This course teaches the basic understanding of the different tools available with Azure DevOps. It helps you understand your release process and possible issues you might have with it. You will be following a fictitious software team as they seek to improve their release process. The different modules include exercises where you work on example projects by following along the tutorials while using different Azure and Azure DevOps tools.
The course is divided into 3 parts containing a total of 17 individual modules. The course material is accessed through Microsoft Learn portal. Microsoft updates their learnin material from time to time, and each module page in Moodle has information when the modules where last accessed.
After each module there is a knowledge check that includes multiple choice questions. You will also need to write a short summary of what you learned from the module. The written summaries and the knowledge checks are required to pass the course.
Learning objectives
This course is designed to teach the basics of DevOps with Azure DevOps Tools. If you are interested in a career in DevOps, or you just want to improve your knowledge to help improve and better understand your software development processes, this course might interest you.
Learners are expected to have the following skills:
Basic programming knowledge
Basic understanding of working on a command line (such as bash or powershell)
Familiarity with forking and cloning a GitHub repo
The course also requires a Microsoft Account to create a free Azure DevOps organization and an Azure subscription. While it's possible to complete the course with a Metropolia student account, it is recommended that you use your personal email address when setting up the accounts and organizations. If you use Metropolia credentials, you will run into issues with some of the exercises due to restrictions set by Metropolia organization.
The Free Azure trial subscription requires a credit or a debit card for identity verification, but you won't be charged unless you move to pay-as-you-go pricing. The trial subscription includes USD200 credit to use in your first 30 days. The credit is used during this course for different Azure services. After your credit is over, you will be asked if you want to continue with pay-as-you-go. You won't be charged automatically.
You will also need a GitHub account.
Teaching methods
Course is 100% online and it's Self-Study course which can be done in own pace.
Evaluation criteria
Pass after all of three (3) parts have been done.