2015 was a busy year for Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Ltd. Our entire system of universities of applied sciences had to reduce expenses as state funding was cut. Acquisition of external funding in the form of RDI projects has also proved more difficult than expected, and targets were not achieved.
The above facts resulted in Metropolia's turnover decreasing by more than 8 per cent. Offsetting such a decline in turnover means that operations must be made more efficient and savings must be effected, so that the company's results can remain in the black, which we consider of utmost importance when faced with various future challenges.
The above savings were carried out in good spirit with the personnel, and we sat down together to find workable solutions – with no lay-offs – that enable us to develop our operations. The savings and more efficient operations were reflected in the company's positive results, giving us reason for satisfaction, although most of the decisions will not be realised until later.
The company's organisation has also been streamlined and simplified, with the objective of creating an efficient organisation that implements our strategy for the future. As I am writing this, construction of the Myllypuro campus has already begun. The campus will play an important role as we move towards our new future.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish to extend the warmest gratitude to the students, staff, shareholders, partners and all stakeholders for 2015 - a good year for us.