SIMHE App II project

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The project has ended.

Project manager: Lemettinen Outi
Funding: Ministry of Education and Culture (special subsidy)


The aim of the project was to expand on the previously developed SIMHEapp application as follows:

  • secure data transfer to the renewed
  • develop a section for flexible, non-degree related study paths, and
  • build an interface with Job Market (Työmarkkinatori).

As a result, a digital service to support the employment of international talents was developed.

At the same time, the aim was to establish the well-received SIMHEapp concept as a national tool in the field of higher education and immigrant services. Central to this goal was to ensure the functionality and quality of the application, as well as an approach based on needs.

The service is free-of-charge to users and other organisations.

Karelia University of Applied Sciences coordinated the project and other project partners were Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and Oulu University of Applied Sciences.


The project have the following results.

  1. SIMHE institutions produced a functional mobile application, updated based on needs, and including secured data transfer and links to
  2. Digital guidance and counseling services and recognition of competences via mobile services made guiding immigrants to appropriate study paths easier and faster.
  3. Immigrants are more aware of continuing education paths and possibilities of employment. The companies in the regions fill their labor needs more easily.
  4. Services are more accessible and more geographically equal. This significantly improved immigrants’ integration to society and their employment prospects.
  5. The participating institutions of higher education have stronger counselling services for immigrants, improved student recruitment as well as more knowledge on digital services.
  6. An established and further developed mobile service for immigrant support, maintained by SIMHE institutions.