Health Business Management, Master's Degree

Master of Health Care and/or Social Services / Master of Engineering / Master of Business Administration
60 - 90 ECTS
1 - 1.5 years
Mode of studies
Tuition fees might apply


Why Study Health Business Management with Us?

You will become a member of a genuinely international learning community.

The invigorating and versatile studies will facilitate the development of competences that boost your successful career in the field of health business.

The digital learning environment allows for maximum amount of flexibility to find the balance between studies, working, and family life.

Multidisciplinary programme

Health Business Management is a multidisciplinary degree programme aimed at engineering, business and social and health care professionals.

The degree is 90 ECTS for Business and Social and health care professionals and 60 ECTS for engineering professionals. The difference is based on the Act of Universities of Applied Sciences 1129/2014.

Normative duration of studies is 1 academic year for a degree of 60 ECTS and 1.5 academic years for a degree of 90 ECTS. However, there is possibility to extend study time with one more year.

What Will You Study?

During the first three semester the emphasis of your studies is in advanced professional studies.

You will gain a deep understanding of best practices for the health business concerning

  • health technology assessment
  • strategic planning
  • project management
  • people leadership
  • customer relationship management
  • business modeling
  • business processes

In Metropolia you have a chance to study also in our Future Proof Health and Wellbeing innovation hub and collaboration platforms.

The phases of the Master's Thesis, supported by studies in research skills, will be distributed across all semesters; the Thesis will give you a chance to influence on the wellbeing of populations as well as on the success of the potential business partner.

See business professionals' HBM Curriculum in Study Guide

See engineering professionals' HBM Curriculum in Study Guide

See social and health care professionals' HBM Curriculum in Study Guide

How do you study during the programme?

You may perform all your studies online using synchronous and asynchronous online learning. Metropolia organizes the Master´s degree studies and study guidance in such a way that the student can complete the studies in a period which is equivalent to their extend. Studies may also be completed over a period that is longer than the normative duration of studies.

Student must prepare an individual study plan. Student has the right to complete the studies in accordance with the curriculum for the degree in question and with the approved individual study plan. Note that participating online programmes does not entitle you receiving residence permit. See more about the topic in Finnish Immigration Service websites.

Studying in innovation hub

In Metropolia you have a chance to study also in our Future Proof Health and Wellbeing innovation hub and collaboration platforms.

Where Our Graduates work?

Our graduates work in frontline management and senior positions in health business organizations.

Note that passing this programme does not give the right to practice health care professions in Finland. In case a person wishes to get the certification, it must be applied separately from National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira).

Scholarships and tuition fees

The tuition fees concern students who are not citizens of EU/EEA countries. Students pay annual tuition fees based on their study right. The payment obligation concerns all the academic terms during which a student is registered as attending.

Annual tuition fee

  • 12 000 for those, whose right of study starts before 1 August 2025
  • 12 500 € for those, whose right of study starts after 31 July 2025

This fee applies only to non-EU/EEA degree students.

Read more on tuition fees and scholarships

Information session for those planning to apply in January 2025 (studies starting fall 2025) will be organised 10.1.2025 at 10.00 to 11.30 EET (+2h GMT) in this Zoom LINK

In matters relating to studies, such as curriculum, course offering and studying, please contact Head of Degree Programme

Contact tutor teacher

Contact Study Advisor

Master's programmes at Metropolia - Subscribe to our newsletter

You will receive information 1–3 times a year about our Master's degree programmes, application schedules, and studying with us.


  • Application period
    Start of studies
    autumn 2025
    • Business
    • Health Care and Social Services
    • Technology

    Instructions for applying

    In the spring 2025 Joint Application to higher education, you can apply to degree programmes that start in the autumn of 2025. The application period starts on the 8 January 2025 at 8 am and ends on the 22 January 2025 at 3 pm (local time in Finland).

    All the information needed to apply can be found on the national portal. At you can find descriptions of degree programmes, application criteria, application instructions, application forms and much more.

    Application fee

    From January 2025 onwards there is going to be an application fee of 100 euros. The application fee is collected for applicants from countries outside EU/EEA seeking education leading to a degree in higher education. The Finnish National Agency of Education will collect the application fee in connection with filling in the Studyinfo application form. The application fees are introduced for applications starting 1 January 2025 and onwards, when applying for degree programmes beginning on or after 1 August 2025. There is no application fee for Finnish or EU citizens.

