I want to find creative methods to improve the well-being of workers in social and health fields

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Hanna Salmi studies in Master's Degree Programme in Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields.

Hanna tells about her studies:

Student Stories Hanna Salmi"I have a Bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy (toimintaterapeutti AMK) and I have studied expressive art therapy for a year. Over the years I’ve worked with diverse clients from various social and age groups. For the past years I have engaged in multi-professional teams in the field of adolescent psychiatry and worked as an entrepreneur for projects with young adults at the Finnish Social Insurance Institution (Kela).

Sincere and authentic encounters with other people, communality, art, bodily expression, music and the nature are my main sources of inspiration. Creativity plays a significant role in my work, and I have been looking for ways to connect with professionals in the field of arts for some time now. Joining the Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields degree programme was an answer to my wishes!

The studies have been very inspiring so far, and I feel lucky to be a part of such a wonderful group of professionals, who share the same goals and visions as myself. In my Creativity and Arts in Social and Health Fields study projects I wish to find out how creative methods could be used to improve the well-being of workers and students in social and health fields."

Hanna's photo: Noora Bom Studio