Health Care Diagnostics path studies

Basic information

Duration / Date(s)
1 semester
20 ects
Next application period:
3.6.2024 10:00 - 11.8.2024 23:59
Study places
Biomedical path 3, Radiography path 2
Price / Tuition fee
300 €

What are path studies?

Path studies are an alternative route to a degree student. You study first year studies with a degree group at the Open UAS.

Target Audience, to whom?

Path studies are right for you if

  • your goal is a study right in a degree programme
  • you want to take advantage of the intermediate year by studying purposefully
  • you are ready for full-time studies
  • you want to try to study Health Care Diagnostics at a University of Applied Sciences or in the fields of health care, business or engineering without losing your first-time quota in a joint application

after a bachelor's degree, you want to continue directly to master’s studies, before fulfilling the work experience requirement

Realisation and content

Studies are realised in English language and fully online. Studies comprise interactive online contact sessions (synchronous learning), group work and independent studies on the learning platform.

There is no need to travel in Finland because of the studies. The student oneself is responsible for ensuring that she/he has internet connection and other IT facilities that allows studying online as well as being present on mandatory synchronous online sessions.

The path studies consist of 20 credits:

For biomedical laboratory scientists (not available in Autumn 2024)

For radiographers

Language and other requirements

This Open study path requires an appropriate Bachelor's Degree either in biomedical laboratory science or radiography. This is checked of all students. Work experience is not required in Open study paths. If you later apply to degree studies on the Basis of Open UAS Studies, two years' work experience will be required after completing your Bachelor's degree.

Read more about language skills and other requirements (Metropolia Open UAS)


300 €

Enrollment to path studies

Students are selected in the order of enrolment.

Enroll to Health Care Diagnostics (Master of Health Care, Clinical Radiography Services) Open UAS path in Metropolia open UAS enrollment system

Enrollment 3.6.2024 klo 10.00 - 11.8.2024 klo 23.59.

Below you can find the important information about studying in Metropolia’s Open UAS.

Check out Metropolia Open UAS and enroll to the studies in our enrollment system.

Contact Information for Open UAS in various situations

Applying to degree student

With the studies completed in the open UAS path, you can apply for a Metropolia degree student in the separate application “Application on the Basis of Metropolia’s Open UAS Studies”. If you have been admitted a study right as a degree student, your path studies will be accepted as part of your degree studies and you will continue your studies smoothly with the group. Please note, however, that completing path studies does not automatically guarantee admission as a degree student in a separate application.

More information

Study content and implementation

Websites of Master in Health Care Diagnostics Master’s degree comprising links to curricula and timing plans.

Contact information

  • Head of Degree programme Eija Metsälä eija.metsala [at] (eija[dot]metsala[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
  • Tutor teacher Heini Maisala-McDonnell heini.maisala-McDonnell [at] (heini[dot]maisala-McDonnell[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
  • Study advisor Outi Pyrhönen outi.pyrhonen [at] (outi[dot]pyrhonen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Open UAS: Payments, benefits, services, studying

Applying to degree student

  • Guidance: admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

How to start path studies at Metropolia

Welcome to study path studies at Metropolia!

Read below all the common instructions for Metropolia's path students as well as the instructions for your own group.

Starting Health Care Diagnostics path studies

The studies are scheduled for the fall 2024.

Studies will start with the Orientation days are on 2nd and 3rd September 2024 and end at the half way of December. You may attend the orientation on Zoom.