Finnish for Foreigners

Do you want to learn the Finnish language? Join Finnish for Foreigners studies and practice oral and written communication in simple everyday situations and everyday routines.

Basic information

5-15 ects
Price / Tuition fee

Target Audience

Immigrants who want to learn Finnish. The training is suitable for you if you want to study online and learn some basic everyday situations and everyday routines.

Contet and objectives

You can choose one, two or three Finnish language courses:

Time and location

100% online (Self-Study) course. You can start your studies as soon as your enrollment has been handled.


The studies are free of charge.


Before enrolling, please read the Open UAS study guidelines and the Open UAS terms of payment and cancellation. For more information on the general prerequisites (language skills, study skills), see the Open UAS website Language skills and other requirements.

Contact Person

Janne Salonen, janne.salonen [at] (janne[dot]salonen[at]metropolia[dot]fi)