15 modules in total
Every module has text parts, exercises, “your turn” questions and quizzes which must be done.
Final exam after all the modules is done successfully.
15 modules which correspond the one’s found in Cisco
Every module has a short quiz related to the Cisco material. All the answers are mentioned in text parts of Cisco material.
Final exam after all the individual module quizzes and Cisco material is done successfully. Questions are like those found in Moodle Quizzes and all the answers are found in Cisco material.
Learning objectives
This course consists of both Cisco course and Moodle Quizzes related to each module found in Cisco course “Discovering entrepreneurship”. After completing the course student understands the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, understands the entrepreneurial perspective and is able to identify opportunities in a everyday life. The course is a solid start for anyone who is interested in developing their own entrepreneurial skills.
Teaching methods
Course is 100% online (Self-Study) course which can be done in own space.
Evaluation criteria
In order to complete the course, student must complete both Cisco and Moodle materials successfully. The whole course itself is worth one credit. It is recommended that after completed one module in Cisco, one returns back to Moodle to complete the quiz related to the one completed in Cisco. After completing all the modules, quizzes, and final exams successfully the course is completed.