SAFE - Solutions for Age-Friendly Employer

About the project

More and more people are working later in life. Due to their chronological age, older workers however often face ageism in the form of prejudice, discrimination, or neglect. The “Solutions for Age-Friendly Employer (SAFE)” project joins four partners from different sectors in the Central Baltic Region countries – Estonia, Finland, and Sweden. The cooperation aims to strengthen and improve employment opportunities for employees aged 55+ specifically focusing on the health and wellness sectors.

Developing competence and learning new things throughout the life course strengthens our workability and improves our overall well-being. In the current labour market more discussion and change are needed to build diverse work communities. In this project, we support the construction of age-friendly work communities without forgetting the different generations.


“Solutions for Age-Friendly Employer” (SAFE) project enters the phase of co-creation with employees and employers

On September 25th, partners from the SAFE project gathered in person at the NDPHS Secretariat office in Stockholm. The project is advancing steadily, and we have started developing solutions for age-friendly workplaces. While we've held numerous online meetings with our partners, this in-person meeting allowed us to align on workshop implementation and collect valuable input for designing the self-assessment tool.

The SAFE project aims to create a toolkit to help organizations understand the importance of age-inclusive HR policies and reduce age discrimination in the workplace. By involving companies early in the development process, we ensure our solutions are practical and tailored to the real needs of both employees and employers. This collaborative approach supports the creation of more inclusive work environments for people at various career stages, ultimately fostering healthier organizations and higher employee satisfaction.

At the meeting, the team from Metropolia University shared insights from their discussions with partner organizations. The group agreed on the importance of conducting workshops in a consistent way to allow for systematic comparison of results. The participating organizations include Nurmilintu, Ylähovi, the Veteraanitalo Foundation, and HoivaNova. Tallinn University Haapsalu College has also partnered with Synlab (Estonia) and the Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre, where workshops will take place in October and November.

Each partner has begun analyzing the current state of age-friendly practices in their country. These workshops and evaluations will provide essential insights for the development of the organizational self-assessment tool. The main objective for the project’s next phase is to create and pilot this tool.

We had our kick-off on April 15th in Tallinn! Here you can read more about it:

Execution time

01.04.2024- 31.03.2027


Project Manager Liisa Nuutinen
liisa.nuutinen [at] (liisa[dot]nuutinen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)