Metropolia, Finland’s largest university of applied sciences, educates the professionals of tomorrow in the fields of Culture, Business, Health Care and Social Services and Technology. Welcome to join us as a student or a partner!
Semester Dates
Please note that the semester dates might vary to some extent in different degree programmes. Divisions and degree programmes decide the timing of contact weeks, practical training, projects, exams and intensive study weeks as well as other practical issues concerning the studies.
Field of business
Semester 1, Autumn 2025
- 20 August - 12 December (orientation days for exchange students: 20 - 22 August)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Semester 2, Spring 2026
- 7 January - 15 May (orientation days for exchange students: 7 - 9 January)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Field of culture and creative industries
Semester 1, Autumn 2025
- 20 August - 19 December (orientation days for exchange students: 20 - 22 August)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Semester 2, Spring 2026
- 7 January - 22 May (orientation days for exchange students: 7 - 9 January)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Field of health care and social services
Semester 1, Autumn 2025
- International Semester Programme 25 August - 19 December 2025 (orientation for exchange students: 20 - 22 August 2025)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Semester 2, Spring 2026
- International Semester Programme: TBC (orientation for exchange students TBC)
- FAB: TBC (orientation TBC)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Field of technology
Semester 1, Autumn 2025
- 13 August - 19 December (orientation days for exchange students: 13 - 15 August)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Semester 2, Spring 2026
- 7 January - 22 May (orientation days for exchange students: 7 - 9 January)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Public Holidays in Finland in 2025-2026
In addition, there are some public holidays during the academic year when there is no tuition:
- All Saints' Day 1 November
- Independence Day 6 December
- Christmas 24 to 26 December
- New Year's Day 1 January
- Epiphany 6 January
- Easter 3 April to 6 April
- May Day 1 May
- Ascension Day 14 May
- Midsummer Eve and Day 19 to 20 June
Please note that the semester dates might vary to some extent in different degree programmes. Divisions and degree programmes decide the timing of contact weeks, practical training, projects, exams and intensive study weeks as well as other practical issues concerning the studies.
Field of business
Semester 1, Autumn 2024
- 21 August - 13 December (orientation days for exchange students: 21 - 23 August)
- Please note, that courses for Business Informatics Master level exchange students might start already earlier in August
- Teaching period: 26 August - 13 December
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Semester 2, Spring 2025
- 8 January - 16 May (orientation days for exchange students: 8 - 10 January)
- Teaching period: 13 January - 16 May
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Field of technology
Semester 1, Autumn 2024
- 14 August - 20 December (orientation days for exchange students: 14 - 16 August)
- Teaching period: 19 August - 20 December
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Semester 2, Spring 2025
- 8 January - 23 May (orientation days for exchange students: 8 - 10 January)
- Teaching period: 13 January - 23 May
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Field of culture and creative industries
Semester 1, Autumn 2024
- 21 August - 20 December 2024 (orientation for exchange students: 21 - 23 August)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Semester 2, Spring 2025
- 8 January - 23 May 2024 (orientation for exchange students: 8-10 January
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Field of health care and social services
Semester 1, Autumn 2024
- International Semester Programme 21 August - 20 December 2024 (orientation for exchange students: 21 - 23 August)
- Teaching period: 26 August - 20 December
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Semester 2, Spring 2025
- International Semester Programme: 27 January - 16 May (orientation for exchange students: 22-24 January)
- FAB: TBC (orientation TBC)
- Orientation for new degree students: see Acceptance Materials for New Degree Students
Public Holidays in Finland in 2024-2025
In addition, there are some public holidays during the academic year when there is no tuition:
- All Saints' Day 2 November
- Independence Day 6 December
- Christmas 24 to 26 December
- New Year's Day 1 January
- Epiphany 6 January
- Easter 18 April to 21 April
- May Day 1 May
- Ascension Day 29 May
- Midsummer Eve and Day 20 to 21 June
Courses for Exchange Students
Studies for all Exchange Students
Language courses
Finnish Language Courses
Exchange students studying at Metropolia can familiarise themselves with Finnish language and culture by taking the course Finnish for Exchange Students (3-5 ECTS). The course is offered free of charge for exchange students. Several Finnish courses are organised on different campuses each semester.
Autumn semester 2026 (TBC):
- XX00CL91: Finnish for Exchange Students, 3-5 ECTS (Myllypuro campus, for Health Care and Social Services students)
- XX00EX62: Finnish for Exchange Students, 5 ECTS (Arabia campus, primarily for field of Culture students)
- XX00EX62: Finnish for Exchange Students, 5 ECTS (Karamalmi campus, primarily for IT and Industrial Management students)
- XX00EX62: Finnish for Exchange Students, 5 ECTS (Myyrmäki campus, primarily for field of Business students)
- XX00EX62: Finnish for Exchange Students, 5 ECTS (Myyrmäki campus, primarily for field of Technology students)
Other language courses
- A selection of language courses (French, German, Spanish) are offered by the Metropolia Business School and organised at the Myyrmäki campus. Courses are available for exchange students if they have free places.
Application Information
Application periods for incoming exchange students are following:
- Autumn Semester and Full Academic Year: 15 March - 1 May
- Spring Semester: 15 September - 1 November
Application guideline STEP-by-STEP
The application periods for exchange student housing at the Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region (HOAS) are:
- 1 April - 5 May for students applying for the autumn semester/full academic year
- 1 October - 5 November for students applying for the spring semester.
