SDG4BIZ - Knowledge Alliance for Business Opportunity Recognition in SDGs

SDG4BIZ Project

The Knowledge Alliance for Business Opportunities in SDGs (SDG4BIZ) emerges as a pioneering European and Turkish transnational project, strategically aligning higher Education Institutions (later HEIs) and businesses. This initiative created, tested, and disseminated a multidisciplinary curriculum and training material specifically tailored to recognize and actualize the business opportunities embedded within the SDGs. The collaboration involved cross-border teams of educators and experts jointly developing innovative pedagogical content within an online learning platform. This enhances students' creativity, employability, and career prospects and adds significant value for enterprises.

The SDG4BIZ project was carried out during the period from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences coordinated the project. Below you can read a brief overview of the project and the results it produced. Additionally, you can explore the project’s outcomes and publications. The project was funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.

Project Outputs and Results

SDG4BIZ Project Newsletters

The SDG4BIZ consortium published six project newsletters that summarized the SDG4BIZ project activities, highlights, and milestones achieved.

Seminars and publications

SDG4BIZ Book and Audiobook

The SDGs and Entrepreneurship Book

The SDGs and Entrepreneurship Book aimed to assemble high-quality papers that explain, deepen, and enhance the understanding of the potential and impact of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (hereafter SDGs) on Business Opportunity Recognition for entrepreneurship and innovation management, as well as a sustainable business and sustainable entrepreneurship.

SDG4BIZ Audiobook

An audio version of the SDGs and Entrepreneurship Book has also been published as podcasts. The audiobook's podcasts here supplement the project's book on business opportunity recognition for entrepreneurship and innovation management.

SDG4BIZ Consortium

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