How to Apply for Exchange Studies

Information on the application process for incoming exchange students

During the application time we will organise two identical online info sessions for partners and students interested to apply to Metropolia. The info sessions will not be recorded. You can view the material of the info session (PDF).

  • Info session Wednesday 26 March at 10 am (Finland time) in Zoom
  • Info session Thursday 10 April at 2 pm (Finland time) in Zoom

Regarding the entry permits, we kindly advice all non-EU applicants to keep an eye on the website of the Finnish embassy in their home country, as the process of issuing student residence permits may be delayed.

Step 1: Check the partner agreement

Only students from partner institutions can apply as exchange students to Metropolia. Check if your institution has a mobility agreement with Metropolia in your field of study:

If your institution does not have a mobility agreement with Metropolia, you can apply to Open Studies (as a non-exchange/non-graduate student) or to the Metropolia Summer Schools. If you are interested in completing a full degree at Metropolia, see How to Apply.

Step 2: Check studies and language requirement for exchange students in your field of study


See Courses for exchange students to see study options in each field of study. Students can only select courses matching their study programme at home university.

Language requirement

Teaching at Metropolia typically involves active student participation, class discussion, project and group work as well as student presentations. Therefore, level B2 in English on the CEFR scale is highly recommended for all applicants in order to successfully complete studies in English at Metropolia. It is the home institutions’ responsibility to make sure that the students’ language skills are sufficient for an exchange period abroad. Official language certificates are not required.

Step 3: Ask your home institution to nominate you

Your home institution needs to nominate you for student exchange at Metropolia before the application period ends. Student exchange at Metropolia cannot last longer than one academic year.

Nomination is done via email. Please see the email addresses and other contact information to Metropolia's International Relations.

Step 4: Fill in the online application

Application periods for incoming exchange students:

  • Applications for the Autumn Semester and Full Academic Year: 15 March - 1 May (recommended deadline for non-EU students: 1 April)
  • Applications for the Spring Semester: 15 September - 1 November (recommended deadline for non-EU students: 1 October)

Fill in the online application form in the Mobility-Online system. The application process includes several steps: the online application form is just the first step. The link will be active during the application periods:

Required documents for the application:

  1. Official Transcript of Records in English from your home institution (your study transcript)
  2. Learning Agreement

    Erasmus students need to prepare a digital/online Learning Agreement according to advice of your home institution. Have it approved and signed by your home institution. The Learning Agreement should include your tentative study plan (courses) in Metropolia and the courses recognized at your home institution. See the available courses on our website. Please name Metropolia International Relations Adviser as the Responsible person at receiving institution.

    Other incoming exchange students (e.g. students from institutions located outside Europe and students through Nordplus networks) need to use this Learning Agreement (Word). See the available courses on our website. If any changes occur to your original Learning Agreement during your studies at Metropolia, you can mark them into this Learning Agreement During Mobility form (Word).
  3. Check also the study field specific information and possible attachments below:

Step 5: Apply for housing

The application periods for exchange student housing at HOAS are:

  • 1 April - 5 May for students applying for the autumn semester/full academic year
  • 1 October - 5 November for students applying for the spring semester.

NB! Submit your application as early as possible during the HOAS application period. The available rooms are offered in the order the applications are submitted. Due to the limited number of furnished exchange student rooms, please note that applying by the deadline does not guarantee housing at HOAS. See more information on housing (including link to application form for housing).

Step 6: Confirm if you accept the offered place

Applications are reviewed after the application period ends. Within a month after the application period has ended you will receive information on whether you have been accepted as an exchange student or not. Please note that acceptance is certain only after you receive an acceptance letter from Metropolia. Accepted students will receive an acceptance letter and information package by email.

After receiving the acceptance letter you must confirm in Mobility-Online if you accept the offered place or not. Together with this confirmation, you will also accept to follow the rules and guidelines given by Metropolia UAS and any possible rules given by the rental company (e.g. HOAS).

Step 7: Plan your arrival

All exchange students are expected to arrive before the orientation days (see Academic Calendar). The exams are always arranged within the semester dates. You can find more information on studying at Metropolia and living in the Helsinki region on our student life and wellbeing pages.

If you have a condition that requires special arrangements (for example a physical impairment), actively seek information, to ensure smooth studying in Metropolia. Your international Relations Adviser will be happy to help.

Questions? Explore carefully the Metropolia website and contact the International Relations Adviser of your field of study, if needed.

Follow Metropolia Exchange on social media!

Instagram: @metropolia_exchange
Facebook: Metropolia International Exchange