• Developing service processes for different types of stakeholders
• Developing digital service business models and digital strategies for different types of stakeholders
• Service Design & Agile methods and tools for different types of stakeholders
• Digital service concepts
• Digital service channels, tools, solutions and platforms
• Planning and creating value online
Learning objectives
• acknowledges the impact of digital services for competitive advantage
• is able to develop digital business models
• can design digital service concepts and develop services within a multichannel environment for different types of stakeholders
• is able to create online value propositions for different types of stakeholders
• is able to develop, plan and implement the ways companies can acquire, sell, serve and retain customers for digital services
• is familiar with digital service channels, tools, solutions and platforms
• is able to plan and implement a service development project for a new or existing digital service.
Completed higher education degree (Bachelor level)
Teaching methods
• Pre-assignment to be done before the first lecture (0-10 p.)
• Readings (see below)
• Lectures: Zoom live online sessions will also be recorded (posted
on Oma after the sessions) also in use pre-recorded videos
• Service Design tools
• Zoom online support before the Zoom online sessions
• Team project: A service development plan presented as a
screencast video (1-3 students/team) (0-90p.)
• Peer reviews of team projects (individual written assignment) (pass/fail)
Evaluation criteria
1. One Individual assignment (10% of the total grade) including an intro assignment prepared and submitted before the first session. Available on Oma course workspace two weeks before the deadline.
2. Team Project (90% of the total grade) based on preparing a service development plan for a new or an existing service concept.
3. Peer reviews of team projects (2nd individual assignment), grading pass/fail.
o Late submissions of reports - 50% of max points.
o Max.points for failed and then resubmissioned work is 50%
o Min. points for passing the course is 50%.
o Each assignment/project must be passed (min. 50% of max. points)