The project ended on October 1, 2013.
Promoting client-centered competence building
Project focuses on enhancing professional client-centered competence in diverse client communities within social and educational sectors. The project rethinks the design of education and educational processes, and enhances teachers' and students’ competences towards service-design approach in collaboration with working life. Main objective of this project is to develop pedagogical approach, methods and activities leading to client-centered competence building in higher education.
The project is put in practice within the context of university and UAS students’ work placement in social and pre-school education field.
Teachers of participating higher education institutions together with working life partners re-examine students’ work placement teaching methods and required competences in terms of clients’ needs. Collaboration will increase common understanding and generates an approach on professional development. As a result the project will deliver the innovative landmarks and tools to combine client-centered approach and competence building in higher education.
Nordic PROcompetence network will be established for continuing competence building.
The project is collaboration between higher education institutions in Finland, Estonia, Norway and Sweden. It is coordinated by Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and will be implemented in a partnership with:
- Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Welfare and human functioning
- Mälardalen University
- Stord/Haugesund University College, Faculty of Teacher and Cultural Education
- University of Tartu, Pärnu College
As education designers we aim to build client-centered, culturally sensitive and diverse service solutions that bridge the professionals and respect sustainable development.
Further information
tki-info [at] (tki-info[at]metropolia[dot]fi)