In this section you can see the entire price list of HyMy village, sorted by service.
Please note that only bank/credit cards are accepted as means of payment in HyMy village. We do not accept cash or invoice.
-20% discount with a student and pensioner card
We reserve the right to make changes.
Active Daily Living Aid Services
Active Daily Living Aid services price list - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount.
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20 % |
Individually tailored support insoles (also possible through podiatry student) | - | 140 € | 112 € |
Individual Aids for hobbies and activities | - | - | - |
Measurement services | - | - | - |
Price list of physiotherapy services - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount.
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20 % |
First visit | 45-60 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Follow-up visit | 45-60 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Walk/Run Analysis | 60 min | 60 € | 48 € |
Measurement of body composition upon request during a physiotherapy visit | - | 25 € | 20 € |
Price list of podiatry services - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount - A Material cost of 14 € is always added to the verruca treatment visit
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20 % |
First visit | 60-75 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Follow-up visit | 60-75 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Quick insoles | - | 60 € | 48 € |
Individually tailored support insoles (also possible through aid services student) | - | 140 € | 112 € |
Footbalance insoles | - | 120 € | - |
Small toe orthoses | - | 20 € | 16 € |
Large toe orthoses (incl. follow-up visit) | - | 40 € | 32 € |
Nail correction (incl. follow-up visit) | - | 60 € | 48 € |
Laser treatment for nail fungus (4x sessions) | - | 80 € | 64 € |
Iontophoresis for feet sweat (4x sessions) | - | 80 € | 64 € |
Manual therapy (4x sessions) | - | 80 € | 64 € |
Physical treatment (4x sessions) | - | 80 € | 64 € |
Verruca treatment (4x sessions) | - | 80 € | 64 € |
Isokinetic muscle strength measurement
Price list for isokinetic muscle strength measurement - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount.
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20% |
Measurement of isokinetic muscle strength, including test, report and verbal interpretation | 75 min | 120 € | 96 € |
Body composition measurement upon request during strength test | - | 25 € | 20 € |
Walking or running analysis
Price list for walking and running analysis - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount.
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20% |
Walk or run analysis | 60 min | 60 € | 48 € |
Price list of osteopathy services - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount.
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20 % |
First visit: initial interview and examination | 75 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Follow-up visit: interview, examination and manual manipulation | 60 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Price list of optometry services - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount.
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20% |
Eye-examination: determination of refractive error and prescription of eyeglasses | 60 min | 5 € | - |
Comprehensive eye examination 1: intra ocular pressure, and fundus image | 60-90 min | 10 € | 8 € |
Comprehensive eye examination 2: intra ocular pressure, and visual field exam | 90 min | 30 € | 24 € |
Comprehensive eye examination 3: intra ocular pressure and optical coherence tomography (oct) | 90 min | 30 € | 24 € |
Low vision assessment for visual aids | 90 min | 20 € | 16 € |
Dry eye examination: determination of tear quality and meibomian gland evaluation | 60-90 min | 20 € | 16 € |
Dry eye light pulse therapy (IRPL) for severe dry eyeness (4 Sessions) | 4x60min | 300 € | - |
Evaluation of computer glasses (Metropolia staff) | 30-60 min | Free of Charge | - |
Contact lens fitting (first visit): including trial lenses and check-ups required | 60 min | 25 € | 20 € |
Follow-up visit for contact lenses | 30 min | 10 € | 8 € |
Measurement of intra ocular pressure | - | 5 € | - |
Professional certificates and statements about visual requirements, for example, color vision, stereo vision, and contrast vision | - | 10 € | 8 € |
Spectacle repairs (priced on a case by case basis) | - | - | - |
Single vision glasses | - | From. 99 € | - |
Progressive glasses | - | From. 250 € | - |
Dental Hygiene
Price list of dental hygiene services - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount.
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20% |
Health counseling and self-care guidance | 60 min | 30 € | 24 € |
Stain removal | 60 min | 30 € | 24 € |
Calculus removal (includes a brief oral health examination) | 90 min | 70 € | 56 € |
Surface anesthesia during calculus removal | - | 5 € | - |
Infiltration anesthesia during calculus removal | - | 10 € | - |
Bleaching assessment | 30 min | Free of Charge | - |
Calculus removal and blancone® click quick whitening/teeth brightening | 90 min | 100 € | 80 € |
Blancone® click quick whitening/teeth brightening | 45min | 50 € | 40 € |
Light bleaching (hydrogen peroxide 60min, blancone touch 90min) | 60-90 min | 120 € | 96 € |
High intensity bleaching | 120 min | 180 € | 144 € |
Dental jewelry crystal | - | 20 € | 16 € |
Dental jewelry application | 45 min | 20 € | 16 € |
Nursing reception
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20% |
The basic visit to the nurse's office is free, but the procedures and examinations are charged. | - | - | - |
Blood pressure measurement | - | - | - |
Various procedures and studies, e.g. cardiac film (ECG) examination (NOT YET AVAILABLE) | - | - | - |
Injection guidance | - | - | - |
Removal of stitches or staples | - | 5 € | - |
Wound care - Cleaning the wound and changing the dressings according to the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor/wound nurse. Please bring your own wound care supplies and products to the reception. | - | 5 € | - |
Ear irrigation and guidance - Prepare for the appointment by using the earwax softening oil available at the pharmacy for about two days. | - | 10 € | 8 € |
Adult Health Clinic
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20% |
The adult counseling center works by appointment and the basic visit is free, but the procedures and examinations are charged. | - | - | - |
Blood pressure measurement | - | - | - |
Oxygen measurements | - | - | - |
PEF measurements | - | - | - |
Color vision tests | - | - | - |
Health check | - | - | - |
Removal of stitches or staples | - | 5 € | - |
Wound care - Cleaning the wound and changing the dressings according to the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor/wound nurse. Please bring your own wound care supplies and products to the reception. | - | 5 € | - |
Ear irrigation and guidance - Prepare for the appointment by using the earwax softening oil available at the pharmacy for about two days. | - | 10 € | 8 € |
Hearing test - screening (also includes a health check if desired) | - | 40 € | 32 € |
Occupational Therapy
Price list of occupational therapy services - Students and pensioners receive a 20% discount.
Purpose of Appointment | Duration | Price | -20% |
Individual assessment of performance capacity | 90 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Individual assessment of work ability | 90 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Individual assessment of the need for assistive devices | 90 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Individual interventions for limitations and pain in the upper limbs. | 90 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Individual interventions for well-being at work. | 90 min | 35 € | 28 € |
Individual interventions that support engagement in activities of daily living. | 90 min | 35 € | 28 € |