NEST - Co-Creating a New Form of Governance in Societal Transition for Healthy Living

Healthy living is of high priority on the EU agenda. Yet, it is a complex challenge that requires to break up the fragmented health sector. The NEST Innovation Alliance co-creates a new form of social innovation ecosystem that acts as a sustainable vehicle for societal transitions and increased capacity in knowledge creation towards healthy living.

Project objectives

How to position and organise a social innovation ecosystem sustainably into long term societal transitions? And how to grow and maintain knowledge and collective agency of the diverse healthy living stakeholders in social innovation ecosystems? To answer these questions, we implement four international communities of practice on

  1. social business development
  2. engaged community science
  3. reflexive monitoring
  4. knowledge creation.

To measure our objectives, we use a mix of SMART and Learning-Oriented Indicators. It means that we work
result-oriented to fullfil our EU funding requirements, but learning-oriented when it comes to our content development.

Alliances for Innovation

Alliances will be anchored in strategic and sustainable cooperation among vocational education and training (VET), higher education (HE) and enterprises working together to boost the innovation capacity of Europe. They will considerably strengthen the synergies between both educational fields in fostering innovation, new skills, a sense of initiative and entrepreneurial mind-sets. The Alliances for Innovation will focus on the need of citizens and accelerate the modernization of HE and VET.

The Alliances will help to implement the EU Communication on the Renewed Agenda for Higher Education and contribute to the creation of a European Education Area. The Alliances for Innovation will also take into account the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Project consortium

Ten project partners from six countries plus one European network partner from higher education, VET, research, and businesses.


Anna Kaipainen

Project Manager, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

anna.kaipainen [at] (anna[dot]kaipainen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)