • JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Quality Assurance in Software Engineering
  • Data Structures and Algorithms with Python

Make yourself familiar with courses and course descriptions

How studies are implemented

  • After student have paid the fee, student will be given the instructions, how to complete the courses.
  • Student may start studies immediately after that.
  • Student will study non-stop path studies online, independently.
  • Studies allows you to study at your own pace, whilst working.
  • There is no contact teaching or guidance while doing 180 credits.
  • There is no entrance exam.
  • Exams will be held online.
  • Evaluation criteria in all courses is: pass /fail (no numerical evaluation).
  • These studies do not lead to any specific major.


Information Technology non-stop 180 credits path studies fee is 579 €.

How to enroll to Information Technology non-stop 180 credits open path studies

Enroll to Information Technology non-stop 180 credits path studies

Make yourself familiar with Open UAS - Terms of Payment and Cancellation before enrollment.

There is no basic education requirements for starting non-stop path studies. However, It is good to understand that student need general study skills and language skills in studies. Learn more about Open UAS - Language Skills and Other Requirements.

How to apply to become an Information Technology degree student

  • When student has completed path online studies, 180 credits, student apply to become a Information Technology degree student to complete remaining studies as a degree student.
  • Student will apply on the Basis of Finnish Higher Education Studies
  • Student may apply only to English conducted degree programme.

Application instructions vary depending on the academic term you are applying to study

Application period

NOTE: at the moment you will apply: Application on the Basis of Finnish Higher Education Studies: Bachelor of Engineering, Information Technology, full-time studies. You will complete your remaining studies online - not at the campus as a full-time student. We have only this full-time studies application path available at the moment.

Completing remaining studies as a degree student to be able to graduate

Student will start degree studies right after student has been accepted into Information Technology degree programme.

The extent of the Information Technology degree is 240 ects credits. There are compulsory courses, which all Information Technology degree students must complete:

  • Innovation Project (10 credits)
  • Work placement (2 x 15 credits)
  • Final Year Project, Bachelor`s Thesis (15 credits
  • Some cases student need to do few Advanced Professional studies to reach required 240 credits to be able to graduate.

Starting studies as a degree student - Individual study plan

  • The content of individual study path is decided by head of the ICT department, Janne Salonen.
  • Individual study plan takes place when right to study has started and Metropolia Student and Admission services has added student into Metropolia OMA system.
  • When student has a role as a degree student, Information Technology degree coordinator will contact to student by email and gives instructions in following matters:
    • How to activate Metropolia user account
    • Individual study plan
    • Link to study guide (Metropolia systems)
    • How to transfer prior 180 cr path studies to new Information Technology degree student role.
    • These non-stop path studies does not lead to any specific major and all studies will be done online.
    • Student`s Curriculum TXL23S2

Scholarships and tuition fees

Annual tuition fee

  • 10 000 € for those, whose right of study starts before 1 August 2024
  • 11 000 € for those, whose right of study starts after 31 July 2024.
  • Read more on tuition fees and scholarship

Metropolia guidance personnel in Information Technology

Head of the ICT Department Janne Salonen Janne.Salonen [at] (Janne[dot]Salonen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Coordinator Sari.Rannisto [at] (Sari[dot]Rannisto[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

How to start path studies at Metropolia

Welcome to study path studies at Metropolia!

Read below all the common instructions for Metropolia's path students as well as the instructions for your own group.

How to start Information Technology online path studies

Instructions will be published soon.