Digital Creative Industries and Beyond

The Digital Creative Industries and Beyond (DCIB) -project creates concrete training activities as well as support to success-enhancing technological and sustainable development know-how to enhance business and increase production of Finland's metropolitan area companies in digital creative fields (AV, audio, XR, game industry) that are starting out and seeking international growth.

The goals of the project are to strengthen and promote

  • cooperation and joint development of digital and creative fields;
  • wider utilization of new technologies in creative and other fields (cross-sector / cross-media);
  • the development, application and implementation of sustainable new operating methods and solutions that promote business, growth and competence in companies;
  • utilization of open and licensed IP and data in business operations.

In addition, the project aims to develop the industry's ecosystem and networks and support services that promote new business.

The project organizes various events for companies and professionals of digital creative fields, such as Arts & Science Innovation Biennale and a future forum, as well as targeted activities for students and program pilots for metropolitan area companies in the field. In addition, one goal is to strengthen the mentoring and expert networks and the creative industry business counseling of the City of Helsinki.

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences is the project coordinator and partners are the City of Helsinki and Aalto University. The project has started on 1.11.2023 and ends on 30.09.2026. DCIB is co-funded by the European Union, and it is part of the HEVinnovations program and Innocities network. The project is supported by Metropolia's Creative Dimension (Luova Dimensio).

For more information, please contact: Anna Muukkonen, Project Manager, anna.muukkonen (a)

Follow the project

More information about the DCIB project on HEVinnovations website

DCIB project on Luova Dimensio website

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