SOHE-Bridge-Promoting employment of immigrants in Social and Health Care Sector in Finland

Project objective

Project is to develop a smooth and cost-effective process for immigrant nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, radiographers, biomedical laboratory scientists, oral hygienists and midwives to obtain right to practice a profession, to be authorized and employed in Finland and describe the process for the bachelors of social sciences.Project will produce a module-based model for immigrants to achieve the sufficient level of Finnish (B2/YKI4), to study the complimentary professional knowledge, to strengthen their working life networks and to acquire work experience and references.

Project outcome

As a result, the immigrants will get a more effective and flexible training to meet the demands of Finnish working life due to functioning, evaluated module model. The model will be maintained by the universities of applied sciences. The funding of the model will be agreed during the project. The project will involve 73 immigrants and all of them will be employed in the longer term. Over 100 counselors of immigrates will be informed by the project. The project promotes welfare and equality by supporting the education and employment of immigrants. The project strengthens the diversity competences of the personnel and hence it improves the quality of the social and healthcare services.

More information

Päivi Rimpioja, Project Manager

Paivi.Rimpioja [at] (Paivi[dot]Rimpioja[at]metropolia[dot]fi)