    More about application fee in
    Questions about application fees? Contact applicationfee [at] (applicationfee[at]oph[dot]fi)

    The application fee does not guarantee that you will be offered admission to studies.

More information

For more information on the application process please contact

Metropolia's Student and Admission Services:
+358 40 712 5100
admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Starting studies

How to start your studies in Metropolia

Welcome to study for a degree at Metropolia!

Congratulations! You have been admitted to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and we are delighted to have you as a new member of our vibrant community of more than 16 000 students!

You have made an excellent choice - Metropolia offers you unique multidisciplinary opportunities throughout your studies with its strong connections to working life and active role in innovations built around socially significant phenomena.

We are happy to have you with us and help you with any questions you might have. Welcome to Metropolia!

The below information applies to students who have been accepted to study for a full degree at Metropolia. Make sure to complete all the steps in order to secure your study place.

Starting HBM studies

Welcome to study Health Business Management!

Congratulations – you have been chosen to study Health Business Management at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences! A warm welcome to our international learning community!

The information on this webpage applies to all students of Health Business Management, regardless of the background education (business, engineering, healthcare and social services).

This Master’s Programme in Health Business Management is arranged fully online by the means of synchronous (contact) and asynchronous (independent) online learning.

Information and Orientation for New Students – Academic Year 2025-2026

The academic year will start with one-and-a half days orientation. All times given are in Finnish time (+2 h GMT)

  • 1.9. 2025 10am - 12 (mid day) EET
  • 2.9. 2025 9am - 12 (mid day) EET at 1pm the first course XX00EJ16-3113 Research Methods and Skills starts in THIS LINK

The program of the orientation day comprises welcoming words by the management, familiarization with fellow students and faculty members, safety issues, introduction to Metropolia’s IT and digital tools, library, core curriculum, recognition of prior learning, and practicalities relating to the studies.

You may attend the orientation by clicking on this link to Zoom link coming in May 2025

The full core curriculum, including courses / semester, is available on Metropolia’s web page for students for orientations in technology, social and health care and business.

Studies during fall semester

  • XX00EJ16-3098 Research Methods and Skills 5 ECTS
  • S000FD35-3003 Service Innovations and Design 5 ECTS
  • S000FK63-3001 Assessing Health Care Services and Technologies 5 ECTS
  • S000DR75-3009 Strategy, Management and Leadership in Health Business 5 ECTS
  • XX00FB87-3051 Master thesis start of the entity of 30 ECTS divided to all semesters
  • Elective studies 5 ECTS.

Remember to enrol yourself to these courses latest x.9.2025 (this DL only for the new students). In the student info 1. and 2.9 we advise you how to do the enrollment.

AHOT – Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Students of Metropolia have an opportunity to benefit from AHOT-procedure (aikaisemmin hankitun osaamisen tunnustaminen/ recognition of prior learning) according to their own work or study experience.

Students studying at Higher Education Institutions can apply for recognition of their prior learning no matter where and how this knowledge has been acquired. The competences have to meet the objectives of the learning outcomes of the degree programme, however.

A student has an opportunity to make earlier learning visible and to get a decision on the recognition of these competences. In practice this means that if a certain study unit is accepted in AHOT-procedure, it isn’t necessary to study it again.

The RPL procedure will be explained in more detail during the Orientation Day. However, to facilitate speedy processing of the application, it is advisable to start getting prepared by collecting any references, certificates or similar documents which could be used as evidence for prior learning.

Literature to be used during the autumn

  • Cleland Silva, T. (2018) Transnational management and globalised workers: nurses beyond human resources. New York: Routledge.
  • Ferlie, E., Montgomery, K., & Pedersen, A. R. (Eds.). (2016). The Oxford Handbook of health care management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Mintzberg, H. (2018). Managing the Myths of Health care: Bridging the separations between care, cure, control, and community. Oakland: Berrett-Koehler.
  • Satake E. 2015. Statistical methods and reasoning for the clinical sciences
  • Creswell, John W. Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches

We are looking forward to meeting you all in September!

On behalf of the HBM learning community, with kind regards,

Eija Metsälä
Head of Master Degree Programme in Health Business Management (administrative issues)
eija.metsala [at] (eija[dot]metsala[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
+358 50 347 8177

Heini Maisala-McDonnell (practical study related issues)
Heini.Maisala-McDonnell [at] (Heini[dot]Maisala-McDonnell[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
+358 50 407 5913