Research, including
-Project planning
-Literature search and review
-Data collection and analysis
Critical appraisal, including
-Evaluation of literature
-Design of data collection strategy
-Selection of data analysis methods
Scientific/professional writing:
-Structuring scientific arguments
-Presentation of results
-Appropriate acknowledgement of information sources
Learning objectives
The culmination of the undergraduate experience, the Bachelor's Thesis is where each individual student demonstrates the following:
• Expert knowledge of the topic under investigation
• Mastery of data collection and analytical skills
• Application and testing of theory against the evidence
• Ability to construct a detailed, sustained and persuasive well-reasoned argument
• Ability to present information in an attractive and accessible manner
• Proficiency in written professional and scientific English
Research Methods or equivalent studies
Learning material and recommended literature
Teaching methods
to be agreed with the supervisor
Evaluation criteria
Metropolia Thesis Evaluation Framework