Adult Health Clinic

In the adult health clinic in HyMy Village, you will be met expertly and without haste by Metropolia UAS' public health nursing students. Our staff, who are health care professionals, are responsible for the services

Our services are intended for people over 18 years old.

At the adult health clinic, we perform health checks and provide guidance by appointment. You will receive support and information for promoting your own health, well-being and functional ability.

  • We perform health checks and make personalized plans to support self-management of health
  • We map out lifestyle choices using various methods including discussions, health inquiries and measurements
  • We provide health guidance and counselling according to the client’s needs regarding e.g.
    • physical exercise
    • mental well-being
    • nutrition
    • smoking and substance use
    • sleep, rest and recovery
  • We monitor the client’s health status and health promotion outcomes as agreed

We perform e.g. the following examinations and procedures:

  • Measurements of blood pressure, pulse and oxygen saturation, respiratory rate
  • Visions tests

Price List

Adult Health Clinic - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount.
Purpose of AppointmentDurationPrice-20%
The adult counseling center works by appointment and the basic visit is free, but the procedures and examinations are charged.---
Blood pressure measurement---
Oxygen measurements---
PEF measurements---
Color vision tests---
Health check---
Removal of stitches or staples-5 €-
Wound care - Cleaning the wound and changing the dressings according to the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor/wound nurse. Please bring your own wound care supplies and products to the reception.-5 €-
Ear irrigation and guidance - Prepare for the appointment by using the earwax softening oil available at the pharmacy for about two days.-10 €8 €
Hearing test - screening (also includes a health check if desired)-40 €32 €

What does a public health nurse do?

A public health nurse is a healthcare professional who specializes in public health work and preventive healthcare. Health promotion and preventive healthcare are key aspects of a public health nurse’s work. A public health nurse involves and supports clients in promoting and maintaining their own health. A public health nurse’s work is based on scientific information and expertise in hands-on care work.

For your benefit

At HyMy Village, our main goal is to provide quality wellbeing and health services without haste and taking into account your individual situation.

Good to know

  • In HyMy-Village you are a client in a learning situation where our students practice, under the supervision of teachers, in addition to their professional skills, e.g. people-centered interaction with clients.
  • The research and rehabilitation plan made for you by our students is always checked and approved by the supervising teachers.
  • During your visit, in addition to the corresponding student, his or her student colleagues may be involved in observing the situation.
  • If you look younger than 13 years old, we will check your age, as under the age of 13 requires parental consent to participate in the activity.

Your feedback is important to us

Our goal is to provide you expert, flexible and personalized service without haste. Your feedback is important to us for the development of our operations and services. Please, give us feedback on the e-form.

Social and Patient Ombudsperson

The City of Helsinki organises the Social and Patient Ombudspersons' services for public and private health and social services.

Social and Patient Ombudsperson:

  • Advises and guides in matters related to the application of the Act on the Status and Rights of Social Welfare Clients, the Act on the Status and Rights of Patient and the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care.
  • Advises and, if necessary, assists the client, patient, or their legal representative in filing an objection.
  • Advises on the proper procedures and authorities for raising objections, filing complaints, handling patient injury matters, and claiming for damages, among other matters related to the patient's and client's legal rights in healthcare, social welfare, or early childhood education services.
  • Informs about the rights of clients and patients.
  • Gathers information about the contacts made by clients and patients and monitors the development of the rights and status of clients and patients.
  • Promotes the rights of clients and patients in other ways.

You find more information here.


Metropolia has a health insurance for patient injuries covered by the Patient Injury Act. Metropolia also has a general liability insurance for damages taking place in education. The terms and conditions of the liability insurance can be seen in HyMy Village.