Metropolia EU messages 2025
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with its partners, contributes to a more competitive Europe through high-quality and impactful research, education and innovation. Through European and international cooperation and by providing the skills and expertise that society needs, we create sustainable solutions to the challenges of the future.
Metropolia, in cooperation with the Helsinki EU Office, has prepared a statement summarising Metropolia's proposals for the priorities of the future EU financial framework.
Funding for challenge-based collaborative projects must be a cornerstone of FP10. The collaborative research and innovation activities funded from the Pillar II of Horizon Europe give rise to excellence by bringing together a wide range of different partners from across Europe and the world, thus demonstrating the added value of a European framework programme. Multi-partner R&I, uniting universities of applied sciences, universities, cities, regions, research institutes, businesses, and other stakeholders, has proven essential for addressing Europe’s societal challenges and enhancing its competitiveness. Ecosystem-based collaboration should be central to European R&I activities as it combines expertise and resources, ensures impactful and scalable results, and promotes an effective translation of research into societal and economic benefits.
The budget of the EU's R&I framework programme should be increased, and funding should focus on high-quality and high-impact projects. Securing Europe’s ability to compete globally, address societal challenges, and achieve sustainable development depends on prioritising R&I that delivers measurable impact and tangible benefits for various stakeholders, from citizens to businesses. Funding and resources should go to excellent projects with clear potential to create significant benefits for Europe’s society, economy, and global standing. While prioritising funding for R&I projects that demonstrate exceptional quality, FP10 should provide substantial support toward projects with higher technological readiness level (TRL) that lead to real-world applications.
European R&I efforts should align with the EU’s strategic goals, to maximise impact and support broader policy objectives. The thematic priorities of Horizon Europe are mostly well-aligned with the critical challenges facing the EU. FP10 should maintain a similar focus while placing even greater emphasis on R&I activities that drive the green and digital transitions, promote health and wellbeing, and enhance comprehensive security, resilience and inclusion. These areas are pivotal for ensuring Europe’s sustainability and competitiveness in the years ahead.
Example: Metropolia UAS supports the creation of energy positive urban districts with its ecosystem partners
The EU must better integrate education, research and innovation at both policy and funding levels, as these sectors cannot operate effectively in isolation. Aligning the design, measures and objectives of the European Research Area (ERA), the European Education Area (EEA), and the New European Innovation Agenda is critical to achieving this. Beyond strategic and political coordination, EU funding should also strengthen these links. Transformative change requires rapid investment in reskilling and upskilling, focusing on co-developing research, innovation, technologies, and the skills needed to implement them in collaboration with industry. Addressing gaps, such as Horizon Europe’s limited emphasis on the skills agenda, is essential in its successor. FP10 should explicitly support the contributions of the European university alliances, ensuring their R&I efforts are effectively integrated into its priorities and funding.
Integrating research, development, and innovation with skills (RDI+S), universities of applied sciences (UAS) seamlessly combine theory with practical application. This approach enhances students' real-world problem-solving abilities while ensuring that teaching and learning are closely aligned with the continuously evolving workforce needs. By fostering collaboration with industry and addressing real-world challenges, these institutions create a pipeline of skilled professionals ready to drive Europe’s strategic priorities. To further support this, the EU should increase funding for RDI+Skills initiatives that link education and innovation to labour market needs and, therefore, help UAS reach their full potential for the benefit of Europe’s competitiveness. Programs like Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, ERDF, ESF, and their successors should allocate resources for partnerships between universities of applied sciences, industry, research organisations, cities, and other ecosystem actors. Dedicated funding for RDI+Skills projects that address skills gaps in critical sectors, including reskilling and upskilling and lifelong learning efforts, as well as for internships and apprenticeships integrated with industry partners, can amplify the impact.
Education is a cornerstone of European values, democracy, and the foundation for a better future. Future-proof professionals with skills that meet society's evolving needs are essential for Europe's competitiveness. As such, the Erasmus+ budget for the next programming period should be substantially increased and targeted strategically to exploit the full potential of Europe’s higher education sector. Predictable, long-term funding must be secured for European university alliances, higher education mobility programs, and internationalisation efforts. In close cooperation with the Member States, the EU must support the development of education, training and skills in a way that aligns with Europe’s evolving labour market demands and strategic objectives. The European university alliances would benefit from increased synergies between different funding programmes, and in particular, FP10 should support the alliances’ R&I activities.
Maximising the impact of cohesion policy requires stronger EU support for developed regions in the next programming period. These regions drive innovation, competitiveness and resilience, generating spillover effects that benefit the entire EU. ERDF and ESF are key for strengthening innovation for smart specialisation, accelerating the path towards climate-neutrality, and fostering forward-looking collaboration between regional stakeholders, including cities, businesses, and universities of applied sciences. Such funding opportunities must also be made more available for developed regions, where these programmes are put into highly impactful use.
The future cohesion policy should empower regional innovation ecosystems and foster connections between them through smart specialisation and stronger territorial cooperation. Particular attention should be given to the Interreg programmes, as these transnational and cross-border collaborative projects are greatly needed to boost regional collaboration on climate neutrality, economic development, innovation, and social cohesion, in geopolitically sensitive areas such as the Baltic Sea region.
The Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities is a great example of a place-based approach with an urban focus. Cohesion funding should provide synergies by accelerating the uptake of new climate-neutral solutions. Some cohesion funding should be earmarked for sustainable urban development, and we support the continuity of the European Urban Initiative in the next programming period.
Contact us
Mona Roman
Research Director, EU advocacy and international activities
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
+ 358 40 555 1044
mona.roman [at] (mona[dot]roman[at]metropolia[dot]fi)