Project has ended 31.5.2022
About Roboboost-project
6Aika-project Roboboost produced new continuous learning training packages and coaching for different industries and levels of education. Central to the project was change coaching and the desired creation of operating models and cooperation between educational institutions.
Results of the project
Read more about the results and achievements of the Roboboost project on the official website of the project.
See also recordings of events held during the project on the project's YouTube channel.
What challenge did the project meet
Project answered the need that working life and educational institutes have when it comes to skills and know-how in robotics. The nation-wide project brought together the currently dispersed actors of robotics, covering both those who have the know-how and those who need it. Project focused in caring industry and industrial production.
Importance of individual competence
Individuals taking part in the project gain skills to support their lifelong learning and changing professional identities. Know-how in robotics includes, in addition to technical skills, also service design, resilience for change and ethical questions.
In addition, project prevented marginalization, as it brought new skills to workers of low education. Project did also diminish gender gap, bringing technological know-how to female-dominated industries and preventing the marginalization of low-educated males.
Utilization of previously acquired know-how
The Roboboost project did utilize the expertise previously developed and gained in the 6Aika, ERDF and ESF projects.
- PalRob: experimental expertise in social-, health and health and welfare sectors
- Roboreel: business collaboration, business coaching and robotics piloting expertise
- DigiSalama: Expertise in technology
Homepages of the previous project utilized in Roboboost-project
Additional information
Official website of the project, Roboboost project website,
tki-info [at] (tki-info[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Päivi Haho
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
paivi.haho [at] (paivi[dot]haho[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
The Universities of Applied Sciences and secondary schools implementing the project
- Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (main contractor), homepage on Metropolia university of -applied sciences
- Laurea University of Applied Sciences (subcontractor), homepage of Laurea University of Applied Sciences
- Oulu University of Applied Sciences (subcontractor), homepage of Oulu University of Applied Sciences
- Tampere Vocational College Tredu (subcontractor), homepage of Tampere Vocational College Tredu
- Turku Vocational Institute TAI (subcontractor), homepage of Turku Vocational Institute TAI
- Vantaa Vocational College Varia (subcontractor), homepage of Vantaan Vocational College Varia