Additional studies for obtaining the right to practise as a physiotherapist

For Physiotherapists with a degree from abroad

Basic information

Price / Tuition fee
Free of charge

Enrollment to the studies is closed

The additional studies for Physiotherapists are aimed at people who have completed a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy abroad and who have applied to Valvira for the right to work as a licensed Physiotherapist in Finland. In these studies, it is possible to complete the theory studies and internships required for Valvira's qualification.

The content of the program

  • Additional studies in accordance with the personal study plan (Valvira). The curriculum is planned together with the degree teacher.
  • Usually required:
    • Health care and rehabilitation system in Finland, 5 ECTS, and/or
    • Internships in working life required for qualification, 10 ECTS
  • Other studies required by Valvira

Mode of delivery, structure and timing

  • The exact scope and duration of the studies are determined in accordance with Valvira's decision.
  • Mode of delivery: online studies and/or an internship
  • Language of tuition: Finnish
  • Internship requires full-time employment in the workplace
  • Duration of the studies is approx. 2-4 months

Selection criteria

  • Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy completed abroad
  • Finnish language skills at level B1 or above. Read more about language skills.
  • Valvira's decision on additional studies and internships required for qualification in order to obtain professional rights in Finland
  • Sufficient IT skills to complete studies
  • A student must have a permit to work in Finland

Tuition and other fees

  • The studies are free of charge
  • The participant is responsible for Valvira's application and related decision and document fees

How to apply

The enrollment to the studies has closed on March 31, 2024.

More information

Career Coach Anu-Helena Pitkänen

See Anu-Helena Pitkänen's contact information in People Finder