Contact Information

Postal Address

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
PO BOX 4000 (Myllypurontie 1)
FI-00079 Metropolia


Tel. +358 9 7424 5000

Billing addresses

Electronic invoices:

Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
E-billing address: 003720945511
Operator: Pagero
Code: 003723609900 or Pagero

Paper invoices:

Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
PL 7517

Business ID 2094551-1
VAT-number FI20945511

Bank account information

IBAN-number: FI4450000120474696

Registry Office

kirjaamo [at] (kirjaamo[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Student and Admission Services

Opening hours and contact information

E-mail: admissions [at] (admissions[at]metropolia[dot]fi) / studentservices [at] (studentservices[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Application instructions

Vacancies in Metropolia

For vacancies in Metropolia send email at hakemukset [at] (hakemukset[at]metropolia[dot]fi)

Job offers for students

Job offers for students and graduates

Sending secure mail to Metropolia

If you need to send confidential or sensitive documents to Metropolia, use Metropolia’s secure mail solution. You can find the detailed instructions here.

To send secure email to Metropolia, please follow the following steps.

  1. Go to Metropolia Secure Mail and enter your email address. You will receive an email containing a link, which is used to send secure mail to Metropolia.
    NOTE: The link you receive expires after 10 days. If you lose the link or it expires, you can request a new link by repeating this step. You can request a new link whenever you need. An old link will no longer work after requesting a new one, even if it hasn’t expired yet.
  2. Click the link you received and proceed to send email like you normally would. Specify the recipient, title and message and add attachments if necessary. When you’re done, press “Send” and close the window.

Receiving secure mail from Metropolia

If you receive secure mail from Metropolia or a reply to secure mail that you sent, follow this guide. You can find detailed instructions here.

To read and reply to secure mail sent from Metropolia, please follow the following steps.

  1. Click the link you received in the notification email. DO NOT REPLY TO THE NOTIFICATION EMAIL WITH THE LINK!
  2. Accept the terms and conditions. If asked, enter the code you received as a text message to your phone. You can now read the email. Even if you only need to read the message and don’t need to respond to it, skip step 3 and read the remaining steps.
  3. If you need to respond to the message, you can do so by pressing “Reply”. Write your message and add attachments if necessary, just like you normally would.
  4. When you’re done replying to or reading the message, click “Logout” at the top right corner. If you don’t click this button, you will not be able to open the message again.
  5. After clicking “Logout”, choose the option named “Password” and enter a password of your choice in the fields. Do not use a password you use for other sites. This password is only used to open this message again. You can open the message again by clicking the same link in the notification email you received and entering the password you set for the message to open it.

NOTE: The messages you receive can be opened for 60 days after you receive them and they remain readable for 30 days after opening a message for the first time. You can see the time remaining below the message text while reading the message. These times are the default times and they may be changed by the sender, so check the time remaining below the message.