Sustainable development is at the core of the Clean and Sustainable Solutions innovation hub

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Metropolia University of Applied Sciences addresses societal and global challenges through phenomenon-driven innovation hubs, utilizing impactful research, development, and innovation (RDI) activities. Annually, Metropolia undertakes approximately 100 RDI projects in collaboration with working life and partner networks.

Innovation Director Merja Rehn.

The foundation of the Clean and Sustainable Solutions innovation hub is built on three research and development programs:

  • Boosting Business Resilience with Emerging Technologies
  • Carbon-Neutral Circular Economy, Renewable Energy, and Sustainable Food Tech Systems
  • Smart Mobility Solutions and Disruptive Technologies to Enhance Security

The innovation hub’s development programs enhance companies’ foresight and growth capabilities by utilizing and developing technological solutions while bridging the skills gap, particularly in emerging technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence.

The Clean and Sustainable Solutions innovation hub improves cost-efficiency and strengthens corporate environmental responsibility by leveraging technologies that reduce carbon footprints. Additionally, the innovation hub seeks modern renewable energy solutions and develops indoor farming technologies to enhance food security.

The innovation hub offers companies and partners flexible and fast development opportunities through five RDI focus areas and innovation platforms, which bring three research and development programs into practice:

  • AIoT Garage – Applying artificial intelligence and big data to business
  • Robo Garage – Robotics and automation for production and service development
  • Smart Mobility Garage – Smart transportation and security solutions
  • Hiilitalli – Energy, circular economy, and carbon solutions for sustainable development

The director of the Clean and Sustainable Solutions innovation hub is Merja Rehn, Master of Social Sciences.

Phenomenon-based innovation advances societal development

In Finland and throughout the EU, solving societal challenges requires RDI competence based on a phenomenological approach, multidisciplinarity, partnerships and a solution-oriented approach. Metropolia supports and promotes societal development through RDI activities, focusing on the following strategic areas:

  • Smart and creative city innovation hub
  • Future-proof health and well-being innovation hub
  • Clean and sustainable solutions innovation hub
  • Emerging technologies and entrepreneurship

The innovation hubs pursue solutions through phenomenon-driven and open innovation and research. They provide a new way to learn and produce knowledge addressing global challenges and societal needs. Alongside the innovation hubs, Metropolia strengthens entrepreneurial thinking and the application of new technologies to support the emergence of new solutions.

Solutions in the innovation hubs emerge through co-creation, collaboration, and learning among diverse stakeholders. Partners, students, and staff work together on various RDI projects and Collaboration Platforms, delivering customer projects and services. Students from Health Care and Social Services, Technology, Business, and Culture actively participate in RDI activities, learning and innovating through thesis work and innovation projects. Cross-disciplinary student teams develop solutions to real-world challenges in these projects. A distinctive feature of Metropolia’s RDI activities is the Futureproof RDI partnership, which involves not only partners but also citizens, users of services and products, researchers, developers, and other stakeholders.

Two researchers.

More information

Anna-Maria Vilkuna
Director, RDI, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
anna-maria.vilkuna [at] (anna-maria[dot]vilkuna[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Merja Rehn
Innovation Director, Clean and Sustainable Solutions innovation hub
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
merja.rehn [at] (merja[dot]rehn[at]metropolia[dot]fi)