NB! Due to the limited number of furnished exchange student rooms, please note that applying by the deadline does not guarantee housing at HOAS.
Other accommodation options can be found from the private market and through temporary housing options.
Contact Information
Ms Suvi Ruippo
International Relations Adviser (outgoing student exchange)
address: Leiritie 1, 01600 Vantaa, Finland
tel. +358 (0)40 660 8815
mbs_exchange [at] (mbs_exchange[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Degree Programmes (Bachelor’s):
- Business and Administration, International
- Business and Logistics (tuition in English)
- European Business Administration (tuition in English)
Degree Programmes (Master’s):
- Business Informatics (tuition in English)
- Business Development
- Supply Chain Management
Ms Laura Vahtera-Kleinschrot
International Relations Adviser (incoming student exchange)
address: Leiritie 1, 01600 Vantaa, Finland
tel. +358 (0)40 356 3775
mbs_exchange [at] (mbs_exchange[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Culture and Creative Industries
Ms Kaisa Meghjee-Salminen
International Relations Adviser
address: Hämeentie 135D, 00560, Finland
tel. +358 (0)40 673 8443
arts_exchange [at] (arts_exchange[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Degree Programmes (Bachelor’s):
- Design
- 3D Animation and Visualisation
- Digital Design
- Industrial Design
- Interior Architecture
- Textile Design
- Visual Communication Design
- XR Design
Degree Programmes (Master’s):
- Media Production and Management
Ms Tia-Maria Sjöblom
International Relations Adviser
address: Hämeentie 135D, 00560 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 (0)50 597 3249
arts_exchange [at] (arts_exchange[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Degree Programmes (Bachelor’s):
- Conservation
- Cultural Management
- Fashion and Clothing
- Film and Television
- Live Performance Technology
- Music
Degree Programmes (Master’s):
- Conservation
- Cultural Management
- Fashion and Clothing
- Live Performance Technology
- Music
Health Care and Social Services
Ms Katariina Alava
International Relations Adviser
address: Myllypurontie 1, 00920 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 50 595 2033
hcss_exchange [at] (hcss_exchange[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Degree Programmes (Bachelor’s):
- Emergency Care
- Midwifery
- Nursing
- Nursing (tuition in English)
- Public Health Nursing
Degree Programmes (Master’s):
- Clinical Expertise
- Development and Leadership of Acute Nursing
- Development and Leadership of Emergency Care
- Health Business Management (tuition in English)
- Health Promotion
- Service and Business Management in Health Care and Social Services
Ms Eija Tamminen
International Relations Adviser
address: Myllypurontie 1, 00920 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 (0)40 522 4911
hcss_exchange [at] (hcss_exchange[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Degree Programmes (Bachelor’s):
- Biomedical Laboratory Science
- Elderly Care
- Occupational Therapy
- Optometry
- Osteopathy
- Oral Hygiene
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry
- Prosthetics & Orthotics
- Radiography and Radiotherapy
- Social Services
- Social Services (tuition in English)
Degree Programmes (Master’s):
- Rehabilitation
- Service and Business Management in Health Care and Social Services
- Social Services
Ms Tiina Piipponen
International Relations Adviser (Myllypuro)
address: Myllypurontie 1, 00920 Helsinki
tel. +358 (0)40 772 2847
tech_exchange [at] (tech_exchange[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Degree Programmes (Bachelor's):
- Building Services Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Construction Architecture
- Construction Site Management
- Land Surveying
Degree Programmes (Master's)
- Building Services Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Construction and Real Estate Management (tuition in English)
Ms Misa Sugiura
International Relations Adviser (Karamalmi)
address: Karaportti 2, 02610 Espoo, Finland
tel. +358 (0)45 887 4290
tech_exchange [at] (tech_exchange[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Degree Programmes (Bachelor’s):
- Industrial Management
- Information Technology (tuition in English)
- Information and Communication Technology
Degree Programmes (Master’s):
- Industrial Management
- Information Technology (tuition in English)
Ms Laura Vahtera-Kleinschrot
International Relations Adviser (Myyrmäki)
address: Leiritie 1, 01600 Vantaa, Finland
tel. +358 (0)40 356 3775
tech_exchange [at] (tech_exchange[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Degree Programmes (Bachelor’s):
- Automotive Engineering
- Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Automation Technology
- Electronics (tuition in English)
- Energy and Environmental Engineering
- Laboratory Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering
Degree Programmes (Master’s):
- Automotive Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Automation Technology
Central Office
Ms Sofia Lähdeniemi
Head of International Relations
address: Myllypurontie 1, 00920 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 50 570 3288
sofia.lahdeniemi [at] (sofia[dot]lahdeniemi[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Ms Terhi Topi
International Relations Adviser
address: Myllypurontie 1, 00920 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 40 652 7661
terhi.topi [at] (terhi[dot]topi[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Ms Anni Luoma
International Relations Adviser
address: Myllypurontie 1, 00920 Helsinki, Finland
tel. +358 50 331 4588
anni.luoma [at] (anni[dot]luoma[at]metropolia[dot]fi)