The project is over.
The preparation Project Trust Game ended in May 2019, by successfully submitting an application to the coordinated transnational ESF call. With our partners on Finland, Sweden and Flanders, we are eager to get the actual Project funded and running from 1/2019.
The name of the Project will then transform from Trust Game to CONNEXT - for Inclusion
Stay tuned!
The European Council recommends preventive measures being taken both in general and vocational education and training, with special attention to groups of youth with an increased risk of becoming early school leavers. It is estimated that over 7 million young people aged 15-24 are not in education, employment or training (NEET) in Europe, showing the severity of the early school dropout. By focusing on the building of trust of boys with a migrant background, we are able to reduce the risk for early school dropout and the subsequent intergenerational transmission of negative social status.
The Trust Game refers to building trust in the school system and community. The intergenerational transmission of social status of boys with a migrant background is known to be an important factor in the explanation of their high NEET numbers.
The aim is
- To explore best practices, develop and pilot tools and methods for multi-sectoral cooperation among boys at risk of school dropout and their parents,
- To strengthen support structures with a closer collaboration between school and free time activities provided by 3rd sector.
The operational environment will be the end part of junior high school, preparatory education (VALMA) and vocational secondary education. Primary target group is Valma- and group instructors, curators, study advisors, public health nurses, 3rd sector services, free time activities and persons working with the young boys and men with immigrant background. The project will elaborate and join the EUSBSR Flagship project School to Work.
Työpaja: Maahanmuuttajamiesten koulutusunelmat - toisen asteen yhteys 2.5.2018
Sari Ylander: Maahanmuuttajanuoren arjen tukeminen - kirjallisuuskatsaus (pdf)
Johanna Torkkola: Maahanmuuttajataustaiset pojat ja vapaa-aika - kirjallisuuskatsaus (pdf)
Further information
tki-info [at] (tki-info[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Suvi Aho
Specialist R&D
tel. +358 40 7353365
suvi.aho [at] (suvi[dot]aho[at]metropolia[dot]fi)
Mai Salmenkangas
Lecturer, Social wellbeing
tel. +358 40 334 6927
mai.salmenkangas [at] (mai[dot]salmenkangas[at]metropolia[dot]fi)