Smart Automation path studies

Basic information

Duration / Date(s)
2 semesters
Study places
Price / Tuition fee

What are path studies?

Path studies in Smart Automation include the first academic year courses of the Degree Programme in Smart Automation. Path students will complete the first-year studies with the degree students during two semesters. After completing the first-year studies, path students can apply to continue their studies in the Smart Automation degree programme via the separate application process in May.

Smart automation studies including the first-year studies are listed on the degree programme's curriculum on Study Guide. Smart Automation path studies are day-time studies, including contact teaching on campus, online learning, and independent study. Studies are full-time studies, and require attendance at the campus during the day from Monday to Friday.

Studies progress according to the schedule. The schedule is available in Schedule Machine with the group id TXX24S1. The schedule is released for the entire semester at a time, but please note that changes are possible.

To whom are path studies suitable?

Smart Automation path studies could be for you if:

  • you are interested in technology
  • your goal is a study right in a degree programme
  • you are ready for full-time studies

Language and other requirements

The student is responsible of possessing sufficient language skills for studies in higher education in English. Open UAS students are required to have the same university level study skills as the Degree Students. Students themselves are responsible for having these skills. These skills include e.g. information searching skills and preparedness to write an essay answer. Usually a secondary level education (high school, vocational school) gives a good base for university level studies. Studies in the technology include studies in mathematics and physics. Studies also include projects done in groups, so student are required to have collaboration skills.

Students are recommended to have their own laptop for the studies.


900 euros

Enrollment for path studies

Students are selected in the order of enrollment.

Enrollment for path is in the Metropolia open UAS enrollment system

Enrollment 5.8.2024 at 10.00 - 6.8.2024 at 23.59.

Before enrolling, please read the information on Studying in Open University and Open UAS's Terms of Payment and Cancellation.

If you have any questions regarding enrollment or payment, please contact Metropolia Open UAS.

Contact Information for Open UAS

Starting studies

Please see here how to start Smart Automation path studies

Further Information

Study content and implementation

Contact information

Programme Coordinator Jenni Pöllönen, jenni.pollonen [at] (jenni[dot]pollonen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Open UAS: Payments, benefits, services, studying

Applying to degree student

Application on the Basis of Metropolia’s Open UAS Studies

Guidance: admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

How to start path studies at Metropolia

Welcome to study path studies at Metropolia!

Read below all the common instructions for Metropolia's path students as well as the instructions for your own group.

How to start smart automation path studies

Welcome to study Smart Automation path studies!

You will study the first year studies with the degree students of Electronics in a study group TXX24S1.

Read more about Smart Automation degree.