Construction Site Management, Bachelor's Degree

A Bachelor's degree in Construction Site Management, consisting of 210 ECTS credits with the training taking 3.5 years, gives qualifications to work as site manager in construction projects referred to in the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999, sections 122 and 123).

In the next decade or so, there will be a great demand for construction site managers as the post-war generation is nearing retirement age.

Construction Site Management, HVAC-Engineering: The tasks of a construction manager consist of versatile tasks in HVAC management and production planning. The job title can be for example project controller, project manager, maintenance manager or customer service manager.

Specialisation options are:

  • House Building and Infrastructures
  • HVAC-Engineering

The specific objective of the degree programme is to teach the facts and skills needed in building site management. The overall purpose is to provide the students with a training that gives them the competence to a variety of construction work. The job prospects for construction site managers are very good, as in the next decade or so there will be a great demand for them when the post-war generation is nearing retirement age.

Construction Site Management is taught in Myllypurontie 1, Helsinki.

Contact information

Jouni Ruotsalainen
Head of Degree Programme, House Building and Infrastructures
jouni.ruotsalainen [at] (jouni[dot]ruotsalainen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Aamos Lemström
Head of Degree Programme, HVAC-Engineering
aamos.lemstrom [at] (aamos[dot]lemstrom[at]metropolia[dot]fi)