Who are you and what are you studying?
Terve! My name is Konstantinos Chatzopoulos. I was born and raised in Athens, Greece, and since August, I have permanently moved to Finland. My journey has been marked by diversity, and it has shaped me into the person I am today. While pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Maritime Science and Arts and later completing my Master's in Business Administration, I proudly served for more than 8 years as a submarine officer (Lieutenant) in the Greek Navy. Currently, I am embarking on an exciting new academic journey as I pursue a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering in Electronics. I have been studying at the Myyrmäki Campus of Metropolia since August 2023.
How did you end up studying Electronics? What is your dream career?
Because of my previous work experience, I had to deal with various technical and, especially, electrical issues. Back then, I took the initiative to look into electronics, and I developed a strong interest in them. I was so intrigued by engineering, and I felt so fulfilled and confident when I was solving an issue that I decided to take the risk, resign from my job, and pursue an engineering degree. Fortunately, I was selected to study the one I was most interested in, and so far, I am more than satisfied with the knowledge I have gained and the opportunities that the university offers me to apply all the theory.
At the moment, I don't have a dream career. I am enjoying the journey and trying to learn and interact with electronics and technology as much as I can. I definitely want to work domestically and internationally as an engineer in electronics. I feel that Finland and Metropolia offer many opportunities for engineers.
What inspires you in your studies in Metropolia?
As I mentioned, I am very lucky. Most of my classmates are also studying for their second or third degree, so we are a group that realizes what really interests us, and we push each other to question and try harder. Metropolia also sets the bar high. There are lots of opportunities to participate in university clubs, such as Robocarage and AIoT Garage, of which I am a proud member. In these clubs, you can actually learn, discuss, collaborate, design, and manufacture EVERYTHING you can imagine. Metropolia also promotes innovation and teamwork, giving you the right to be heard and seen by participating in competitions, seminars, fairs, and lots of other activities. It is truly a place where you can spend your time joyfully from 07:30 until 21:00.
What is your favorite place in campus? How about in Helsinki?
My favorite places on campus are Robocarage and the gym/sauna. I am trying to live by honoring my ancestors' saying that "the mind is healthy when the body is healthy." So I spend time at the gym that the university offers every day. In an effort to adapt to Finnish culture, I use the sauna from time to time. However, the best place to be is the Robocarage! It's the greatest combination of hanging out with colleagues who have similar interests and have access to cutting-edge technology for your projects. I challenge everyone to follow the orange robot line that is on the floor of the ground level and find out why.
My favorite place in Helsinki is the Oodi Library. It's a very beautiful and modern architectural building in the heart of Helsinki with a great terrace on the top floor. The first time I visited, I was amazed by how many capabilities I had for free or at a low price. In my perspective, it's the place to be in your free time.
What do you do in your free time?
As for my hobbies, they include outdoor activities and sports. I enjoy walking in the Finnish forests, picking up berries and mushrooms, which have become my new seasonal obsession. I also like to ride my bicycle through the forest and work out at the public gyms that Helsinki has installed. I also enjoy traveling and learning about new cultures and customs. I am also a scuba diver and like sailing during the summer. I have a strong connection with the sea and nature in general. While I am not a social media enthusiast, it could become my next hobby. You can join me on my adventures around the world by following me on social media!
Follow Konstantinos on social media:
Instagram: @chatzilainen
Linkedin: Konstantinos Chatzopoulos
Read more about Bachelor's Degree in Electronics